FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\fz21
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
Key Links
Allele class
Nature of the Allele
Allele class
Progenitor genotype
Associated Insertion(s)

Insertion in the cysteine-rich domain (CRD) that results in a truncated protein being produced.

Insertion into the first exon that shifts the reading frame.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In

macrochaeta & adult thorax

trichome & pleural membrane, with Scer\GAL4hh-Gal4, fzUAS.cSa

Detailed Description

In fz21/fz23 testes, the number of normal individualization complexes (ICs), abnormal ICs and waste bags is similar to controls.

fz19/fz21 disrupted planar polarity is observable as the disrupted orientation of ommatidia, compared to wild type controls.

fz30/fz21 transheterozygous adults show hair polarity defects in abdominal bristles.

Mutant adults have an average of 2.9 +/- 0.6 extra tarsal joints in the leg compared to wild type.

The orientation of trichomes is uniformly randomised only in the most central region of the notum in mutant animals.

Homozygous clones in the notum nonautonomously influence the polarity of neighbouring bristles and trichomes.

fz21 mutant wings display strong hair orientation defects, but very few if any multiple hairs.

fz21/fz30 stage 16 embryos have longer dorsal trunks than normal.

In contrast to wild-types, no clear wing membrane ridge orientation is apparent in either the anterior or posterior region of the wing of fz23/fz21 mutants.

Prehair initiation is delayed in mutant cells away from the clone edge in homozygous clones in the wing.

Approximately 16% of ommatidia are symmetrical in fz19/fz21 flies.

The wing hairs in fz21/fz23 mutants no longer point uniformly from proximal to distal as is seen in wild type.

fz15/fz21 clones in the pupal wing (32 hours after puparium formation) cause neighbouring cells to point their trichomes towards the clone.

Most larvae from fz15/fz21 mothers crossed with fz15/+ fathers have cuticles with normal morphology; only 2 of 30 exhibit fusions between segments. Another 2 mutants exhibit misplaced actin-based protrusions in denticle row 1.

The hexagonal packing of intervein cells, which usually occurs between wing development stage P2B (when the first morphological signs of veins appear (FBrf0005070), and the middle of P2C (before hair formation (FBrf0005070)) is partially disrupted in fz21/fz21 flies.

Mutant clones in the wing result in domineering nonautonomy wing hair polarity phenotype.

Somatic clones in the wing disc do not exhibit significant delay in hair development.

fz15/fz21 ovaries show only very minor abnormalities.

Mutant clones in the wing show domineering non-autonomy: cells distal to the clone, as well as within the clone, show alteration of polarity of wing hairs.

Homozygous somatic clones in the wing cause domineering non-autonomy.

Dendritic development in fz21/Df(3L)fz-D21 mutants is indistinguishable from wild-type.

Non-autonomous phenotype in wing clones.

Moderate thoracic bristle phenotype; moderate wing-hair disorientation.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by

fz21 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by Rab23[+]/Rab2351

fz21 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by Rab2351

NOT Enhanced by

fz21/fz19 has viable phenotype, non-enhanceable by Ror[+]/Ror4

fz21/fz19 has abnormal planar polarity | adult stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Ror[+]/Ror4

fz21/fz19 has viable phenotype, non-enhanceable by Ror4/Ror4

fz21 has lethal phenotype, non-enhanceable by Ror[+]/Ror4

fz21 has lethal phenotype, non-enhanceable by Ror4/Ror4

fz23/fz21 has viable phenotype, non-enhanceable by Ror[+]/Ror4

fz23/fz21 has abnormal planar polarity | adult stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Ror[+]/Ror4

fz23/fz21 has viable phenotype, non-enhanceable by Ror4/Ror4

Suppressed by
NOT suppressed by

fz21/fz19 has viable phenotype, non-suppressible by Ror[+]/Ror4

fz21/fz19 has abnormal planar polarity | adult stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Ror[+]/Ror4

fz21/fz19 has viable phenotype, non-suppressible by Ror4/Ror4

fz23/fz21 has viable phenotype, non-suppressible by Ror[+]/Ror4

fz23/fz21 has abnormal planar polarity | adult stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Ror[+]/Ror4

fz23/fz21 has viable phenotype, non-suppressible by Ror4/Ror4

fz21 has lethal phenotype, non-suppressible by Ror[+]/Ror4

fz21 has lethal phenotype, non-suppressible by Ror4/Ror4

Enhancer of
NOT Enhancer of

fz21/fz19 is a non-enhancer of viable phenotype of Ror4

fz[+]/fz21 is a non-enhancer of viable phenotype of Ror4

fz[+]/fz21 is a non-enhancer of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, kermitGS2053

Suppressor of
NOT Suppressor of

fz21/fz19 is a non-suppressor of viable phenotype of Ror4

fz[+]/fz21 is a non-suppressor of viable phenotype of Ror4

fz[+]/fz21 is a non-suppressor of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, kermitGS2053

Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by

fz21 has wing hair phenotype, enhanceable by Rab2351

fz21 has wing hair phenotype, enhanceable by Rab23[+]/Rab2351

NOT Enhanced by

fz21 has trichome & adult abdomen phenotype, non-enhanceable by pkpk-sple-13/pkpk-sple-13

fz21 has trichome & adult abdomen phenotype, non-enhanceable by pksple.UAS/Scer\GAL4hh-Gal4

Suppressed by

fz21/fz19 has ommatidium phenotype, suppressible by Egfr[+]/Egfrtop-18A

fz23/fz21 has eye phenotype, suppressible by fz::fz21-1-2.tub.W

fz23/fz21 has eye phenotype, suppressible by fz::fz21-1-2S.tub.W

fz23/fz21 has eye phenotype, suppressible by fz::fz21-2-1.tub.W

fz23/fz21 has wing hair phenotype, suppressible by fz::fz21-1-2.tub.W

fz23/fz21 has wing hair phenotype, suppressible by fz::fz21-1-2S.tub.W

fz23/fz21 has wing hair phenotype, suppressible by fz::fz21-2-1.tub.W

NOT suppressed by

fz21 has wing hair | somatic clone phenotype, non-suppressible by Vangstbm-6

fz21 has trichome & adult abdomen phenotype, non-suppressible by pkpk-sple-13/pkpk-sple-13

fz21 has trichome & adult abdomen phenotype, non-suppressible by pksple.UAS/Scer\GAL4hh-Gal4

fz23/fz21 has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by fz::fz21-2-2.tub.W

fz23/fz21 has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by fz::fz22-1-1.tub.W

fz23/fz21 has wing hair phenotype, non-suppressible by fz::fz21-2-2.tub.W

fz23/fz21 has wing hair phenotype, non-suppressible by fz::fz22-1-1.tub.W

Enhancer of
NOT Enhancer of

fz[+]/fz21 is a non-enhancer of wing hair phenotype of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, kermitGS2053

Suppressor of

fz[+]/fz21 is a suppressor | partially of ommatidium phenotype of fwsev.Tag:HA

fz[+]/fz21 is a suppressor | partially of ommatidium phenotype of Egfrt1/Egfrf11

fz[+]/fz21 is a suppressor of ommatidium phenotype of Egfrf24

fz21 is a suppressor of wing hair | somatic clone phenotype of Vangstbm-6

fz21/fz21 is a suppressor of trichome & adult abdomen | somatic clone | cell non-autonomous phenotype of Vangstbm-6

NOT Suppressor of

fz[+]/fz21 is a non-suppressor of wing hair phenotype of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, kermitGS2053

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

The characteristic swirl of wing hairs seen on the ventral surface of the wing in animals co-expressing fyScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP and inScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 under the control of two copies of Scer\GAL4ptc.PU is not seen in a fz21/fz30 background.

fz21/+ partially suppresses the planar cell polarity defects in the eye caused by expression of two copies of fwsev.T:Ivir\HA1.

fz15/fz21 enhances the wing defects caused by expressing kermitScer\UAS.cLa under the control of Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096, with a significant increase in the number of wing cells with multiple hairs.

fz21 fz2C1 double homozygous clones in the wing result in notching of the wing margin and loss of margin bristles in the mutant tissue.

chas1 ; fz21 double mutants show a novel phenotype, with bristles on the notum oriented towards the anterior.

Heterozygous Rab2351 significantly increases the number of multiple wing hairs in fz21 mutants.

The double mutant combination fz21, Rab2351 displays a very high number of multiple wing hairs and strong hair orientation defects.

Vangstbm-6 clones in the pupal wing in a uniformly fz21 background show no difference in the time of prehair initiation between single and double mutant tissue.

fz21 clones in the pupal wing in a uniformly Vangstbm-6 background show prehairs initiating sooner in Vangstbm-6 mutant tissue than in Vangstbm-6 ; fz21 double mutant tissue.

The planar cell polarity defects seen in Egfrf11/Egfrt1 eyes are partially suppressed by fz21/+.

The symmetrical ommatidium phenotype seen in fz19/fz21 flies is suppressed by Egfrtop-18A/+.

The frequency of rotation defects in the ommatidia of Egfrf24/+ flies is reduced to 12% or 18% respectively if they are also carrying fz21/+.

As is seen with fz21 clones alone, fz21 Vangstbm-6 double mutant clones non-autonomously reorient the wing hairs of neighbouring wild type cells so that they point towards the clone.

Expression of fz::fz22-1-1.tub.T:Hsap\MYC fails to rescue the non-autonomous effects of fz23/fz21 mutant clones on the orientation of the wing hairs of neighbouring wild type cells.

Vangstbm-6/Vangstbm-6 fz15/fz21 clones in the pupal wing (32 hours after puparium formation) have negligible effects on the polarity of trichomes in neighbouring cells. Trichome polarity is also relatively unperturbed within the double mutant clones.

stanE59 fz21 double mutant clones in the pupal wing (23 hours after puparium formation) do not affect polarity of trichomes in surrounding wild-type tissue.

dsh3 fz21/fz21 clones in the pupal wing (32 hours after puparium formation) cause neighbouring cells to point their trichomes towards the clone, as occurs with fz21/fz21 single mutant clones in the pupal wing.

pkpk-sple-13 fz21/fz21 clones in the pupal wing (32 hours after puparium formation) cause neighbouring cells to point their trichomes towards the clone, as occurs with fz21/fz21 single mutant clones in the pupal wing.

fz21 fz2C1 double homozygous clones in the dorsal air sac primordium grow normally and populate the tip of the air sac primordium to the same degree as wild-type clones.

No evidence of a domineering nonautonomy wing hair polarity phenotype is seen in fz21 clones in a frtzunspecified background.

fz2ΔCRD.αTub84B.T:wg,T:Ivir\HA1 suppresses loss of naked cuticle in fz21/fz21, Df(3L)fz2/+ embryos. The additional presence of fz3G10/fz3G10 has no effect on this phenotype or its suppression. Somatic clones of cells homozygous for fz21 and fz2C2 at the anterior wing margin block the formation of wing margin bristles and cause wing notching. These phenotypes are fully suppressed by fz1-1-1.αTub84B, fz2αTub84B.PC, fzΔCRD.αTub84B.T:wg,T:Ivir\HA1 or fz2ΔCRD.αTub84B.T:wg,T:Ivir\HA1.

The planar polarity phenotype in the abdomen of fz21/fz21 flies is largely unaffected when the whole animal is also pksple.Scer\UAS and Scer\GAL4hh-Gal4 or pkpk-sple-13/pkpk-sple-13.

The loss of polarity seen adjacent to Vangstbm-6 somatic clones in the adult abdomen is suppressed by fz21/fz21.

The zone of reversed polarity at the back and behind the anterior compartment of each abdominal segment of stanScer\UAS.cUa; Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1 adults is suppressed by fz37/fz21.

When a wing clone is doubly mutant for fz21 and inIH56, domineering nonautonomy of polarity defect of fz21 is unaffected. When a wing clone is doubly mutant for fz21 and inIH56 in a genetic background deficient for in, domineering nonautonomy of polarity defect of fz21 is suppressed, though polarity defect within the clone is not.

Double mutants with Df(3L)fz2 show variable segmentation defects ranging from a few extra denticles in the posterior part of some segments to complete replacement of naked cuticle with denticles. This phenotype is reminiscent of that for wg loss of function. The expression of armΔN.Scer\UAS driven by Scer\GAL4da.G32 completely overrides this phenotype, causing naked cuticle. Double mutants with Df(3L)fz2 show a complete loss of RP2 neurons in all hemisegments. In double mutants of fz21 or fz23 with Df(3L)fz2 cardiac precursors are missing. Double mutants of fz21 or fz23 with Df(3L)fz2 lack the normal number of midgut constrictions. Overexpression of wgScer\UAS.cLb by Scer\GAL4da.G32 has no effect on the cuticle phenotype of double mutants of fz21 or fz23 with Df(3L)fz2.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data

fzAct5C.PS rescue the ectopic leg joint phenotype seen in fz21 flies.

fzAct5C.PS fully rescues the wing margin phenotype of fz21 fz2C1 double homozygous clones.

Expression of fzΔCRD.tub.T:Hsap\MYC fails to rescue the non-autonomous effects of fz23/fz21 mutant clones on the orientation of the wing hairs of neighbouring wild type cells. 92.3% of clones have surrounding wild type cells pointing towards the clone.

Expression of fztub.T:Hsap\MYC rescues the wing hair phenotype seen in fz21/fz23 mutants.

Expression of fzΔSWRNF.tub.T:Hsap\MYC fails to rescue the wing hair phenotype seen in fz21/fz23 mutants.

Expression of fzΔSKT.tub.T:Hsap\MYC fails to rescue the wing hair phenotype seen in fz21/fz23 mutants.

Expression of fzM469R.tub.T:Hsap\MYC fails to rescue the wing hair phenotype seen in fz21/fz23 mutants.

Expression of fz565Stop.tub.T:Hsap\MYC rescues the wing hair phenotype seen in fz21/fz23 mutants.

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Notes on Origin


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