FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Taf91
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
e(y)u1, e(y)1u1, Stalker{}e(y)11
Key Links
Genomic Maps

Allele class
Nature of the Allele
Allele class
Progenitor genotype
Associated Insertion(s)

Insertion of a Stalker element in the second exon, in the opposite direction to that of e(y)1 transcription. This results in a chimeric protein in which the 25 carboxyl amino acids of e(y)1 are replaced with 17 amino acids encoded by Stalker sequence.

Insertion of Stalker element.

Stalker insertion

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Homozygous adults show no visible morphological changes compared to wild type. Homozygous females are sterile; the ovaries are dramatically underdeveloped and do not contain mature oocytes.

The pigmentation of y2 e(y)21 flies is not altered by Su(mg)1-61-6, Su(mg)1-71-7 or Su(mg)1-81-8.

No mutant phenotype in the wing.

Stable mutation. Has no effect on the y+ phenotype.

head and thorax bristles yellow; microchaetae yellow; female-sterile

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by
Enhancer of

Taf91 is an enhancer of abnormal eye color phenotype of w+mC

Taf91 is an enhancer of abnormal body color phenotype of y2PR1

Taf91 is an enhancer of abnormal body color phenotype of y2PR2

Taf91 is an enhancer of abnormal eye color phenotype of wE.BR, zv77h

Taf91 is an enhancer of abnormal body color phenotype of y76d28

Taf91 is an enhancer of abnormal eye color phenotype of wsp2, zv77h

Taf91 is an enhancer of abnormal eye color phenotype of wsp2, z1

Taf91 is an enhancer of abnormal eye color phenotype of wsp4, zv77h

Taf91 is an enhancer of abnormal eye color phenotype of wsp4, z1

Taf91 is an enhancer of abnormal eye color phenotype of wsp1, zv77h

Taf91 is an enhancer of abnormal eye color phenotype of wsp1, z1

Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by
Enhancer of

Taf91 is an enhancer of pigment cell phenotype of w+mC

Taf91 is an enhancer of pigment cell phenotype of wBR.E.BR, zv77h

Taf91 is an enhancer of pigment cell phenotype of wE.BR, zv77h

Taf91 is an enhancer of leg & external sensory organ phenotype of y76d28

Taf91 is an enhancer of adult thorax & macrochaeta phenotype of y76d28

Taf91 is an enhancer of adult abdomen & macrochaeta phenotype of y76d28

Taf91 is an enhancer of phenotype of wsp2

Taf91 is an enhancer of pigment cell phenotype of wsp2, zv77h

Taf91 is an enhancer of pigment cell phenotype of wsp2, z1

Taf91 is an enhancer of phenotype of wsp4

Taf91 is an enhancer of pigment cell phenotype of wsp4, zv77h

Taf91 is an enhancer of pigment cell phenotype of wsp4, z1

Taf91 is an enhancer of phenotype of zop6

Taf91 is an enhancer of phenotype of wsp1

Taf91 is an enhancer of pigment cell phenotype of wsp1, zv77h

Taf91 is an enhancer of pigment cell phenotype of wsp1, z1

Taf91 is an enhancer of phenotype of zv77h

NOT Enhancer of

Taf91 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of y+1MC

Taf91 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of y+3MC

Suppressor of

Taf91 is a suppressor of phenotype of scD1

NOT Suppressor of

Taf91/Su(mg)1-61-6 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of y2

Taf91/Su(mg)1-71-7 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of y2

Taf91/Su(mg)1-81-8 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of y2

Taf91 is a non-suppressor of anterior notopleural bristle phenotype of sc+2MC, y+2MC

Taf91 is a non-suppressor of anterior notopleural bristle phenotype of sc2#+9, y2#+9


Taf91, y+2MC has adult thorax & macrochaeta phenotype

Taf91, y+2MC has adult abdomen & macrochaeta phenotype

Taf91, y+2MC has leg & external sensory organ phenotype

Taf91, y2 has adult thorax & macrochaeta phenotype

Taf91, y2 has leg & external sensory organ phenotype

Taf91, y2PR1 has adult thorax & macrochaeta phenotype

Taf91, y2PR1 has leg & external sensory organ phenotype

Taf91, y2PR2 has adult thorax & macrochaeta phenotype

Taf91, y2PR2 has leg & external sensory organ phenotype

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

The lethality of e(y)21 e(y)11 double mutants is rescued by e(y)2+tGa or by e(y)1+tSa.

The lethality of e(y)21 e(y)11 double mutants is not rescued by e(y)11.tSa.

Does not affect the y+1MC or y+3MC phenotypes. Enhances the y2, y+2MC, y2PR1, y2PR2 and y76d28 phenotypes; reducing the levels of pigmentation in adult bristles, but not in the body or wings. The enhancing effect of e(y)11 on the y2 phenotype is partially suppressed by e(y)11.tSa and completely suppressed by e(y)1+tSa. Lethal in combination with e(y)34. Viability is rescued by e(y)1+tSa and partially rescued by e(y)11.tSa. Eye colour: the eye pigmentation of flies carrying w+mC in a w1118 background is reduced by e(y)11 in a number of different P{CaSpeR-3} insertion strains. Eye colour: flies carrying wBR.E.BR have red eyes. The eye colour is not affected if the flies are also carrying e(y)11 and zv77h. Flies that are also carrying e(y)11, zv77h and su(Hw)2/su(Hw)V have reduced eye pigmentation. Eye colour: flies carrying wE.BR have brown eyes. The eye pigmentation is reduced if these flies are also carrying e(y)11 and zv77h.

Suppresses the scD1 phenotype slightly in males and strongly in females. Has no effect on ANP bristle formation caused by y+2MC, sc+2MC and y2#+9, sc2#+9. Has no effect on the Df(1)ase-1, sc5 or sc6 phenotype.

No effect on mutant wing phenotype of ct6, ctpN2s, ctn2s, ct2s or ct4s. z1 and e(y)11 have no effect on the mod(mdg4)ul effect on ct6.

Heterozygotes with e(y)34 are lethal. Heterozygous males with e(y)21 have very low viability and are completely sterile. In z1 wzm strain e(y)11 causes a significant reduction in eye pigmentation.

Enhances the y2 phenotype; head and thorax bristles, and hairs are yellow. This enhancer effect is not suppressed by su(Hw)2.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Rescued by
Partially rescued by

Taf91 is partially rescued by Taf91.tSa

Images (0)
Stocks (0)
Notes on Origin

Mutation enhances the negative effect of z point mutations, zv77h or z1, on w expression. w expression levels of wsp1, wsp2 and wsp4 are strongly reduced, exhibited by a reduced level of eye pigmentation, by e(y)11.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (6)
References (13)