FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\zv77h
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Key Links
Genomic Maps

Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

Deletion of the z leader sequences.

314bp deletion that removes RNA leader sequences and the AUG initiation codon.

Deletion of approximately 300bp centered around position 0 (the site of P-element insertion in zπ1).

no P-element Carries deletion of about 320 nucleotides and addition of seven nucleotides in the first exon; P element was probably inserted, followed by excision of the P and the flanking deletion (Pirrotta, Manet, Hardon, Bickel and Benson, 1987), the deletion removing the AUG start codon.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes

Approximate location of a small deletion of 314 nucleotides that takes out the AUG initiation codon and a large portion of the 5' UTR. The exact boundaries were not reported.

Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Eye colour: yellow, when heterozygous with z1. Eye colour: essentially wild type, having a slightly diluted red, as hemizygous male or homzygous female.

Eye colour: near wild-type in males; brown in females.

Eye colour: dull brown, in male.

Eye colour: variegated brown.

Eye colour is slightly lighter in homozygous females than hemizygous males: eye colour is light in colour at the anterior margin and continuously darkens to the posterior eye margin.

Eye colour: diluted, turning brownish with age in hemizygous males and hemi- and homozygous females with a normal complement of w+ genes. Eye colour: wild-type, in za/zv77h females. Eye colour: zeste, in z1/zv77h females. Eye colour: wild-type, in zv77h hemizygous males and homozygous females with w+ duplication in each X. Eye colour: brown variegated, darkening toward posterior in zv77h w+/Y males and zv77h w+/zv77h w+ females; lighter at 28oC.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by

wE.BR, zv77h has abnormal eye color phenotype, enhanceable by Taf91

wsp2, zv77h has abnormal eye color phenotype, enhanceable by Taf91

wsp2, zv77h has abnormal eye color phenotype, enhanceable by e(y)21

wsp2, zv77h has abnormal eye color phenotype, enhanceable by e(y)34

wsp4, zv77h has abnormal eye color phenotype, enhanceable by Taf91

wsp4, zv77h has abnormal eye color phenotype, enhanceable by e(y)21

wsp4, zv77h has abnormal eye color phenotype, enhanceable by e(y)34

wsp1, zv77h has abnormal eye color phenotype, enhanceable by Taf91

wsp1, zv77h has abnormal eye color phenotype, enhanceable by e(y)21

wsp1, zv77h has abnormal eye color phenotype, enhanceable by e(y)34

Enhancer of
NOT Enhancer of
NOT Suppressor of
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by

wE.BR, zv77h has pigment cell phenotype, enhanceable by Taf91

wBR.E.BR, zv77h has pigment cell phenotype, enhanceable by Taf91

wsp2, zv77h has pigment cell phenotype, enhanceable by Taf91

wsp2, zv77h has pigment cell phenotype, enhanceable by e(y)21

wsp2, zv77h has pigment cell phenotype, enhanceable by e(y)34

wsp4, zv77h has pigment cell phenotype, enhanceable by Taf91

wsp4, zv77h has pigment cell phenotype, enhanceable by e(y)21

wsp4, zv77h has pigment cell phenotype, enhanceable by e(y)34

wsp1, zv77h has pigment cell phenotype, enhanceable by Taf91

wsp1, zv77h has pigment cell phenotype, enhanceable by e(y)21

wsp1, zv77h has pigment cell phenotype, enhanceable by e(y)34

zv77h has phenotype, enhanceable by e(y)34

zv77h has phenotype, enhanceable by Taf91

zv77h has phenotype, enhanceable by e(y)21

Suppressed by

zv77h has phenotype, suppressible by Su(var)205unspecified

Enhancer of

zv77h is an enhancer of phenotype of ctpN1

zv77h is an enhancer of phenotype of ctn2s

zv77h is an enhancer of phenotype of ctpN30

zv77h is an enhancer of phenotype of ctpN2s

zv77h is an enhancer of pigment cell phenotype of wsp2

zv77h is an enhancer of pigment cell phenotype of wsp4

zv77h is an enhancer of pigment cell phenotype of wsp1

zv77h is an enhancer of phenotype of lz77a7

Suppressor of

zv77h is a suppressor of ocellar bristle phenotype of scD1

zv77h is a suppressor of postocellar bristle phenotype of scD1

zv77h is a suppressor of scutellar bristle phenotype of scD1

zv77h is a suppressor of macrochaeta & scutum phenotype of scD1

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

zv77h significantly decreases eye pigmentation in flies carrying wScer\FRT.Ee.λWS in a w1118 background in half of the transgenic insertion lines examined.

zv77h has no effect on the eye pigmentation of flies carrying wλWS in a w1118 background.

zv77h significantly decreases eye pigmentation in flies carrying wScer\FRT.Ee.λΔRWS in a w1118 background, with the double mutant flies having either yellow or orange eyes.

zv77h has no effect on the eye pigmentation of flies carrying wλΔRWS in a w1118 background.

zv77h has no effect on the eye pigmentation of flies carrying wScer\FRT.Ee.λ4BWS in a w1118 background.

zv77h has no effect on the eye pigmentation of flies carrying wλ4BWS in a w1118 background.

zv77h has no effect on the eye pigmentation of flies carrying wScer\FRT.Ee.λ.loxP.4B.WS in a w1118 background.

zv77h has no effect on the eye pigmentation of flies carrying wλ.loxP.4B.WS in a w1118 background.

5+/-2% of KrIf-1/+ flies born to zv77h/+ mothers have outgrowths with ectopic vibrissae protruding from the ventral region of the eye, compared to less than 0.1% of KrIf-1/+ flies born to isogenised wild-type mothers.

Eye colour: flies carrying wBR.E.BR have red eyes. The eye colour is not affected if the flies are also carrying e(y)11 and zv77h. Flies that are also carrying e(y)11, zv77h and su(Hw)2/su(Hw)V have reduced eye pigmentation. Eye colour: flies carrying wE.BR have brown eyes. The eye pigmentation is reduced if these flies are also carrying e(y)11 and zv77h.

Enhancement of the cut wing phenotype of ctpN2s and ctn2s, ctpN1 and ctpN30 acts additively with e(y)34; in combination with e(y)34 and zv77h, mod(mdg4)ul enhances the mutant phenotype of ct6, though the gaps in the wing margin are still randomly distributed. No mutant phenotype in the wing, no effect on mutant wing phenotype of ct6, ct2s or ct4s.

Eye colour: lighter zeste background than comparable z1 genotypes, as zv77h wzm male. Eye colour: lighter zeste background than comparable z1 genotypes, as zv77h wzl male. Eye colour: darker than comparable z1 genotypes, as zv77h wzm homozygous female. Eye colour: almost bleached white with a few scattered red facets, as zv77h In(1)wm4 female or male. Eye colour: red, as zv77h In(1)rst3 males and homozygous females. Eye colour: zeste, as zv77h In(1)rst3/z1 In(1)rst3 females.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Images (0)
Stocks (3)
Notes on Origin


Arose as: Single exceptional male offspring.


Behaves like a za mutant in combination with z1.

Effects interallelic complementation at the y locus.

No alteration in vgU or vgW dominance is seen in combination with zv77h, suggesting that the dominance is not produced by z- dependent transvection effects.

Does not alter the effect of mod(mdg4)ul mutation on y2/y+ flies.

zv77h In(1)rst3 exhibits more extreme variegation for rst than seen in z+ In(1)rst3. Recessive enhancer of PEV in a fashion clearly distinguishable from standard transvection effects.

Partially restores ocellar, post-vertical and scutellar bristles as well as the ANPs to scD1 Shows a mild "Hairy wing" type phenotype: one to three additional bristles appear on the notum. Has no effect on the Df(1)ase-1, sc5 or sc6 phenotype.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (4)
References (34)