FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\DAAMEx1
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General Information
D. melanogaster
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Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

Imprecise excision of the P{EP}EP1542 element, resulting in deletion of most of the 3'UTR and a very small part of the C-terminal end of the coding region.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

DAAMEx1/Y males are viable and have moderate mushroom body axon growth and guidance defects.

DAAMEx1 mutant flies exhibit growth and axon guidance defects in the α and β lobes of the mushroom body. No changes in Kenyon cell number or dendritic organisation are detected.

16.2 +/- 5.3% of DAAMEx1 adults are flightless.

Expression of DAAMdsRNA.Scer\UAS.T129M under the control of Scer\GAL4UH3 (in the presence of Dcr-2Scer\UAS.cDa to enhance RNAi efficiency) in a DAAMEx1 background results in 98.9 +/- 1.1% of adults being flightless.

The indirect flight muscles of homozygous flies appear largely normal, but 25% of the myofibrils are thinner than normal and some sarcomeres are reduced in length. The elasticity (Young's modulus) of the mutant myofibrils is significantly lower than that of wild type.

Flies expressing DAAMdsRNA.Scer\UAS.T129M under the control of Scer\GAL4UH3 (in the presence of Dcr-2Scer\UAS.cDa in a DAAMEx1 background show gross alterations in indirect flight muscle morphology. The myofibrils are thinner than normal, irregularly shaped and have frayed edges. Shortened sarcomeres are seen. There is a reduction in F-actin staining without a significant change in the amount of G-actin. M-lines are absent and strong Z-disc defects are seen. Thick filaments rarely run parallel to each other, the average number of thick filaments per sarcomere is strongly reduced and filament packing is much looser than normal. The organisation of thin filaments is very different from wild type. These defects are already seen at 48 hours after puparium formation at 29[o]C. The elasticity (Young's modulus) of the mutant myofibrils is significantly lower than that of wild type.

Cultured primary neurons derived from DAAMEx1/DAAMEx68 embryos show a significant reduction in the number of filopodia compared to control neurons. In live analyses, the mutant neurons show modestly increased protrusion rates and strongly increased retraction rates of filopodia.

DAAMEx1 flies show 17% viability compared to wild-type flies.

DAAMEx1/DAAMEx249 adults show no defects in the eye or wing.

Trachea dissected out from third instar DAAMEx1 mutant larvae display a moderate tracheal cuticle phenotype.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by

DAAMEx1 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Frl[+]/FrlEx83

DAAMEx1 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Frl[+]/FrlEx88

DAAMEx1 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Frl[+]/FrlExK62

DAAMEx1 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by stan[+]/stanfrz3

DAAMEx1 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by Vangstbm-6/Vang[+]

DAAMEx1 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by pk[+]/pk30

DAAMEx1 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by fz20

DAAMEx1 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by dsh1/dsh[+]

DAAMEx1 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by Wnt5400/Wnt5[+]

DAAMEx1 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by Rac1J11/Rac1[+]

NOT Enhanced by

DAAMEx1 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-enhanceable by fz[+]/fz30

DAAMEx1 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-enhanceable by Rho172F/Rho1[+]

DAAMEx1 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-enhanceable by Cdc42[+]/Cdc423

Suppressed by
Enhancer of

DAAM[+]/DAAMEx1 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of dsh1

Suppressor of
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by

DAAMEx1 has axon | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Frl[+]/FrlEx83

DAAMEx1 has axon | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Frl[+]/FrlEx88

DAAMEx1 has axon | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Frl[+]/FrlExK62

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, enhanceable by pk[+]/pk30

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, enhanceable by pk[+]/pk30

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, enhanceable by dsh1/dsh[+]

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, enhanceable by dsh1/dsh[+]

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, enhanceable by Wnt5400/Wnt5[+]

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, enhanceable by Wnt5400/Wnt5[+]

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, enhanceable by Rac1J11/Rac1[+]

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, enhanceable by Rac1J11/Rac1[+]

DAAMEx1 has indirect flight muscle cell phenotype, enhanceable by Act88F6/Act88F[+]

DAAMEx1 has indirect flight muscle cell phenotype, enhanceable by Tm23/Tm2[+]

NOT Enhanced by

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, non-enhanceable by stan[+]/stanfrz3

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, non-enhanceable by fz[+]/fz30

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, non-enhanceable by fz[+]/fz30

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, non-enhanceable by Rho172F/Rho1[+]

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, non-enhanceable by Rho172F/Rho1[+]

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, non-enhanceable by Cdc42[+]/Cdc423

DAAMEx1 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, non-enhanceable by Cdc42[+]/Cdc423

DAAMEx1 has indirect flight muscle cell phenotype, non-enhanceable by salsf07849/sals[+]

DAAMEx1 has indirect flight muscle cell phenotype, non-enhanceable by Tm1[+]/Tm102299

DAAMEx1 has indirect flight muscle cell phenotype, non-enhanceable by Act5C[+]/Act5CG0025

Suppressed by
NOT suppressed by

DAAMEx1 has indirect flight muscle cell phenotype, non-suppressible by Tm1[+]/Tm102299

DAAMEx1 has indirect flight muscle cell phenotype, non-suppressible by Act5C[+]/Act5CG0025

DAAMEx1 has indirect flight muscle cell phenotype, non-suppressible by salsf07849/sals[+]

Enhancer of
Suppressor of
Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

Presence of FrlEx83/+, FrlEx88/+ or FrlExK62/+ enhances axon growth phenotypes seen in the mushroom body of DAAMEx1/Y males. Expression of FrlHMS00445 driven by Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 enhances axon growth phenotypes seen in the mushroom body (β but not α lobe) of DAAMEx1/Y males.

One copy of stanfrz3 strongly enhances the axonal projection defects seen in the αlobes of DAAMEx1 mutant mushroom bodies. The β lobe defects are not significantly enhanced.

One copy of Vangstbm-6 enhances the axonal projection defects seen in the αlobes of DAAMEx1 mutant mushroom bodies. The β lobe defects are also enhanced but not as strongly.

One copy of pk30 enhances the axonal projection defects seen in the αlobes of DAAMEx1 mutant mushroom bodies. The β lobe defects are also enhanced but not as strongly.

One copy of fz30 does not enhance the axonal projection defects seen in the α and β lobes of DAAMEx1 mutant mushroom bodies.

Homozygous fz20 enhances the axonal projection defects seen in the α and β lobes of DAAMEx1 mutant mushroom bodies.

One copy of dsh1 enhances the axonal projection defects seen in the α and β lobes of DAAMEx1 mutant mushroom bodies in females. Very few, if any, defects are seen in dsh1 DAAMEx1 double heterozygotes. DAAMEx1 enhances the axon projection phenotypes seen in dsh1/Y males alone. Many of these double hemizygous males exhibit an early growth termination phenotype not seen in either mutant alone.

One copy of Wnt5400 enhances the defects seen in the axonal projection defects seen in the α and β lobes of DAAMEx1 mutant mushroom bodies.

One copy of Rac1J11 enhances the axonal growth defects seen in the α and β lobes of DAAMEx1 mutant mushroom bodies.

One copy of Rho172F does not enhance the axonal growth defects seen in the α and β lobes of DAAMEx1 mutant mushroom bodies.

One copy of Cdc423 does not enhance the axonal growth defects seen in the α and β lobes of DAAMEx1 mutant mushroom bodies.

Hemizygous DAAMEx1 suppresses the β lobe axon overextension and medial lobe fusion phenotype seen when VangScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP-m6 is expressed in male flies under the control of Scer\GAL4ey-OK107.

Hemizygous DAAMEx1 suppresses the β lobe axon overextension and medial lobe fusion phenotype seen when Wnt5Scer\UAS.cFa is expressed in male flies under the control of Scer\GAL4ey-OK107.

The mild indirect muscle phenotype seen in DAAMEx1 mutants is strongly enhanced by Act88F6/+. The double mutants have a network of very thin myofibrils which often appear branched and the regular Z-disc and sarcomere organisation is completely abolished.

The mild indirect muscle phenotype seen in DAAMEx1 mutants is enhanced by Tm23/+. The myofibrils are disorganised, with variable width, unequal sarcomere and thin filament length and mini-sarcomeres are common.

The mild indirect muscle phenotype seen in DAAMEx1 mutants is not altered by Tm102299/+, salsf07849 or by Act5CG0025/+.

The weak flightless phenotype of DAAMEx1 mutants is completely suppressed by tmod00848/+.

Cultured primary neurons derived from DAAMEx1/DAAMEx68 Sop21 embryos show a very strong reduction in the number of filopodia (to 5% of the wild type average) compared to control neurons.

Only 20% of cultured primary neurons derived from DAAMEx1/DAAMEx68 Sop21/Sop2Q25sd embryos have neurites.

The tracheal cuticle phenotype of DAAMEx1 larvae is enhanced by Rho172F, Src42AE1 and Btk29Ak05610. These alleles also decrease the viability of the semilethal DAAMEx1 larvae.

Xenogenetic Interactions

Expression of Mmus\Daam1Scer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155 rescues central nervous system axon defects in 70% of DAAMEx68/DAAMEx1 embryos derived from homozygous DAAMEx1 females.

Complementation and Rescue Data

Expression of DAAMScer\UAS.P\T.cMa under the control of Scer\GAL4elav.PU rescues the α and β lobe mushroom body defects seen in DAAMEx1 mutant flies.

Expression of DAAMScer\UAS.P\T.cMa under the control of Scer\GAL4UH3 rescues the flightless phenotype seen in some DAAMEx1 adults.

The CNS defects revealed in DAAMEx68/DAAMEx1 mutants are fully rescued when DAAMScer\UAS.P\T.cMa is expressed under the control of the pan-neuronal Scer\GAL4elav-C155 or the ubiquitous Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI driver.

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