FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\fz2C1
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
Dfz2C1, fz-2C1
Key Links
Genomic Maps

Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

In the in the wild type, the W320 residue is at the junction between the coding sequence of the amino-terminal extracellular domain (which contains the CRD) and the remainder of the protein, which includes all seven transmembrane domains.

Nucleotide substitution: G?A.

Amino acid replacement: W320term.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Nucleotide change:


Reported nucleotide change:


Amino acid change:

W320term | fz2-PA; W320term | fz2-PB; W320term | fz2-PC; W320term | fz2-PD; W320term | fz2-PE; W320term | fz2-PF; W320term | fz2-PG

Reported amino acid change:



TGG to TAG mutation in codon W320

Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

fz2C1 mutants exhibit a ventral-to-dorsal misrouting phenotype.

In fz2C1 adult brains, there is a significant reduction in the number of dorsal cluster neuron axons that cross toward the medulla compared to wild-type brains.

The number of boutons at neuromuscular junctions is decreased in fz2C1/Df(3L)ED4782 3rd instar larvae.

The boutons at neuromuscular junctions is decreased in fz2C1/Df(3L)ED4782 3rd instar larvae are abnormally irregular, tightly packed and reduced in number. (muscles 6 and 7 in segments A3 and A4 analysed).

Germaria and younger egg chambers flop down by older cysts as opposed to remaining in the apical region of the ovary. Phenotype when hemizygous is identical to when homozygous.

Single mutants for fz2C1 can develop into adults which are developmentally delayed, small and sterile, though normally proportioned and patterned. Homozygous fz2C1 embryos from homozygous fz2C1 germlines can transduce wg signalling normally. Homozygous fz2C1 clones in the wing disc are phenotypically normal, even when clones are multiple and occupy most of the head and thorax.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by
NOT suppressed by

fz2C1, fz15 has lethal phenotype, non-suppressible by wgUAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4h-1J3

Enhancer of

fz2[+]/fz2C1 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Wnt5400

NOT Suppressor of

fz2[+]/fz2C1 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | larval stage phenotype of Vps35EY14200

Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by

Wnt1091, Wnt409, fz2C1 has medulla | P-stage phenotype, enhanceable by fz15

fz2C1 has medulla | P-stage | somatic clone phenotype, enhanceable by fz15/fz15

fz2C1 has lamina phenotype, enhanceable by hidGMR.PU

fz2C1 has neuron phenotype, enhanceable by hidGMR.PU

fz2C1 has cardioblast phenotype, enhanceable by fz15

fz2C1 has wing disc phenotype, enhanceable by fz15

fz2C1 has scutum phenotype, enhanceable by fz15

fz2C1 has macrochaeta phenotype, enhanceable by fz15

fz2C1 has embryo phenotype, enhanceable by fz15

fz2C1 has embryonic epidermis phenotype, enhanceable by fz15

fz2C1 has ventral denticle belt phenotype, enhanceable by fz15

fz2C1 has neuroblast NB4-2 phenotype, enhanceable by fz15

Suppressed by
NOT suppressed by

fz2C1, fz15 has phenotype, non-suppressible by wgUAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4h-1J3

Enhancer of

fz2C1 is an enhancer of medulla | P-stage phenotype of Wnt1091, Wnt409, fz15

fz15/fz2C1 is an enhancer of medulla | P-stage phenotype of Vangstbm-6

fz2[+]/fz2C1 is an enhancer of axon & dorsal cluster neuron phenotype of Wnt5400

NOT Enhancer of
NOT Suppressor of

fz2[+]/fz2C1 is a non-suppressor of NMJ bouton phenotype of Vps35EY14200


fz2C1, fz15 has axon & dorsal cluster neuron | somatic clone phenotype

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

fz21 fz2C1, fz15 fz2C1 and fz25 fz2C1 double homozygous clones in the wing result in notching of the wing margin and loss of margin bristles in the mutant tissue.

fz19 fz2C1 double homozygous clones in the wing result in wing margin defects.

fz20 fz2C1 double homozygous clones in the wing do not result in loss of wing margin bristles in the mutant tissue.

fz15 fz2C1 double mutant clones exhibit cone cell loss 42 hours after pupal formation.

fz15 fz2C1 double mutant clones exhibit reduced numbers of cone cells in third instar larval eye discs compared to controls.

The increased bouton number at the neuromuscular junction that is seen in homozygous Vps35EY14200 larvae is not suppressed by fz2C1/+.

Cell clones expressing vgScer\UAS.cKa under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL that are also mutant for fz15 and fz2C1 (generated using the MARCM technique) are present in the wing disc 48 hours after heat-shock, with increased clone size further away from the dorsal-ventral boundary. However, at 72 hours after heat shock these mutant clones disappear as a result of cell death. Nonautonomous effects on growth and patterning are also seen in these mutant wing discs.

fz15 ; fz2C1 double mutant clone induced 48-72hrs after egg laying in wild-type and ft8 mutant wing imaginal discs do not survive, whereas, there twin cells do. However, when induced during late larval development, these mutant clones display modest survival.

fz15 ; fz2C1 mutant clones induced 24 hrs after egg laying in ft8 mutant wing imaginal discs survive but appear undergrown by comparison with their wild-type twins.

A WGMR.PU background generates a severe ventral-to-dorsal misrouting phenotype in fz2C1 mutant clone retina.

Generation of "iro" mutant clones (araDFM3 caupDFM3 mirrDFM3 mutants) in the eye results in dorsal axons projecting to the ventral lamina in 32.4% of cases. In "iro" fz2C1 double mutant clones, 'dorsal-to-ventral' R axon misroutings are observed in 3.5% of the cases. Instead, abnormal bundles of dorsal axons are found.

No axons from fz15, fz2C1 dorsal cluster neuron clones reach the medulla, while 37% of all axons from wild-type neurons reach the medulla.

Wnt5400/+; fz2C1/+ brains show a small but significant decrease in the number of dorsal cluster neuron axons that reach the medulla compared to Wnt5400/+ brains.

fz21 fz2C1 double homozygous clones in the dorsal air sac primordium grow normally and populate the tip of the air sac primordium to the same degree as wild-type clones.

Germband extension occurs normally in around 80% of fz15 fz2C1 homozygous embryos from mothers carrying fz15 fz2C1 germ line clones.

The addition of fz15 and fz2C1 has no effect on the interneuron phenotype seen in drlScer\UAS.cCa, Scer\GAL4eg-Mz360 animals.

fz2C1 fz15 double mutant clones occasionally cause the differentiation of ectopic ommatidia on the dorsal adult head and these clones show overgrowth.

Embryos derived from fz15 fz2C1 double mutant female germline clones lack all the dorsal trunk of the tracheal system (apart from minute vestiges of material found in the posterior part).

Embryos derived from fz15 fz2C1 female germline clones show defects in tracheal invagination, branch fusion and dorsal trunk formation.

In mutant wing clones in combination with fz15, the wing margin is defective. Neighboring wild type cells show ectopic wing margin bristles. wg signal transduction is lost: the mutant phenotype of the fz15, fz2C1 clones resembles that of dsh75. Embryos mutant zygotically and maternally for fz15 and fz2C1 cannot transduce wg signalling. They show the wg shortened embryo/"lawn of denticles" phenotype, en expression is lost, midgut constructions fail to form, lab is not-up-regulated, the neuroblasts that generate the RP2 neurons are absent, wg-dependent eve-expressing cardiac myoblasts are lost. In combination with armΔ.Scer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1, Scer\GAL4h-1J3 the naked sections of the embryonic cuticle are partially restored. In combination with wgScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1, Scer\GAL4h-1J3 the naked sections of the embryonic cuticle are not restored. Embryos doubly mutant for fz15 and fz2C1 from heterozygous parents die at the embryo/larval boundary. Double mutant clones in the wing disc are at a growth disadvantage and do not survive in the wing pouch region. Double mutant clones in the mesonotum can fill the entire mesonotum with the bristles showing a frizzled polarity phenotype. Clones of wg- cells that fill the notum have a different phenotype in that fewer dorsocentral bristles form. Embryos and larvae lacking maternal fz and fz2 but having had fz or fz2 provided paternally are apparently normal.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Partially rescued by

fz2Scer\UAS.6x.T:Hsap\MYC; Scer\GAL4BG487 completely rescues the reduction in bouton number at neuromuscular junctions seen in fz2C1/Df(3L)ED4782 larvae. This reduction in bouton number is not rescued by fz2ΔSGKTLESW.Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC; Scer\GAL4BG487 or fz2C.Scer\UAS.NLS.T:Hsap\MYC; Scer\GAL4BG487.

fz2Scer\UAS.6x.T:Hsap\MYC; Scer\GAL4BG487 completely rescues the reduction in bouton number at neuromuscular junctions seen in fz2C1/Df(3L)ED4782 larvae, and partially rescues bouton morphology defects in these animals. This reduction in bouton number is not rescued by fz2ΔSGKTLESW.Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC; Scer\GAL4BG487 or fz2C.Scer\UAS.NLS.T:Hsap\MYC; Scer\GAL4BG487.

Images (0)
Stocks (1)
Notes on Origin

Induced with: second site mutation causing sterility in males and females.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (8)
References (40)