FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Nunspecified
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
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Associated gene
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Carried in Construct
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Allele class
    Nature of the Allele
    Allele class
    Progenitor genotype
    Mutations Mapped to the Genome
    Curation Data
    Additional Notes
    Variant Molecular Consequences
    Associated Sequence Data
    DNA sequence
    Protein sequence
    Expression Data
    Reporter Expression
    Additional Information
    Marker for
    Reflects expression of
    Reporter construct used in assay
    Human Disease Associations
    Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
    Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Disease-implicated variant(s)
    Phenotypic Data
    Phenotypic Class
    Phenotype Manifest In
    Detailed Description

    Ngt-10-15 rescues Nunspecified mutants to pharate adulthood at 30 [o]C, but the rescued animals show a severe loss of bristles on the thorax, loss of leg joints and severe leg shortening. When the rescued animals are raised at 25 [o]C, they readily eclose, the severity of bristle loss is significantly decreased and the legs look normal. At lower temperatures (18-23 [o]C), the rescued animals show a normal bristle pattern and normal legs.

    Two copies of Ngt-10-15 significantly rescues the bristle and leg phenotypes of a Nunspecified null allele at 30 [o]C, although not completely, because the rescued animals still display some leg joint defects and die as pharate adults.

    Ngt-16-35 rescues Nunspecified mutants to pharate adulthood. The rescued animals show only a mild loss of microchaetae on the notum.

    Ngt-10-20 rescues Nunspecified mutants to pharate adulthood at room temperature (21-23 [o]C). The rescued animals show an intermediate loss of microchaetae on the notum. Some rescued animals show leg joint defects.

    Ngt-10-35 rescues Nunspecified null alleles to pharate adulthood at room temperature (21-23 [o]C). About half of the rescued animals show almost complete loss of microchaetae on the notum and the remainder show a severe loss of microchaetae with some intact bristles. Leg joint defects without leg shortening are present in most of the rescued animals.

    Mutant embryos have small or absent salivary gland rudiments.

    All the cells in the vein competent region of the wing differentiate as vein cells, causing a thickening of the vein.

    Reduction of N function during 7-9 hours of development results in a strong increase in the number of cardioblasts, although the cardioblasts still align and meet up with their contralateral counterparts.

    In zygotic null embryos, RP2sib neurons become eve expressing RP2 neurons.

    Homozygous clones in the eye disc lack most neural differentiation.

    External Data
    Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
    Phenotypic Class
    Suppressed by

    Nunspecified, dxENU has lethal phenotype, suppressible by Su(dx)4

    Nunspecified, dxENU has lethal phenotype, suppressible by Su(dx)56

    Suppressor of

    Nunspecified is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Myt1GMR.PP, Wee1GMR.PP

    Phenotype Manifest In
    Enhanced by
    Suppressed by

    Nunspecified has phenotype, suppressible by Delta1

    Enhancer of
    Suppressor of

    Nunspecified is a suppressor of eye phenotype of Myt1GMR.PP, Wee1GMR.PP

    Additional Comments
    Genetic Interactions

    The neurogenic phenotype seen in Nunspecified embryos is suppressed specifically in the ventral region in Pkc98Ef06221 Nunspecified double mutant embryos.

    The non-autonomous overgrowth phenotype caused by Df(1)phdel clones in the eye is suppressed if the clones are also mutant for Nunspecified, but the autonomous apoptosis and defective differentiation seen in Df(1)phdel clones in the eye disc is not suppressed in the double mutant clones.

    The eye phenotype caused by two copies of Myt1GMR.PP combined with a single copy of weeGMR.PP is suppressed by Nunspecified.

    Nunspecified/+; netunspecified/netunspecified flies have solid ectopic veins between L2 and L3 and between L4 and L5.

    Xenogenetic Interactions
    Complementation and Rescue Data

    Ngt-12.14.15 fully rescues the Nunspecified null phenotypes even when raised at 30 [o]C.

    Nunspecified mutants rescued by Ngt- show mild to moderate bristle loss on the thorax and occasional leg joint defects at 30 [o]C.

    Ngt-12 fully rescues the lethality and phenotypes of Nunspecified null mutants at 30 [o]C.

    Ngt-10.13-15 is able to rescue the lethality and phenotypes of Nunspecified mutants at 30 [o]C.

    Ngt-10-15 rescues Nunspecified mutants to pharate adulthood at 30 [o]C, but the rescued animals show a severe loss of bristles on the thorax, loss of leg joints and severe leg shortening. When the rescued animals are raised at 25 [o]C, they readily eclose, the severity of bristle loss is significantly decreased and the legs look normal. At lower temperatures (18-23 [o]C), the rescued animals show a normal bristle pattern and normal legs.

    Two copies of Ngt-10-15 significantly rescues the bristle and leg phenotypes of a Nunspecified null allele at 30 [o]C, although not completely, because the rescued animals still display some leg joint defects and die as pharate adults.

    Ngt-16-20 fully rescues the bristle and leg phenotypes of Nunspecified alleles at 30 [o]C.

    Ngt-16-35 rescues Nunspecified mutants to pharate adulthood. The rescued animals show only a mild loss of microchaetae on the notum.

    Ngt-10-20 rescues Nunspecified mutants to pharate adulthood at room temperature (21-23 [o]C). The rescued animals show an intermediate loss of microchaetae on the notum. Some rescued animals show leg joint defects.

    Ngt-24-35 fully rescues the lethality and phenotypes associated with Nunspecified.

    Ngt-10-35 rescues Nunspecified null alleles to pharate adulthood at room temperature (21-23 [o]C). About half of the rescued animals show almost complete loss of microchaetae on the notum and the remainder show a severe loss of microchaetae with some intact bristles. Leg joint defects without leg shortening are present in most of the rescued animals.

    Ngt-4.5 fully rescues the lethality and phenotypes associated with Nunspecified.

    P-element mediated phenotypic rescue demonstrates that a 40.8kb N fragment from -28.5 to +12.3 on the molecular map is functionally indistinguishable from a duplication of the N locus.

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    Synonyms and Secondary IDs (1)
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      References (21)