FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Doa5
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
Key Links
Allele class
Nature of the Allele
Allele class
Progenitor genotype
Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

In Doa7/Doa5 mutants where the Doa7 allele is from the mother only the males survive and they have held-out and fragile wings, ectopic crossveins, missing scutellar bristles. When the Doa5 allele comes from the mother there are no survivors.

In DoaHD/Doa5 mutants where the DoaHD allele is from the mother there is a strong transformation of females towards males, with male colouration of tergites 5 and 6, male sex combs on the prothoracic leg, and a normal but rotated female genital plate. When the Doa5 allele comes from the mother there are no survivors.

Eye colour: darker than apricot in males.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhancer of

Doa5 is an enhancer of phenotype of wsp55

NOT Enhancer of

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wa57i11

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wa58l

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wa2

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wr

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wIR5

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wa3

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wsp81d

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wa59k1

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wsp2

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wec3

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wapl

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wIR2

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wE

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wsat

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wbl

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wBwx

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wa4

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wcol

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of we2

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wco

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wi

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wIR4

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wIR3

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wIR6

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wmo

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wIR1

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wh

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wbf2

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wzm

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of wbf

Doa5 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of we

Suppressor of

Doa5 is a suppressor of phenotype of waM

Doa5 is a suppressor of phenotype of waR84h

Doa5 is a suppressor of phenotype of wa

NOT Suppressor of

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wa57i11

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wa58l

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wsp2

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wec3

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wIR2

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wbl

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wcol

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of we2

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wIR4

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wIR6

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wmo

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wBwx

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wE

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wa3

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wa4

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wapl

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wbf

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wbf2

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wco

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of we

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wh

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wi

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wsat

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wIR3

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wzm

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wIR1

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wa2

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wr

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wIR5

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wsp81d

Doa5 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of wa59k1

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions
Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Images (0)
Stocks (0)
Notes on Origin
External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (3)
Reported As
Symbol Synonym
Name Synonyms
Secondary FlyBase IDs
    References (2)