FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Sb63b
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
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Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype
Associated Insertion(s)

Insertion of a blood element after exon 6, at a position corresponding to nucleotide 2028 of the Sb cDNA sequence. This results in a truncated 2.7kb transcript, which consists of Sb sequence up to nucleotide 2028 followed by 647bp of blood element sequences. A stop codon occurs after 66 nucleotides of blood sequence so that the protein product could include up to 22 amino acids derived from the blood element. A second insertion is also present in the 5' end of the gene.

Insertion between -55.5 and -57kb and another insertion at -61kb.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

8% of heterozygotes have a malformed leg phenotype.

Heterozygotes have wild-type leg and wing morphology. A dominant bristle phenotype is seen in the trochanter.

Mutant leg discs exhibit defective cell shape changes that result in malformed short legs. Mutant leg discs fail to show the successful transformation of cells from anisometric to isometric in the basitarsal and tibial segments.

Sb1, T(2;3)SbV, and SbSpi are much less severe in phenotype, both in bristle length and frequency and severity of malformation of appendages, than Sb63b and Sb70.

Sb bristles have more actin filament bundles than normal (25-30 as opposed to the wild type 15-18). These filament bundles are abnormally irregular in thickness and arrangement from the first stage they can be seen in pupal development. By 40 hrs of pupal development filament elongation stops abruptly, resulting in short, blunt ended bristles.

Leg discs do not elongate properly in Sb1/Sb63b flies; cells in the basitarsus and tibia do not extend normally and cells in this region remain highly anisometric in shape.

zip interacts to some degree with all Sb dominant mutations.

Bristles of Sb63b/+ somewhat shorter and thicker than Sb1. Wings and legs normal. Homozygote shows reduced viability, short, thick bristles, small wings, and short deformed legs (Beaton et al., 1988; FBrf0048216). Sb63b/Sb1 viable and fertile, more extreme than either heterozygote. RK1. strong allele homozygous viable

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by

Sb63b has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by Rho172O/Rho1[+]

Sb63b has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by rok[+]/Rok1

Sb63b has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by Rho1[+]/Rho1k02107b

Sb63b has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by zip[+]/zipEbr

NOT Enhanced by

Sb63b has visible | dominant phenotype, non-enhanceable by Cdc42[+]/Cdc423

Sb63b has visible | dominant phenotype, non-enhanceable by Cdc42[+]/Cdc424

Sb63b has visible | dominant phenotype, non-enhanceable by Rac1J11/Rac1[+]

Sb63b has visible | dominant phenotype, non-enhanceable by Rac2314/Rac2[+]

Enhancer of

Sb63b/Sb[+] is an enhancer of visible phenotype of Drakdel

Sb63b/Sb[+] is an enhancer of visible phenotype of DrakKO

Sb63b/Sb[+] is an enhancer of visible phenotype of LIMK1D522A.UAS, Scer\GAL4hs.PB


Rho172F/Rho1[+], Sb63b has visible | dominant phenotype

Rho172O/Rho1[+], Sb63b has visible | dominant phenotype

Rho172F, Sb63b/Sb[+] has visible phenotype

RhoGEF21.1/RhoGEF2[+], Sb63b has visible | dominant phenotype

RhoGEF211-3/RhoGEF2[+], Sb63b has visible | dominant phenotype

RhoGEF211-3/RhoGEF2[+], Sb63b has visible phenotype

rok[+]/Rok1, Sb63b has visible | dominant phenotype

rok[+]/Rok2, Sb63b has visible | dominant phenotype

E(zip)12-5[+]/E(zip)12-512-5, Sb63b has visible phenotype

E(zip)18-5[+]/E(zip)18-518-5, Sb63b has visible phenotype

E(zip)31-631-6/E(zip)31-6[+], Sb63b has visible phenotype

Rho112-6/Rho1[+], Sb63b has visible phenotype

Sb63b, zip33-1/zip[+] has visible phenotype

Rho172O, Sb63b/Sb[+] has visible phenotype

Rok2, Sb63b/Sb[+] has visible phenotype

Rok1, Sb63b/Sb[+] has visible phenotype

Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by

Sb63b has leg phenotype, enhanceable by Rho172O/Rho1[+]

Sb63b has leg phenotype, enhanceable by rok[+]/Rok1

Sb63b has leg phenotype, enhanceable by Rho1[+]/Rho1k02107b

Sb63b has leg phenotype, enhanceable by zip[+]/zipEbr

NOT Enhanced by

Sb63b has leg phenotype, non-enhanceable by Cdc42[+]/Cdc423

Sb63b has leg phenotype, non-enhanceable by Cdc42[+]/Cdc424

Sb63b has leg phenotype, non-enhanceable by Rac1J11/Rac1[+]

Sb63b has leg phenotype, non-enhanceable by Rac2314/Rac2[+]

Enhancer of

Sb63b/Sb[+] is an enhancer of wing phenotype of Drakdel

Sb63b/Sb[+] is an enhancer of wing phenotype of DrakKO

Sb63b/Sb[+] is an enhancer of leg phenotype of LIMK1D522A.UAS, Scer\GAL4hs.PB


Rho172F/Rho1[+], Sb63b has leg phenotype

Rho172O/Rho1[+], Sb63b has leg phenotype

Rho1E3.10/Rho1[+], Sb63b has wing phenotype

Rho1E3.10/Rho1[+], Sb63b has leg phenotype

RhoGEF204291/RhoGEF2[+], Sb63b has leg phenotype

RhoGEF21.1/RhoGEF2[+], Sb63b has leg phenotype

RhoGEF211-3/RhoGEF2[+], Sb63b has leg phenotype

rok[+]/Rok1, Sb63b has leg phenotype

rok[+]/Rok2, Sb63b has leg phenotype

Rho1J3.8/Rho1[+], Sb63b has wing phenotype

Rho1J3.8/Rho1[+], Sb63b has leg phenotype

Sb63b/Sb[+], zip33-1 has leg phenotype

Rok1, Sb63b/Sb[+] has wing phenotype

RhoGEF211-3, Sb63b/Sb[+] has leg phenotype

Rho112-6, Sb63b/Sb[+] has wing phenotype

Rho112-6, Sb63b/Sb[+] has leg phenotype

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

Sb63b dominantly enhances the shortening of the wing which is seen in DrakKO and in Drakdel flies.

The frequency of the malformed leg phenotype seen in Sb63b/+ heterozygotes (8%) is increased if the flies are also heterozygous for Rho172O (31%), Rho1k02107b (93%), rok1 (24%) or zipEbr (63%). The frequency of the malformed leg phenotype seen in Sb63b/+ heterozygotes (8%) is not increased if the flies are also heterozygous for Rac1J11/+ (3%), Rac2314/+ (4%), Cdc423/+ (3%) or Cdc424/+ (6%). Expression of LIMK1D522A.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4hs.PB enhances the frequency of the malformed leg phenotype seen in Sb63b/+ heterozygotes from 8% to 58%.

Rho1E3.10/+ ; Sb63b/+ flies have crumpled wings. Sb63b shows a strong interaction (at least 50% of double heterozygotes have at least one malformed leg) with the following mutations: Rho112-6, Rho1J3.8, Rho1E3.10, Rho172F, Rho172O and Df(2R)Jp8. Sb63b shows a moderate interaction (25-49% of double heterozygotes have at least one malformed leg) with the following mutations: RhoGEF211-3, rok2, Df(2R)Jp1 and E(zip)18-518-5. Sb63b shows a weak interaction (5-24% of double heterozygotes have at least one malformed leg) with the following mutations: E(zip)31-631-6, zip33-1, RhoGEF21.1, RhoGEF204291, rok1 and E(zip)12-512-5. Sb63b shows no interaction with Pkn3 or Pkn06736 (assayed in terms of a malformed leg phenotype). Sb63b shows a strong interaction (at least 50% of double heterozygotes have at least one malformed wing) with the following mutations: Rho1E3.10 and Rho1J3.8. Sb63b shows a strong interaction (at least 50% of double heterozygotes have at least one malformed wing) with the following mutations: RhoGEF211-3 and Rho112-6. Sb63b shows a moderate interaction (25-49% of double heterozygotes have at least one malformed wing) with the following mutations: E(zip)31-631-6. Sb63b shows a weak interaction (5-24% of double heterozygotes have at least one malformed wing) with the following mutations: E(zip)18-518-5, rok1 and E(zip)12-512-5.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Not rescued by

Allelism inferred from failure to recover recombinants among 100 progeny of Sb63b/Sb1.

Images (0)
Stocks (11)
Notes on Origin

Merriam, Feb. 1963.


Transcript analysis suggests that the insertion at -61kb is spliced out of the transcript suggesting that the insertion between -55.5 and -57kb is the one responsible for the mutant phenotype.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (2)
Reported As
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    References (11)