FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term germline clone ID (Ontology) FBcv:0000335 (FlyBase CV)
Definition A clone of germline cells that share a genotype.
Also Known As "germ-line clone"
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
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Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPIC_CLASS     792
Insertions (FBti)  LETHALITY      41
Insertions (FBti)  STERILITY      32
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPIC_CLASS      15
show Full annotation statements including this term (annotations to child terms are NOT included), and relevant FlyBase records
 Full annotation statements 
Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Insertions Constructs
 germline clone (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)     792     69     15
     abdomen | germline clone | posterior       1      1       --
     abdominal 1 ventral denticle belt | germline clone       2       --       1
     abdominal 2 ventral denticle belt | germline clone       1       --       --
     abdominal 2 ventral denticle belt | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     abdominal 3 ventral denticle belt | germline clone       2       --       1
     abdominal 4 ventral denticle belt | germline clone       2      1       --
     abdominal 4 ventral denticle belt | germline clone | maternal effect       5      1       --
     abdominal 5 ventral denticle belt | germline clone       2       --       1
     abdominal 5 ventral denticle belt | germline clone | maternal effect       6      2       --
     abdominal 6 ventral denticle belt | germline clone       1       --       --
     abdominal 6 ventral denticle belt | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     abdominal 6 ventral denticle belt | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     abdominal 7 ventral denticle belt | germline clone       2       --       1
     abdominal 7 ventral denticle belt | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     abdominal 7 ventral denticle belt | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     abdominal 8 ventral denticle belt | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     abdominal 8 ventral denticle belt | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     abdominal 9 ventral denticle belt | germline clone       1       --       1
     abdominal dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC | germline clone       1       --       --
     abdominal lateral pentascolopidial chordotonal organ lch5 | germline clone       4       --       --
     abdominal tracheal primordium 1 | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     abdominal tracheal primordium 2 | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     abdominal ventral denticle belt | absent | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     abdominal ventral denticle belt | germline clone       1       --       --
     abnormal axis specification | germline clone | oogenesis       6       --       1
     abnormal body size | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     abnormal cell adhesion | germline clone       4       --       --
     abnormal cell cycle | germline clone       3       --       --
     abnormal cell death | adult stage | germline clone | nutrition conditional       1       --       --
     abnormal cell death | germline clone       3       --       --
     abnormal cell death | germline clone | oogenesis stage S14       5       --       --
     abnormal cell migration | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     abnormal cell migration | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     abnormal cell migration | germline clone       1       --       --
     abnormal cell migration | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     abnormal cell number | germline clone | oogenesis       2       --       --
     abnormal cell number | germline clone | progressive | spermatogenesis       1       --       --
     abnormal cell polarity | adult stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     abnormal cell polarity | embryonic stage 13 | germline clone       1       --       --
     abnormal cell polarity | germline clone      17       --       --
     abnormal cell polarity | germline clone | oogenesis       6       --       1
     abnormal cell shape | embryonic stage | germline clone       2       --       --
     abnormal cell shape | extended germ band stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     abnormal cell shape | germline clone       2       --       --
     abnormal cytokinesis | germline clone       2       --       --
     abnormal cytokinesis | germline clone | male       1       --       --
     abnormal developmental rate | dorsal closure stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     abnormal developmental rate | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     abnormal developmental rate | first instar larval stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     abnormal developmental rate | germline clone       1       --       --
     abnormal feeding behavior | first instar larval stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     abnormal meiotic cell cycle | female | germline clone       6       --       --
     abnormal meiotic cell cycle | germline clone       3       --       --
     abnormal mitotic cell cycle | embryonic stage | germline clone       2       --       --
     abnormal mitotic cell cycle | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     abnormal mitotic cell cycle | germline clone      11       --       --
     abnormal mitotic cell cycle | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     abnormal mitotic cell cycle | germline clone | maternal effect | pre-blastoderm stage       1       --       --
     abnormal mitotic cell cycle | germline clone | pre-blastoderm stage       3       --       --
     abnormal mitotic cell cycle | germline clone | recessive       1       --       --
     abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage | germline clone       4       --       --
     abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     abnormal neuroanatomy | germline clone       4       --       --
     abnormal neuroanatomy | germline clone | larval stage       1       --       --
     abnormal neurophysiology | germline clone       1       --       --
     abnormal planar polarity | germline clone       4       --       2
     abnormal size | adult stage | germline clone       2       --       --
     abnormal size | germline clone       1       --       --
     abnormal wound healing | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     actin cytoskeleton | blastoderm stage | germline clone       2       --       --
     actin cytoskeleton | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     actin cytoskeleton | germline clone       3       --       3
     actin filament | embryonic stage 4 | germline clone       1       --       --
     actin filament | embryonic stage 4 | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       2       --       --
     actin filament | embryonic stage 5 | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     actin filament | embryonic stage | germline clone       3       --       --
     actin filament | germline clone       2       --       --
     actin filament | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     adherens junction | germline clone       1       --       --
     adult epidermis | P-stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     adult head | P-stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     adult thorax | P-stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     amnioproctodeal invagination | germline clone       2       --       --
     amnioserosa | germline clone       1       --       --
     anal pad | germline clone       1       --       --
     anterior midgut primordium | germline clone       1       --       --
     anterior midgut primordium | germline clone | maternal effect       1      1       --
     apical plasma membrane | germline clone       1       --       --
     Bolwig organ | germline clone       2       --       --
     border follicle cell | germline clone       3      2       --
     cell cycle | germline clone       1       --       --
     cell lethal | cell autonomous | germline clone       3       --       --
     cell lethal | germline clone     102      1      3
     cell lethal | germline clone | larval stage       1       --       --
     central nervous system | germline clone       3       --       --
     centriole | germline clone       1       --       --
     centripetal follicle cell | germline clone       4      2       --
     centrosome | ectopic | germline clone       1       --       --
     centrosome | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     centrosome | germline clone      19       --       --
     centrosome | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     cephalic furrow | germline clone       2       --       --
     cephalopharyngeal skeleton | anterior | germline clone       1       --       --
     cephalopharyngeal skeleton | germline clone      13      5      1
     cephalopharyngeal skeleton | germline clone | maternal effect       8       --       --
     cephalopharyngeal skeleton | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     chordotonal organ | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     chromatin | germline clone       2       --       --
     chromosome | embryonic stage 4 | germline clone       1       --       --
     chromosome | embryonic stage 4 | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     chromosome | germline clone | maternal effect | pre-blastoderm stage       1       --       --
     chromosome, centromeric region | adult stage | female | germline clone       1       --       --
     cleavage nucleus | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     cuticle | germline clone       2       --       --
     cyst cell of ovary | germline clone       5      1      1
     cyst cell of testis | germline clone       1       --       --
     cystoblast | ectopic | germline clone       2       --       3
     cystoblast | germline clone       2       --       --
     cytoophidium | germline clone       2       --       --
     cytoplasmic vesicle | decreased number | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     cytoskeleton | embryonic stage | germline clone       2       --       --
     cytoskeleton | germline clone       2       --       --
     decreased body size | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     decreased cell death | adult stage | germline clone | nutrition conditional       1       --       --
     decreased cell death | embryonic stage | germline clone       9       --       --
     decreased cell growth rate | cell autonomous | germline clone       1       --       --
     decreased cell number | adult stage | germline clone       2       --       --
     decreased cell number | adult stage | germline clone | progressive       1       --       --
     decreased cell number | blastoderm stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     decreased cell number | cell autonomous | germline clone | oogenesis       2       --       3
     decreased cell number | embryonic stage 15 | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     decreased cell number | embryonic stage 16 | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     decreased cell number | germline clone       1       --       --
     decreased cell number | germline clone | oogenesis       7       --       --
     decreased cell number | germline clone | oogenesis | progressive       4       --       --
     decreased cell number | germline clone | progressive       2       --       --
     decreased cell size | germline clone       1       --       --
     decreased fecundity | female | germline clone       7       --       --
     decreased fecundity | germline clone       3       --       --
     decreased occurrence of cell division | adult stage | female | germline clone       3       --       --
     decreased occurrence of cell division | germline clone       1       --       --
     decreased occurrence of cell division | germline clone | nutrition conditional       1       --       --
     decreased occurrence of cell division | germline clone | oogenesis       3       --       --
     decreased occurrence of cell division | germline clone | progressive       2       --       --
     decreased size | germline clone | oogenesis       2       --       --
     decreased size | germline clone | oogenesis | semidominant       1       --       --
     denticle row 1 | germline clone       1      1       --
     denticle | ectopic | germline clone       1       --       --
     denticle | ectopic | germline clone | maternal effect       5       --       --
     denticle | ectopic | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       3       --       --
     denticle | germline clone      10      2      2
     denticle | germline clone | increased number       1       --       --
     denticle | germline clone | maternal effect       3      2       --
     denticle | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     dMP2 neuron | ectopic | germline clone       6      1       --
     dorsal appendage | decreased number | germline clone       1       --       --
     dorsal appendage | germline clone      67     13      1
     dorsal appendage | germline clone | increased number       3       --       --
     dorsal appendage | germline clone | maternal effect      27      3       --
     dorsal appendage | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       4       --       --
     ectoderm | dorsal | germline clone       1       --       --
     ectoderm | extended germ band stage | germline clone       2      1       --
     ectoderm | germline clone       1       --       --
     egg chamber | cell autonomous | germline clone       1      1       --
     egg chamber | cell non-autonomous | germline clone       2       --       --
     egg chamber | germline clone     157     22      1
     egg chamber | germline clone | maternal effect       8       --       --
     egg chamber | germline clone | nutrition conditional       2       --       --
     egg chamber | germline clone | oogenesis       1      1       --
     egg chamber | germline clone | oogenesis stage S14       5      3       --
     egg chamber | germline clone | oogenesis stage S6       3       --       --
     egg chamber | germline clone | oogenesis stage S7       3       --       --
     egg chamber | germline clone | oogenesis | progressive       1       --       --
     egg chamber | germline clone | somatic clone       1       --       --
     egg chorion | dorsal | germline clone       3       --       --
     egg chorion | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     egg chorion | germline clone      58       --       --
     egg chorion | germline clone | maternal effect       4       --       --
     egg operculum | germline clone       2      2       --
     egg | germline clone     136     29      1
     egg | germline clone | maternal effect      26      3       --
     egg | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       3       --       --
     embryo | blastoderm stage | germline clone       5      5       --
     embryo | blastoderm stage | germline clone | maternal effect       2      1       --
     embryo | cleavage stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1      1       --
     embryo | dorsal closure stage | germline clone      17      2       --
     embryo | dorsal closure stage | germline clone | maternal effect       3       --       --
     embryo | dorsal closure stage | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     embryo | embryonic stage 14 | germline clone       1       --       --
     embryo | embryonic stage 4 | germline clone       9      3       --
     embryo | embryonic stage 4 | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       1      1       --
     embryo | embryonic stage 5 | germline clone       2       --       --
     embryo | embryonic stage 5 | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     embryo | embryonic stage 5 | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     embryo | extended germ band stage | germline clone       7       --       --
     embryo | extended germ band stage | germline clone | maternal effect       5      1       --
     embryo | gastrula stage | germline clone       4      1       --
     embryo | gastrula stage | germline clone | maternal effect       3      1       --
     embryo | germline clone      36      9       --
     embryo | germline clone | male limited | maternal effect       1       --       --
     embryo | germline clone | maternal effect      29      3       --
     embryo | germline clone | maternal effect | posterior      43       --       --
     embryo | germline clone | maternal effect | pre-blastoderm stage       4       --       --
     embryo | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       1      1       --
     embryo | germline clone | posterior       2       --       1
     embryo | germline clone | pre-blastoderm stage       1       --       --
     embryonic abdomen | ectopic | germline clone       2       --       --
     embryonic abdomen | ectopic | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     embryonic abdomen | germline clone       2       --       --
     embryonic abdomen | germline clone | maternal effect       3       --       --
     embryonic abdominal segment 2 | germline clone       2       --       --
     embryonic abdominal segment 3 | germline clone       1       --       --
     embryonic abdominal segment 4 | germline clone       2       --       --
     embryonic abdominal segment 5 | germline clone       2      1       --
     embryonic abdominal segment 6 | germline clone       3      1       --
     embryonic abdominal segment 7 | germline clone       2      1       --
     embryonic abdominal segment 7 | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     embryonic abdominal segment 8 | germline clone       7      2       --
     embryonic abdominal segment 8 | germline clone | maternal effect       4       --       --
     embryonic abdominal segment | germline clone       8       --       --
     embryonic abdominal segment | germline clone | maternal effect      17       --       --
     embryonic dorsal epidermis | germline clone       1       --       --
     embryonic dorsal epidermis | germline clone | maternal effect       3       --       --
     embryonic dorsal epidermis | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1      1       --
     embryonic epidermis | dorsal closure stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1      1       --
     embryonic epidermis | dorsal | germline clone       1       --       --
     embryonic epidermis | germline clone      22      3       --
     embryonic epidermis | germline clone | maternal effect       1      1       --
     embryonic epidermis | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     embryonic epidermis | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     embryonic epidermis | germline clone | ventral       1       --       --
     embryonic ganglion mother cell | germline clone       1       --       --
     embryonic head segment | germline clone       2       --       --
     embryonic head | germline clone      27      8       --
     embryonic head | germline clone | maternal effect      51       --       --
     embryonic head | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       1      1       --
     embryonic head | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       2      1       --
     embryonic hindgut | germline clone       2      1       --
     embryonic leading edge cell | germline clone       1       --       --
     embryonic leading edge cell | germline clone | maternal effect       2      1       --
     embryonic Malpighian tubule | germline clone       3      1       --
     embryonic mesothoracic segment | germline clone       4       --       --
     embryonic metathoracic segment | germline clone       4       --       --
     embryonic midgut constriction 1 | germline clone       1       --       --
     embryonic midgut constriction 2 | germline clone       3      1       --
     embryonic midgut constriction | germline clone       1       --       --
     embryonic myoblast | germline clone       4      2       --
     embryonic neuroblast | germline clone       5       --       --
     embryonic prothoracic segment | germline clone       3       --       --
     embryonic segment | germline clone       9      1      1
     embryonic segment | germline clone | maternal effect      37       --       --
     embryonic segment | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       2       --       --
     embryonic segment | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     embryonic thoracic segment | germline clone       1      1       --
     embryonic thorax | germline clone       2       --       --
     embryonic thorax | germline clone | maternal effect       3       --       --
     embryonic ventral epidermis | germline clone       2       --       --
     embryonic ventral epidermis | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       3      1       --
     embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | anterior | germline clone       2      1       --
     embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | dorsal | germline clone      12      1       --
     embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | dorsal | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       2      2       --
     embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | germline clone      69     14      2
     embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | germline clone | maternal effect      47      2       --
     embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | germline clone | maternal effect | ventral       2      2       --
     embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect | ventral       3      1       --
     embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | germline clone | posterior       1       --       --
     embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       8       --       --
     embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | germline clone | somatic clone       1       --       --
     embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | germline clone | ventral       3      1       --
     embryonic/larval brain | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect       3       --       --
     embryonic/larval central nervous system | germline clone       2      1       --
     embryonic/larval cuticle | dorsal closure stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1      1       --
     embryonic/larval cuticle | embryonic stage | germline clone       2      2       --
     embryonic/larval cuticle | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1      1       --
     embryonic/larval cuticle | germline clone       1      1       --
     embryonic/larval cuticle | germline clone | maternal effect       5      1       --
     embryonic/larval dorsal tracheal anastomosis | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     embryonic/larval dorsal vessel | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     embryonic/larval glial cell | germline clone       1      1       --
     embryonic/larval gut | germline clone       1      1       --
     embryonic/larval midgut primordium | germline clone       1       --       --
     embryonic/larval midgut | embryonic stage | germline clone       2       --       --
     embryonic/larval midgut | germline clone       1       --       --
     embryonic/larval neuron | ectopic | germline clone       1       --       --
     embryonic/larval pericardial cell | germline clone       3      1       --
     embryonic/larval pericardial cell | germline clone | maternal effect | precursor       1       --       --
     embryonic/larval peripheral nervous system | germline clone       2      1       --
     embryonic/larval posterior spiracle | germline clone       1      1       --
     embryonic/larval segmentation phenotype | germline clone       1       --       --
     embryonic/larval somatic muscle cell | embryonic stage 16 | germline clone       1       --       --
     embryonic/larval somatic muscle cell | embryonic stage 17 | germline clone       1       --       --
     embryonic/larval somatic muscle cell | germline clone      17      2      2
     embryonic/larval spiracle primordium | germline clone | posterior       5       --       --
     embryonic/larval spiracle | germline clone | maternal effect       3       --       --
     embryonic/larval tracheal dorsal trunk | germline clone       4       --       --
     embryonic/larval tracheal dorsal trunk | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     embryonic/larval tracheal dorsal trunk | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       2       --       --
     embryonic/larval tracheal lateral trunk | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       2       --       --
     embryonic/larval tracheal section | germline clone       2       --       --
     embryonic/larval tracheal system | germline clone       8      4       --
     embryonic/larval tracheal system | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     embryonic/larval tracheal system | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       2       --       --
     endocytic vesicle | germline clone       1       --       --
     epidermis | embryonic stage 13 | germline clone       1       --       --
     epidermis | germline clone | ventral       1       --       --
     epithelial cell | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1      1       --
     epithelial cell | extended germ band stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     epithelial cell | germline clone       4       --       --
     epithelium | germline clone       1       --       --
     external sensory organ | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     eye | female | germline clone       1       --       --
     female fertile | germline clone      14      7       --
     female germ cell nucleus | germline clone       1       --       --
     female germline cell | germline clone       5      2       --
     female germline cell | germline clone | oogenesis | progressive       1       --       --
     female germline cyst | germline clone       9      2       --
     female germline cyst | germline clone | nutrition conditional       1       --       --
     female germline cyst | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     female germline cyst | germline clone | oogenesis | progressive       1       --       --
     female germline ring canal | germline clone       1       --       --
     female germline stem cell | absent | germline clone       2       --       --
     female germline stem cell | cell autonomous | germline clone       1      1       --
     female germline stem cell | cell autonomous | germline clone | oogenesis       2       --       3
     female germline stem cell | cell non-autonomous | germline clone | oogenesis       2       --       3
     female germline stem cell | germline clone      54     17      3
     female germline stem cell | germline clone | increased number       1       --       --
     female germline stem cell | germline clone | progressive       9       --       6
     female semi-fertile | germline clone       2      2       --
     female semi-sterile | germline clone       7      5       --
     female sterile germline-dependent | germline clone       9      1       --
     female sterile germline-dependent | germline clone | oogenesis stage S10       1       --       --
     female sterile | germline clone      40      9       --
     female sterile | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     female sterile | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     female sterile | germline clone | recessive      59      5       --
     fertile | germline clone       3      1       --
     fertilized egg | germline clone       1      1       --
     filamentous actin | adult stage | female | germline clone       1       --       --
     filamentous actin | germline clone       1       --       --
     filamentous actin | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     filzkorper | ectopic | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     filzkorper | embryonic stage | germline clone       2      1       --
     filzkorper | germline clone      10      1      1
     filzkorper | germline clone | maternal effect      28       --       --
     filzkorper | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       3      1       --
     follicle cell | cell non-autonomous | germline clone       1       --       --
     follicle cell | germline clone      25      6      3
     follicle cell | germline clone | increased number       1       --       --
     follicle cell | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     furrow canal | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     furrow canal | germline clone       4      2       --
     furrow canal | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     fusome | germline clone       6       --       --
     fusome | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     gamete | female | germline clone       1       --       --
     ganglion mother cell GMC1-1a | germline clone       2       --       --
     ganglion mother cell GMC4-2a | germline clone       2       --       --
     ganglion mother cell | germline clone       2       --       --
     germ band | extended germ band stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     germ band | germline clone       6      2       --
     germarium region 1 | germline clone       1      1       --
     germarium region 2 | germline clone | nutrition conditional       1       --       --
     germarium region 2b | germline clone       1       --       --
     germarium region 3 | germline clone       1       --       --
     germarium | cell autonomous | germline clone       2       --       3
     germarium | cell non-autonomous | germline clone       2       --       3
     germarium | germline clone      15      5      3
     germline cell | embryonic stage 15 | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     germline cell | embryonic stage 16 | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     germline cell | embryonic stage | germline clone       4       --       --
     germline cell | female | germline clone       1       --       --
     germline cell | germline clone       9      1       --
     germline cyst | germline clone      11      1       --
     germline stem cell | germline clone       8      3       --
     germline stem cell | germline clone | oogenesis | progressive       2       --       --
     Golgi apparatus | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     Golgi stack | germline clone       1       --       --
     head | germline clone       1      1       --
     hyperplasia | adult stage | germline clone       3       --       --
     hyperplasia | germline clone       2       --       --
     hypostomal sclerite | germline clone       2       --       --
     imaginal disc | germline clone | maternal effect | third instar larval stage       1       --       --
     increased cell death | adult stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     increased cell death | embryonic stage | germline clone       3       --       --
     increased cell death | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     increased cell death | germline clone       7       --       3
     increased cell death | germline clone | oogenesis       2       --       --
     increased cell death | germline clone | oogenesis stage S10       1       --       --
     increased cell death | germline clone | oogenesis stage S9       1       --       --
     increased cell death | germline clone | spermatogenesis       1       --       --
     increased cell number | cell non-autonomous | germline clone | oogenesis       2       --       3
     increased cell number | germline clone       1       --       --
     increased cell number | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     increased cell number | germline clone | progressive       3       --       --
     increased cell size | germline clone       1       --       --
     increased mortality during development | germline clone | maternal effect       3       --       3
     increased occurrence of cell division | germline clone       5       --       --
     increased occurrence of cell division | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     increased occurrence of cell division | germline clone | spermatogenesis       1       --       --
     karyosome | germline clone      13      2       --
     Keilin organ | germline clone       1       --       --
     Kolbchen | germline clone       1       --       --
     larval abdominal lch5 neuron | germline clone       2       --       --
     larval abdominal segment 1 | germline clone       3       --       --
     larval abdominal segment 2 | germline clone       3       --       --
     larval abdominal segment 3 | germline clone       3       --       --
     larval abdominal segment 4 | germline clone       3       --       --
     larval abdominal segment 5 | germline clone       3       --       --
     larval abdominal segment 6 | germline clone       3       --       --
     larval abdominal segment 7 | germline clone       3       --       --
     larval abdominal segment 8 | ectopic | germline clone       2       --       --
     larval abdominal segmental nerve | germline clone       2      1       --
     larval DA1 motor neuron | germline clone       2       --       --
     larval EL neuron | germline clone       5       --       --
     larval longitudinal connective | germline clone       4      1       --
     larval mesothoracic segment | germline clone       3       --       --
     larval mesothoracic sensillum | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     larval metathoracic segment | germline clone       3       --       --
     larval metathoracic sensillum | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     larval prothoracic segment | germline clone       3       --       --
     larval RP2 motor neuron | ectopic | germline clone       5      1       --
     larval RP2 motor neuron | embryonic stage | germline clone       1      1       --
     larval RP2 motor neuron | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     larval RP2 motor neuron | germline clone       2       --       --
     larval ventral nerve cord commissure | germline clone       2       --       --
     larval ventral nerve cord | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     late endosome | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     lateral plasma membrane | germline clone       1       --       --
     lateral process of cephalopharyngeal skeleton | germline clone       2       --       --
     lateral transverse muscle cell | germline clone       1       --       --
     leg | female | germline clone       1       --       --
     leg | P-stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     lethal - all die before end of first instar larval stage | germline clone       1      1       --
     lethal - all die before end of first instar larval stage | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       1
     lethal - all die before end of larval stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     lethal - all die before end of larval stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     lethal - all die before end of P-stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     lethal - all die before end of prepupal stage | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1      1       --
     lethal - all die during embryonic stage | germline clone      17      6       --
     lethal - all die during embryonic stage | germline clone | male limited | maternal effect       1       --       --
     lethal - all die during embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect      10      4       --
     lethal - all die during embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect | neurogenic phenotype | recessive       2       --       --
     lethal - all die during embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect | recessive      53      1       --
     lethal - all die during embryonic stage | germline clone | neurogenic phenotype | non-rescuable maternal effect | recessive       1       --       --
     lethal - all die during embryonic stage | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       3       --       --
     lethal - all die during embryonic stage | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect | recessive     131      2       --
     lethal - all die during embryonic stage | germline clone | recessive       5      2       --
     lethal - all die during embryonic stage | germline clone | recessive | rescuable maternal effect      14       --       --
     lethal - all die during embryonic stage | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       3       --       --
     lethal | embryonic stage | germline clone      15      1       --
     lethal | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect       8      1       --
     lethal | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect | recessive      16      3       --
     lethal | embryonic stage | germline clone | neurogenic phenotype | recessive       1       --       --
     lethal | embryonic stage | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     lethal | embryonic stage | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect | recessive      31       --       --
     lethal | embryonic stage | germline clone | recessive       1      1       --
     lethal | embryonic stage | germline clone | recessive | rescuable maternal effect       8       --       --
     lethal | embryonic stage | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       7       --       --
     lethal | first instar larval stage | germline clone       1      1       --
     lethal | first instar larval stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     lethal | germline clone      15       --       --
     lethal | germline clone | larval stage       3       --       2
     lethal | germline clone | larval stage | recessive       5      3       --
     lethal | germline clone | late embryonic stage       3      1       --
     lethal | germline clone | male limited       1      1       --
     lethal | germline clone | male | rescuable maternal effect       1      1       --
     lethal | germline clone | mammalian oogenesis stage       1       --       --
     lethal | germline clone | maternal effect      11      4       --
     lethal | germline clone | maternal effect | neurogenic phenotype | recessive       2       --       --
     lethal | germline clone | maternal effect | recessive      22      1       --
     lethal | germline clone | neurogenic phenotype       1       --       --
     lethal | germline clone | neurogenic phenotype | recessive       1       --       --
     lethal | germline clone | neurogenic phenotype | recessive | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     lethal | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       2      2       --
     lethal | germline clone | pharate adult stage       1      1       --
     lethal | germline clone | pharate adult stage | recessive       2       --       --
     lethal | germline clone | recessive       6       --       --
     lethal | germline clone | recessive | rescuable maternal effect      10      1       --
     lethal | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       7       --       --
     lipid droplet | germline clone       1       --       --
     lysosome | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     macrochaeta | ectopic | female | germline clone       1       --       --
     macrochaeta | germline clone       1       --       --
     main body follicle cell | germline clone       1       --       --
     main body follicle cell | germline clone | increased number       1       --       --
     majority die during embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect       3       --       3
     majority die during larval stage | germline clone | recessive | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     majority die during larval stage | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     male genitalia | germline clone       1       --       --
     male germline cell | germline clone       1       --       --
     male germline stem cell | adult stage | germline clone       1      1       --
     male germline stem cell | adult stage | germline clone | progressive       1      1       --
     male germline stem cell | cell autonomous | germline clone       2      1       --
     male germline stem cell | decreased number | germline clone       1       --       --
     male germline stem cell | germline clone      18      6       --
     male pronucleus | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     male sterile | germline clone       1      1       --
     Malpighian tubule primordium | germline clone       1      1       --
     Malpighian tubule tip cell | germline clone       1      1       --
     Malpighian tubule | germline clone       3      2       --
     Malpighian tubule | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     meiotic anaphase I | female | germline clone       1       --       --
     meiotic spindle | female | germline clone       1       --       --
     mesectoderm | germline clone       2       --       --
     mesoderm | germline clone      10      4       --
     mesoderm | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     mesoderm | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     mesothoracic tracheal primordium | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     mesothoracic ventral denticle belt | germline clone       2       --       1
     metaphase plate | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     metathoracic Keilin organ | germline clone       1       --       --
     metathoracic tracheal primordium | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     metathoracic ventral denticle belt | germline clone       1       --       --
     metathoracic ventral denticle belt | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     microchaeta | ectopic | female | germline clone       1       --       --
     microtubule organizing center | germline clone       1       --       --
     microtubule | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     microtubule | germline clone       8       --       --
     microtubule | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     mitochondrial cloud | germline clone       7       --       --
     mitochondrial derivative | germline clone       3       --       --
     mitochondrion | germline clone       2       --       --
     mitotic anaphase | germline clone       2       --       --
     mitotic cell cycle | germline clone       2       --       --
     mitotic metaphase | germline clone       2       --       --
     mitotic spindle | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     motor neuron | embryonic stage | germline clone       2       --       --
     mouth hook | germline clone       6      2       --
     muscle attachment site | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       1
     muscle cell of A1-7 dorsal acute muscle 1 | germline clone | maternal effect | precursor       1       --       --
     muscle cell of A1-7 dorsal oblique muscle 4 | germline clone       1       --       --
     muscle cell of A1-7 lateral oblique muscle 1 | germline clone       1       --       --
     muscle cell of A1-7 ventral oblique muscle 1 | germline clone       1       --       --
     muscle cell of abdominal 1 dorsal acute muscle 3 | germline clone       1       --       --
     muscle cell of ventral acute muscle 2 | germline clone | maternal effect | precursor       1       --       --
     muscle cell of ventral acute muscle 3 | germline clone       1       --       --
     muscle cell of ventral oblique muscle 5 | germline clone       1       --       --
     muscle cell of ventral oblique muscle 6 | germline clone       1       --       --
     Nebenkern | germline clone       5       --       --
     neoplasia | female | germline clone       1       --       --
     nervous system | germline clone       1       --       --
     neuroblast NB5-2 | germline clone       2      1       --
     neuroblast NB7-4 | germline clone       2      1       --
     neuroblast | embryonic stage | germline clone       3       --       --
     neuroblast | germline clone       4       --       --
     neurogenic phenotype | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     neurogenic region | germline clone       1       --       --
     neurogenic region | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     neuron | embryonic stage | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     nuclear chromosome | embryonic stage | germline clone       3       --       --
     nuclear envelope | germline clone | maternal effect | pre-blastoderm stage       1       --       --
     nucleolus | germline clone       1       --       --
     nucleus | blastoderm stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     nucleus | decreased number | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     nucleus | embryonic cycle 12 | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     nucleus | embryonic cycle 13 | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     nucleus | embryonic cycle 14 | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     nucleus | embryonic stage 4 | germline clone       8       --       --
     nucleus | embryonic stage 4 | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     nucleus | embryonic stage 4 | germline clone | non-rescuable maternal effect       2       --       --
     nucleus | embryonic stage 5 | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     nucleus | embryonic stage | germline clone       8       --       --
     nucleus | germline clone       9       --       --
     nucleus | germline clone | increased number       1       --       --
     nucleus | germline clone | maternal effect | pre-blastoderm stage       1       --       --
     nucleus | germline clone | oogenesis stage S14       1       --       --
     nurse cell fusome | germline clone       4      1       --
     nurse cell ring canal | germline clone      26      5       --
     nurse cell ring canal | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     nurse cell ring canal | germline clone | oogenesis stage S6       3       --       --
     nurse cell ring canal | germline clone | oogenesis stage S7       3       --       --
     nurse cell spectrosome | germline clone       4      1       --
     nurse cell | cell non-autonomous | germline clone       1       --       --
     nurse cell | ectopic | germline clone       5      1       --
     nurse cell | germline clone      65     16      1
     nurse cell | germline clone | increased number       1       --       --
     nurse cell | germline clone | oogenesis stage S10       1       --       --
     nurse cell | germline clone | oogenesis stage S14       7      3       --
     nurse cell | germline clone | oogenesis stage S9       1       --       --
     ocular segment | germline clone       1       --       --
     ommatidium | female | germline clone       1       --       --
     oocyte nucleus | germline clone      16      4       --
     oocyte nucleus | germline clone | oogenesis stage S10       1       --       --
     oocyte nucleus | germline clone | oogenesis stage S9       2       --       --
     oocyte | cell non-autonomous | germline clone       1       --       --
     oocyte | decreased number | germline clone       1       --       --
     oocyte | germline clone     137     19      4
     oocyte | germline clone | increased number       1       --       --
     oocyte | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     oocyte | germline clone | oogenesis stage S14       1      1       --
     oocyte | germline clone | oogenesis stage S5       2      2       --
     oocyte | germline clone | oogenesis stage S6       3      3       --
     oocyte | germline clone | somatic clone       1       --       --
     ovariole | germline clone      62     13       --
     ovariole | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     ovary | germline clone      32      4       --
     ovary | germline clone | maternal effect       2      1       --
     P-body | germline clone       1       --       --
     pair rule phenotype | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     pair rule phenotype | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect | recessive       1       --       --
     pair rule phenotype | embryonic stage | germline clone | recessive       1       --       --
     pair rule phenotype | germline clone       3       --       --
     paralytic | germline clone | larval stage | recessive       1       --       --
     parasegment | germline clone | maternal effect       4       --       --
     partially lethal - majority die | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1      1       --
     partially lethal - majority die | female limited | germline clone       1       --       --
     partially lethal - majority die | female | germline clone | pharate adult stage       1       --       --
     partially lethal - majority die | female | germline clone | pupal stage       1       --       --
     partially lethal - majority die | germline clone       2       --       3
     partially lethal | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     pCC neuron | ectopic | germline clone       2       --       --
     peripheral nervous system | germline clone       2       --       --
     pharyngeal muscle cell | germline clone       2       --       --
     plasma membrane | germline clone       1       --       --
     plasma membrane | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     polar body nucleus | germline clone       2      1       --
     polar follicle cell | germline clone       1       --       --
     pole bud | germline clone       1      1       --
     pole plasm | germline clone       1       --       --
     polytene chromosome | germline clone       1       --       --
     posterior fused midgut primordium | germline clone       2       --       --
     posterior midgut primordium | germline clone       1       --       --
     posterior midgut primordium | germline clone | maternal effect       1      1       --
     posterior spiracle primordium | germline clone       3      1       --
     presumptive embryonic/larval central nervous system | germline clone      10       --       --
     presumptive embryonic/larval central nervous system | germline clone | maternal effect       3       --       --
     presumptive embryonic/larval muscle system | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       1
     presumptive embryonic/larval muscle system | germline clone       3      1       --
     presumptive embryonic/larval nervous system | germline clone      10       --       --
     presumptive embryonic/larval nervous system | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     presumptive embryonic/larval peripheral nervous system | germline clone       6      1       --
     presumptive embryonic/larval peripheral nervous system | germline clone | maternal effect       3       --       --
     presumptive embryonic/larval tracheal system | germline clone       1       --       --
     primordial germ cell | germline clone       8      7       --
     primordial germ cell | germline clone | maternal effect      22      2       --
     primordial germ cell | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1      1       --
     ring canal | germline clone      10      2       --
     ring canal | germline clone | increased number       1       --       --
     ring canal | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     RP2sib neuron | ectopic | germline clone       2       --       --
     RP2sib neuron | germline clone       3       --       --
     salivary gland common duct primordium | germline clone       1       --       --
     scutellar bristle | germline clone       1       --       --
     segment polarity phenotype | embryonic stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     segment polarity phenotype | embryonic stage | germline clone | recessive       1       --       --
     segment polarity phenotype | germline clone       7       --       --
     segment polarity phenotype | germline clone | larval stage       1       --       --
     segment polarity phenotype | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     segment polarity phenotype | germline clone | recessive       3       --       --
     segment polarity phenotype | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       3       --       --
     segment | germline clone       6       --       --
     semi-sterile | female | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     semi-sterile | germline clone       2      1       --
     septate junction | germline clone       1       --       --
     short lived | female limited | germline clone       1       --       --
     somatic muscle cell | germline clone       2       --       --
     some die during embryonic stage | germline clone      14       --       --
     some die during embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect | maternal effect       6       --       --
     some die during first instar larval stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     some die during larval stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     some die during third instar larval stage | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     spectrosome | germline clone       1       --       --
     spectrosome | germline clone | increased number       1       --       --
     spermatid cyst | germline clone       1       --       --
     spermatid | absent | germline clone       2       --       2
     spermatid | germline clone       1      1       --
     spermatocyte cyst | germline clone       1       --       --
     spermatocyte fusome | germline clone       1       --       --
     spermatocyte | germline clone       1       --       --
     spermatogonial cyst | germline clone       1       --       --
     spermatogonium | germline clone | increased number       4       --       --
     spermatozoon | decreased number | germline clone       1      1       --
     spindle | embryonic stage 4 | germline clone       1       --       --
     spindle | germline clone       6       --       --
     spindle | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     spliceosomal complex | germline clone       1       --       --
     stalk follicle cell | germline clone       6      1       --
     sterile | female | germline clone       2       --       --
     sterile | female | germline clone | recessive       1       --       --
     sterile | germline clone       1       --       --
     sterile | germline clone | maternal effect       3       --       --
     stomodeal invagination | germline clone       3      1       --
     stomodeum | germline clone       1       --       --
     stretch follicle cell | germline clone | oogenesis stage S5       1       --       --
     symmetrical commissure | germline clone       2      1       --
     synaptonemal complex | adult stage | female | germline clone       1       --       --
     synaptonemal complex | germline clone       4       --       --
     telson | germline clone       1       --       --
     tergite | germline clone       1       --       --
     terminal phenotype | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect | recessive       1       --       --
     terminal phenotype | germline clone       4       --       --
     terminal phenotype | germline clone | maternal effect      30       --       --
     terminal tracheal cell | germline clone       1       --       --
     terminalia | germline clone       1       --       --
     testis | adult stage | germline clone       2      2       --
     testis | germline clone       9      2      4
     tracheal branch primordium | germline clone       2       --       --
     tracheal branch primordium | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     tracheal dorsal trunk primordium | germline clone | maternal effect       2       --       --
     tracheal fusion cell | ectopic | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     tracheal fusion cell | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       1       --       --
     tracheal precursor cell | germline clone       2       --       --
     tracheal primordium | ectopic | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     tracheal primordium | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     tracheal section | embryonic stage 13 | germline clone       1       --       --
     U neuron | ectopic | germline clone       5       --       --
     unfertilized egg | germline clone       2       --       --
     Usib neuron | germline clone       5       --       --
     ventral denticle belt | ectopic | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     ventral denticle belt | embryonic stage | germline clone       2       --       --
     ventral denticle belt | germline clone      20      8      3
     ventral denticle belt | germline clone | maternal effect      21      1       --
     ventral denticle belt | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect       2      1       --
     ventral furrow | dorsal closure stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1      1       --
     ventral furrow | germline clone       3       --       --
     ventral furrow | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     ventral midline of embryo | germline clone       2       --       --
     viable | germline clone       4      3       --
     viable | germline clone | recessive       1       --       --
     visceral mesoderm | germline clone       1       --       --
     visceral muscle fiber | embryonic stage | germline clone       1      1       --
     visible | egg stage | germline clone       1       --       --
     visible | embryonic stage | germline clone | maternal effect | recessive       1       --       --
     visible | germline clone       2       --       --
     visible | germline clone | recessive       1       --       --
     vMP2 neuron | ectopic | germline clone       6      1       --
     waste bag | absent | germline clone       1      1       --
     wild-type | germline clone       3       --       --
     wing vein L2 | germline clone       2      1       --
     wing vein L3 | germline clone       2      1       --
     wing vein L4 | germline clone       2      1       --
     wing vein | germline clone       2      1       --
     wing | germline clone       1       --       --
     wing | P-stage | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
     yolk granule | decreased number | germline clone       1       --       --
     yolk granule | germline clone       9       --       2
     yolk | germline clone       5       --       2
     zonula adherens | germline clone | maternal effect       1       --       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
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