FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Rbf120a
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
Key Links
Allele class
Nature of the Allele
Allele class
Progenitor genotype
Associated Insertion(s)

Insertion of a P{CaSpeR} element in the 5' untranslated region, approximately 700bp from the start codon.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Rbf120a mutant larvae are more sensitive to fasting than controls.

Rbf120a flies have almost normal eyes.

On average, 3.7 ectopic S-phase cells/1000 pixels are present in Rbf120a mutant eye disc clones.

Rbf120a mutant eye disc clones exhibit apoptosis just anterior to the morphogenetic furrow, and this is not observed in the wild-type disc.

Compared with wild-type controls, homozygous Rbf120a mutant cells in the eye disc show heightened sensitivity to apoptosis after treatment with ionising irradiation.

DNA-damage induces apoptosis in Rbf120a mutant eye discs.

In Rbf120a/Rbf14 animals, FACS profiles of DNA content in ovarian follicle cells show a population with a ploidy of 32n not seen in wild-type.

Rbf120a/Rbf14 follicle cells show increased ploidy compared to control cells by FACS analysis.

Rbf11/Rbf120a eye discs have a severe disruption in the post-morphogenetic furrow S phase band, but have excessive S phases in the posterior region. Despite this disruption, the adult eye phenotype is only mildly disorganised.

Rbf120a/Rbf14 egg chambers have a mosaic of follicle cells with DNA replication defects. Overamplification of DNA is also seen in the follicle cells. The follicle cells also have cell-cycle defects; the follicle cells undergo at least one extra S phase. DNA replication also persists in later stages of mutant follicle cells than normal.

Some follicle cells from Rbf14/Rbf120a ovaries undergo an additional endocycle.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by
NOT Enhanced by

Rbf120a has increased cell death phenotype, non-enhanceable by p535A-1-4

Suppressed by
NOT suppressed by
Enhancer of
NOT Enhancer of

Rbf120a is a non-enhancer of decreased cell death | recessive phenotype of hid05014

Suppressor of

Rbf14/Rbf120a is a suppressor of lethal phenotype of E2f191/E2f1rM729

Rbf120a/Rbf[+] is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Hsap\CDKN1AGMR.PH

NOT Suppressor of

Rbf120a is a non-suppressor of decreased cell death | recessive phenotype of hid05014

Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by
NOT Enhanced by

Rbf120a has eye disc phenotype, non-enhanceable by p535A-1-4

Rbf120a/Rbf11 has S phase | ectopic & eye disc | posterior phenotype, non-enhanceable by brm25S14/mor35S1

Rbf120a/Rbf11 has eye disc phenotype, non-enhanceable by brm25S14/mor35S1

Rbf120a/Rbf11 has eye phenotype, non-enhanceable by brm25S14/mor35S1

Suppressed by

Rbf120a has eye disc phenotype, suppressible by CblF165

Rbf120a, gig192 has eye disc | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by S6kl-1

Rbf120a has eye disc phenotype, suppressible by Dpunspecified

Rbf120a has eye disc phenotype, suppressible by p535A-1-4

Rbf120a has eye disc phenotype, suppressible by rpr87

NOT suppressed by

Rbf120a has eye disc phenotype, non-suppressible by p535A-1-4

Rbf120a/Rbf11 has eye disc phenotype, non-suppressible by brm25S14/mor35S1

Rbf120a/Rbf11 has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by brm25S14/mor35S1

Rbf120a/Rbf11 has S phase | ectopic & eye disc | posterior phenotype, non-suppressible by brm25S14/mor35S1

Enhancer of
NOT Enhancer of

Rbf120a is a non-enhancer of eye disc phenotype of hid05014

Suppressor of

Rbf14/Rbf120a is a suppressor of eye disc phenotype of E2f191/E2f1rM729

Rbf14/Rbf120a is a suppressor of eye disc & mitotic cell cycle phenotype of E2f191/E2f1rM729

Rbf120a/Rbf[+] is a suppressor of eye phenotype of Hsap\CDKN1AGMR.PH

NOT Suppressor of

Rbf120a is a non-suppressor of eye disc phenotype of hid05014

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

A Rbf120a mutant background dominantly enhances the Scer\GAL4GMR.PF>lin-52GD12885 eye phenotype. This is accompanied by a corresponding increase in hid protein and elevated apoptosis in the eye-antennal disc.

Generation of eye disc clones expressing mir-11Scer\UAS.T:Disc\RFP-DsRed2 does not suppress the cell death seen in Rbf120a mutant eye discs.

Generation of eye disc clones expressing mir-998Scer\UAS.cTa suppresses the cell death seen in Rbf120a mutant eye discs.

The generation of mir-998exc222 mutant eye disc clones enhances the amount of cell death seen in Rbf120a mutant eye discs.

The generation of CblL.Scer\UAS mutant eye disc clones enhances the amount of cell death seen in Rbf120a mutant eye discs. Co-expression of mir-998Scer\UAS.cTa blocks this suppression.

The generation of CblS.Scer\UAS mutant eye disc clones enhances the amount of cell death seen in Rbf120a mutant eye discs. Co-expression of mir-998Scer\UAS.cTa blocks this suppression.

The generation of CblF165 mutant eye disc clones suppresses the amount of cell death seen in Rbf120a mutant eye discs.

Axn127 Rbf120a double mutant larvae show enhanced sensitivity to fasting than either mutant alone.

Rbf120a flies expressing emcd09015 or emcScer\UAS.cdCa in clones in the eye under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PU have rough eyes which are reduced in size. Pupal eye discs of these animals analysed at 42 hours after puparium formation often contain ommatidia with less than four cone cells per cluster and fewer than normal photoreceptor cells.

Rbf120a Tsc1R453X double mutant eye disc clones exhibit ectopic S-phase cells at the morphogenetic furrow. Approximately 12.4 ectopic S-phase cells/pixels are present in Rbf120a Tsc1R453X double mutant eye disc clones, showing a 3-fold increase compared to Rbf120a single mutant clones.

Rbf120a Tsc1R453X double mutant eye disc clones exhibit a large increase in apoptosis at the morphogenetic furrow and the anterior region of the eye disc.

When Tsc1f01910 E2frM729 double mutant clones are generated in Rbf120a, the sizes of the Tsc1f01910 E2frM729 double mutant clones are much smaller than those of Tsc1f01910 single mutant clones.

The prevailing cell death phenotype observed in Rbf120a Tsc1f01910 double mutant clones at the morphogenetic furrow is no longer present in Rbf120a E2frM729 Tsc1f01910 triple mutant cells, indicating that the increased level of ectopic cell death observed in Rbf120a Tsc1f01910 double mutant cells is E2f-dependent.

Generating Tsc1f01910 clones in Rbf120a eye discs produce an increase in the level of ectopic cell death.

Rheb2D1 mutant clones in a Rbf120a mutant eye disc exhibit a decrease in apoptosis at the morphogenetic furrow compared to neighboring Rbf120a cells. The ectopic cell death observed in Rbf120a Tsc1R453X double mutant cells is completely suppressed in Rheb2D1 mutant clones.

The basal level of E2f-dependent cell death normally present in Rbf120a mutant eye discs is suppressed in S6kl-1 mutant cells.

The level of ectopic cell death is increased in gig192 mutant clones generated in Rbf120a mutant eye discs.

The ectopic cell death observed in Rbf120a gig192 is completely absent in Rbf120a gig192 S6kl-1 triple mutant cells.

The wave of apoptosis in Rbf120a mutant eye discs is completely suppressed by Dpunspecified.

The wave of apoptosis that appears in the absence of irradiation in Rbf120a mutant eye discs is unaffected by p535A-1-4.

The elevated level of DNA-damage induced apoptosis in Rbf120a mutant eye discs is suppressed by Dpunspecified.

The elevated level of DNA-damage induced apoptosis in Rbf120a mutant eye discs is suppressed by p535A-1-4.

Similarly to W05014 single mutants, DNA-damage induced apoptosis is completely abolished in Rbf120a, W05014 double mutant eye discs.

The level of DNA-damage induced cell death seen in Rbf120a mutant eye discs is clearly reduced in the presence of rpr87. rpr87 does not affect the level or pattern of cell death in Rbf120a mutant eye discs before irradiation treatment.

Flies carrying Rbf120a and homozygous for "Rbf2[M2]" (Df(3R)16C3a with all deleted genes except Rbf2 rescued by the addition of two transgene insertions: P{CG4287-CG5516-(Rbf2).S}a and P{mor+11.8}F3a) have a rough eye phenotype that is not seen in either Rbf120a or "Rbf2[M2]" single mutants.

The addition of brm25S14 and mor35S1 to Rbf120a/Rbf11 animals has no effect on eye disc and eye phenotypes.

The larval lethality of E2f91/E2frM729 transheterozygotes can be suppressed by Rbf120a/Rbf14; the larvae develop into large late third instar larvae and many can pupate. Some Rbf120a/Rbf14 ; E2f91/E2frM729 animals can develop into pharate adults with adult eyes, legs and wing structures. The development of these larvae is significantly retarded compared to wild-type larvae, with the earliest pupae observed at around day 11 after egg laying. BrdU incorporation is not seen in the optic lobe region of the brain in day 13 E2f91/E2frM729 larvae, in contrast to wild-type third instar larvae. The normal pattern of DNA replication in the optic lobe region is restored if the larvae are also carrying Rbf120a/Rbf14. The eye discs of E2f91/E2frM729 larvae are very small and have only a few cells labelled with BrdU with no specific pattern. In Rbf120a/Rbf14 ; E2f91/E2frM729 eye discs the overall pattern of DNA replication is normal. No significant cell death is seen in these eye discs. In late third instar discs there are about 25 rows of developing photoreceptor cells (as in wild-type discs) but there are much fewer cells anterior to the morphogenetic furrow than in wild type.

Enhances the rough eye phenotype of flies expressing both E2fGMR.PD and DpGMR.PD.

Xenogenetic Interactions

Dominantly suppresses the Hsap\CDKN1AGMR.PH eye phenotype.

Complementation and Rescue Data
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Stocks (2)
Notes on Origin
External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (7)
References (21)