FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term cell autonomous ID (Ontology) FBcv:0000153 (FlyBase CV)
Definition A phenotypic effect which is expressed in and limited to cells of the mutant genetic constitution under investigation is said to be cell autonomous.[ FlyBase:FBrf0002379 ]
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Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPIC_CLASS     213
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPIC_CLASS      88
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Insertions Constructs
 cell autonomous (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)     213       --      88
     abdominal segment | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     abnormal body color | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     abnormal cell adhesion | cell autonomous | larval stage       4       --       3
     abnormal cell death | cell autonomous       2       --       2
     abnormal cell death | cell autonomous | recessive | somatic clone       1       --       --
     abnormal cell growth | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       5       --       5
     abnormal cell migration | cell autonomous | oogenesis | somatic clone       5       --       2
     abnormal cell migration | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     abnormal cell number | cell autonomous | pupal stage | somatic clone       1       --       --
     abnormal cell polarity | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       1       --       --
     abnormal cell polarity | cell autonomous | pupal stage | somatic clone       2       --       --
     abnormal cell polarity | cell autonomous | somatic clone       6       --       2
     abnormal cell shape | adult stage | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       2
     abnormal cell shape | cell autonomous | embryonic stage 17       2       --       1
     abnormal cell shape | cell autonomous | embryonic stage 17 | somatic clone       2       --       2
     abnormal cell shape | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       2       --       2
     abnormal cell shape | cell autonomous | somatic clone       4       --       2
     abnormal developmental rate | cell autonomous       1       --       --
     abnormal eye color | cell autonomous       1       --       --
     abnormal meiotic cell cycle | cell autonomous | male limited | somatic clone       1       --       --
     abnormal mitotic cell cycle | cell autonomous | recessive       2       --       --
     abnormal mitotic cell cycle | cell autonomous | somatic clone       5       --       --
     abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | cell autonomous       6       --       6
     abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | cell autonomous | progressive | somatic clone       1       --       --
     abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | cell autonomous | somatic clone       4       --       2
     abnormal neuroanatomy | cell autonomous       3       --       2
     abnormal neuroanatomy | cell autonomous | dominant | somatic clone       1       --       --
     abnormal neuroanatomy | cell autonomous | larval stage       3       --       2
     abnormal neuroanatomy | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       1       --       --
     abnormal neuroanatomy | cell autonomous | male       1       --       --
     abnormal neuroanatomy | cell autonomous | pupal stage | somatic clone       4       --       --
     abnormal neuroanatomy | cell autonomous | somatic clone      13       --       2
     abnormal neuroanatomy | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       1       --       --
     abnormal neuroanatomy | cell autonomous | third instar larval stage | conditional       3       --       2
     abnormal neurophysiology | adult stage | cell autonomous | somatic clone | conditional       1       --       --
     abnormal planar polarity | cell autonomous       6       --       3
     abnormal planar polarity | cell autonomous | recessive | somatic clone       6       --       --
     abnormal planar polarity | cell autonomous | somatic clone      12       --       2
     abnormal size | adult stage | cell autonomous       3       --       3
     abnormal size | adult stage | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     abnormal size | cell autonomous       3       --       3
     abnormal size | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       6       --       6
     abnormal size | cell autonomous | somatic clone       5       --       --
     actin cytoskeleton | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     actin filament bundle | cell autonomous | third instar larval stage       2       --       2
     actin filament | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     adult abdominal segment 5 | cell autonomous | somatic clone       3      1       --
     adult antennal lobe projection neuron DL1 adPN | cell autonomous | somatic clone       8      1      3
     adult midgut epithelium | cell autonomous       2       --       2
     adult mushroom body gamma-lobe | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     adult olfactory receptor neuron | cell autonomous       7       --       6
     adult optic lobe | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2      2       --
     adult protocerebral bridge 1 glomerulus-fan-shaped body-round body type a neuron | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       2
     aedeagus | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     antennal lobe glomerulus VA7m | cell autonomous       5       --       4
     antennal lobe projection neuron adPN | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     antennal lobe projection neuron of ALl1 lineage | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     antennal lobe projection neuron vPN | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     anterior crossvein | cell autonomous       3       --       2
     apical part of cell | cell autonomous | pupal stage | somatic clone       2       --       --
     arista | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     autolysosome | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       6       --       5
     autophagosome | cell autonomous | decreased number | larval stage | somatic clone | calorie restriction conditional       1       --       --
     autophagosome | cell autonomous | increased number | larval stage | somatic clone       2       --       2
     autophagosome | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       2       --       2
     autophagosome | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       7       --       7
     axon | adult stage | cell autonomous       5       --       4
     axon | cell autonomous       1       --       --
     axon | cell autonomous | third instar larval stage | conditional       3       --       2
     border follicle cell | cell autonomous | somatic clone       4       --       --
     bract | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1      1       --
     brain | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       2
     cell body rind of adult lamina | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1      1       --
     cell lethal | cell autonomous | germline clone       3       --       --
     cell lethal | cell autonomous | somatic clone       3       --       --
     chaeta | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     coxa | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1      1       --
     cytoophidium | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       2
     decreased cell growth rate | cell autonomous | germline clone       1       --       --
     decreased cell growth rate | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     decreased cell number | adult stage | cell autonomous       2       --       2
     decreased cell number | cell autonomous | germline clone | oogenesis       2       --       3
     decreased cell number | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       8       --       --
     decreased cell number | cell autonomous | oogenesis       4       --       5
     decreased cell number | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     decreased cell size | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       4       --       4
     decreased cell size | cell autonomous | recessive | somatic clone       3       --       2
     decreased cell size | cell autonomous | somatic clone      20       --       9
     decreased cell size | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       3       --       3
     decreased occurrence of cell division | cell autonomous | larval stage       3       --       1
     decreased occurrence of cell division | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       3       --       3
     decreased occurrence of cell division | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       3       --       3
     decreased size | adult stage | cell autonomous       2       --       2
     decreased size | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       2       --       2
     dendrite | cell autonomous | pupal stage | somatic clone       2       --       --
     dendrite | cell autonomous | somatic clone       4       --       --
     dendrite | cell autonomous | somatic clone | increased number       2       --       --
     dendrite | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       1       --       --
     dendritic branch | cell autonomous | larval stage       3       --       2
     dendritic tree | cell autonomous | larval stage       3       --       2
     denticle | cell autonomous | ectopic       2       --       2
     double row of wing sensilla | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       --
     egg chamber | cell autonomous | germline clone       1      1       --
     ellipsoid body | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       2
     embryonic segment | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     embryonic/larval brain | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     embryonic/larval fat body | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       2       --       2
     embryonic/larval motor neuron | cell autonomous | third instar larval stage | conditional       3       --       2
     embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     embryonic/larval salivary gland | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1      1       --
     embryonic/larval salivary gland | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       3       --       3
     embryonic/larval tracheal dorsal trunk | cell autonomous | embryonic stage 17       2       --       1
     embryonic/larval tracheal dorsal trunk | cell autonomous | embryonic stage 17 | somatic clone       2       --       2
     embryonic/larval tracheal dorsal trunk | cell autonomous | third instar larval stage       2       --       2
     embryonic/larval tracheocyte | cell autonomous | embryonic stage 17       2       --       1
     embryonic/larval tracheocyte | cell autonomous | embryonic stage 17 | somatic clone       2       --       2
     enteroendocrine cell | adult stage | cell autonomous       2       --       2
     epidermis | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     eye disc posterior to the morphogenetic furrow | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       2       --       2
     eye disc | cell autonomous       2       --       2
     eye disc | cell autonomous | somatic clone       7       --       --
     eye disc | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       2       --       1
     eye photoreceptor cell stalk | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     eye photoreceptor cell | adult stage | cell autonomous       2       --       2
     eye photoreceptor cell | adult stage | cell autonomous | somatic clone | conditional       1      1       --
     eye photoreceptor cell | cell autonomous | progressive | somatic clone       1       --       --
     eye photoreceptor cell | cell autonomous | somatic clone       3      2       --
     eye | cell autonomous | somatic clone       7      1       --
     eye-antennal disc | cell autonomous | cell non-autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       1       --       --
     eye-antennal disc | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       1       --       --
     fan-shaped body layer | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       2
     fat body | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     fat cell | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       6       --       6
     female genitalia | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     female germline stem cell | cell autonomous       5       --       6
     female germline stem cell | cell autonomous | germline clone       1      1       --
     female germline stem cell | cell autonomous | germline clone | oogenesis       2       --       3
     female germline stem cell | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2      2       --
     filopodium | cell autonomous | clone of cells | ectopic | oogenesis       2       --       2
     follicle cell | cell autonomous | clone of cells | ectopic | oogenesis       2       --       2
     follicle cell | cell autonomous | somatic clone       5       --       2
     germarium cap cell | adult stage | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     germarium | cell autonomous | germline clone       2       --       3
     hypandrium | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     hyperplasia | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       --
     hypogynium | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     imaginal disc anterior compartment | cell autonomous | somatic clone - tissue specific       1      1       --
     imaginal disc posterior compartment | cell autonomous | somatic clone - tissue specific       1      1       --
     imaginal disc | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     increased cell death | cell autonomous       5       --       3
     increased cell death | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       3       --       3
     increased cell death | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone - tissue specific       1       --       --
     increased cell death | cell autonomous | somatic clone       3       --       4
     increased cell death | cell autonomous | somatic clone | wandering third instar larval stage       1       --       --
     increased cell number | adult stage | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     increased cell number | cell autonomous       2       --       --
     increased cell number | cell autonomous | oogenesis       4       --       5
     increased cell number | cell autonomous | oogenesis | somatic clone       1       --       --
     increased cell number | cell autonomous | pupal stage | somatic clone       2       --       --
     increased cell number | cell autonomous | somatic clone       4       --       4
     increased cell size | adult stage | cell autonomous       1       --       --
     increased cell size | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       4       --       4
     increased cell size | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     increased cell size | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       2       --       1
     increased occurrence of cell division | adult stage | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     increased occurrence of cell division | cell autonomous | oogenesis | somatic clone       2       --       --
     increased occurrence of cell division | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     increased occurrence of cell division | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       2       --       2
     increased size | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       2
     labellum | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     lamina furrow | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1      1       --
     lamina | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1      1       --
     larval dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC | cell autonomous | pupal stage | somatic clone       2       --       --
     larval dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     larval dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaE | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       1       --       --
     larval fat cell of larval fat body | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       2
     larval fat cell of larval fat body | cell autonomous | somatic clone | calorie restriction conditional       3       --       2
     larval fat cell of larval fat body | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage      10       --       9
     larval multidendritic class IV neuron | cell autonomous | larval stage       3      1      2
     larval multidendritic class IV neuron | cell autonomous | somatic clone       3      1       --
     late endosome | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       4       --       3
     leg joint | cell autonomous | somatic clone       4      1       --
     leg | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     leg | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2      1       --
     lethal - all die before end of larval stage | cell autonomous | recessive       1       --       --
     lethal | cell autonomous | recessive | somatic clone       1       --       --
     lipid droplet | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       2       --       2
     lysosome | cell autonomous | increased number | larval stage | somatic clone - tissue specific       1       --       --
     lysosome | cell autonomous | somatic clone | third instar larval stage       7       --       6
     macrochaeta | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       2      1       --
     macrochaeta | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     main body follicle cell | cell autonomous | somatic clone       5       --       2
     male accessory gland secondary cell | cell autonomous       3       --       3
     male genitalia | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     male germline stem cell | cell autonomous | germline clone       2      1       --
     maxillary palp | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     mesothoracic leg | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     mesothoracic segment | cell autonomous       1       --       --
     mesothoracic segment | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     mesothoracic tergum | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       2       --       2
     mesothoracic tergum | cell autonomous | pupal stage | somatic clone       2       --       --
     mesothoracic tibial apical bristle | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     microchaeta | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1      1       --
     microchaeta | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     neurite | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     neuroblast NB3-1 | cell autonomous       1       --       --
     neuroblast NB5-6 | cell autonomous       1       --       --
     neuron projection | adult stage | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       2
     notal microchaeta | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     nucleus | adult stage | cell autonomous       3       --       3
     nucleus | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       9       --       9
     nucleus | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     ommatidial precursor cluster | cell autonomous | somatic clone | wandering third instar larval stage       1       --       --
     ommatidium | cell autonomous       1      1       --
     ommatidium | cell autonomous | somatic clone      15      3       --
     oocyte associated follicular epithelium | adult stage | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       2
     oocyte associated follicular epithelium | cell autonomous | somatic clone       4      1      2
     oviprovector | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     partially lethal - majority die | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     peripodial epithelium | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R4 | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R7 | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       1
     photoreceptor cell R8 | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     photoreceptor cell R8 | cell autonomous | third instar larval stage       3       --       2
     photoreceptor neuron | cell autonomous | pupal stage | somatic clone       2       --       --
     photoreceptor neuron | cell autonomous | somatic clone       3       --       --
     photoreceptor | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       2       --       4
     pigment cell | cell autonomous | pupal stage | somatic clone | increased number       1       --       --
     polar follicle cell | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2      1       --
     postnotum | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       2       --       2
     presynaptic active zone | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       1       --       --
     proboscis | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     prothoracic leg | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     prothoracic tarsal segment | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     retina | cell autonomous | conditional | somatic clone       1       --       --
     retina | cell autonomous | pupal stage | somatic clone       1      1       --
     retina | cell autonomous | somatic clone       4      2       --
     rhabdomere of eye photoreceptor cell | adult stage | cell autonomous       2       --       2
     rhabdomere | cell autonomous | somatic clone      12       --       --
     second segment of antenna | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     sensory mother cell | cell autonomous | ectopic | pupal stage | somatic clone       1      1       --
     sensory mother cell | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       2      1       --
     sensory mother cell | cell autonomous | pupal stage | somatic clone       1      1       --
     sensory mother cell | cell autonomous | pupal stage | somatic clone | increased number       1       --       --
     sex comb | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1      1       --
     sex comb | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     spermatocyte | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     stalk follicle cell | anterior | cell autonomous       1      1       --
     stalk follicle cell | cell autonomous       1      1       --
     stress fiber | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     surstylus | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     taenidial fold | cell autonomous | embryonic stage 17       2       --       1
     taenidial fold | cell autonomous | embryonic stage 17 | somatic clone       2       --       2
     taenidial fold | cell autonomous | third instar larval stage       2       --       2
     tarsal segment | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     tergite | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       2
     third segment of antenna | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     tibia | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     tormogen cell | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     trichome | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     triple row of wing sensilla | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       --
     unguis | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     visible | adult stage | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     visible | cell autonomous | homeotic | recessive | somatic clone       2       --       --
     visible | cell autonomous | recessive       1       --       --
     visible | cell autonomous | recessive | somatic clone       6       --       --
     visible | cell autonomous | somatic clone       5       --       --
     wing blade | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     wing cell | cell autonomous       3       --       2
     wing cell | P-stage | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     wing disc | cell autonomous | larval stage | somatic clone       1       --       --
     wing disc | cell autonomous | somatic clone      18      2     13
     wing disc | cell autonomous | third instar larval stage       2       --       2
     wing hair | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     wing hair | cell autonomous | increased number       2       --       1
     wing hair | cell autonomous | pupal stage | somatic clone       1       --       --
     wing hair | cell autonomous | somatic clone       5       --       --
     wing hair | cell autonomous | somatic clone | increased number       4       --       --
     wing hair | P-stage | absent | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     wing hair | P-stage | cell autonomous | somatic clone | increased number       1       --       --
     wing hinge | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     wing margin bristle | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1      1       --
     wing margin bristle | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       --
     wing margin | cell autonomous | somatic clone       2       --       --
     wing sensillum | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     wing vein L2 | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     wing vein L3 | cell autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --
     wing vein | cell autonomous | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --
     wing vein | cell autonomous | somatic clone      11      3       --
     wing vein | cell autonomous | somatic clone | increased number       1       --       --
     wing | cell autonomous | somatic clone       5      1       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
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  phenotype qualifier
   |__cell autonomy qualifier
       |__cell autonomous  301 rec.
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