FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\PsnB3
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Key Links
Genomic Maps

Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

Nucleotide substitution: G to A. Amino acid replacement: G516E. Mutation is in the C-terminal tail.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Nucleotide change:


Reported nucleotide change:


Amino acid change:

G516E | Psn-PA; G502E | Psn-PB; G483E | Psn-PC; G502E | Psn-PD; G516E | Psn-PE

Reported amino acid change:


Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
is ameliorated by mGluR112b
is ameliorated by Itprwc361
is ameliorated by Ipp1
is ameliorated by Itprwc703
is ameliorated by Ipp3
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

There is no significant difference in the normalised number of synaptic boutons or the lengths of synaptic branches between mutant and wild-type type 1 glutamatergic larval neuromuscular junctions. The size of type 1b synaptic boutons is significantly reduced at the mutant larval neuromuscular junction compared to controls.

Young (less than 10 days old) males heterozygous for PsnI2 do not show any defects in their courtship behavior or locomotor activity compared to wild-type. Their learning index during training with mated unreceptive female is also normal as is their immediate recall memory (assayed by measuring courtship behavior of a male which has just completed a training with a mated unreceptive female toward a receptive virgin female) and 60 min short-term memory (courtship of the trained male is assayed after a 60 min break).

30-day old males heterozygous for PsnB3 also do not show any defects in the level or quality of naive courtship, locomotor activity, phototaxis or chemotaxis, however they display learning defects (fail to demonstrate the typical decrease in courtship activity when paired with an mated unreceptive female) as well as loss of short-term (60 min) memory is impaired (immediate recall memory is normal though).

PsnB3/PsnI2 wing discs lack all cell fates distal to the wg expression domain, i.e. the wing pouch and margin.

Hemizygotes show late prepupal lethality, at the P4(i) prepupa stage.

A dramatic increase in the number of cells undergoing apoptosis is seen in certain regions of homozygous third larval instar eye discs. High levels of apoptosis are also seen in the wing and leg discs.

Mutant larvae secrete a pupal case and complete the last stages of larval development but do not form any adult structures. They collapse into a homogeneous oily mass within the pupal case. The phenotype closely resembles that of Su(H) mutants. Wing margin structures are missing from mutant wing discs. Size of wing pouch is reduced. Clusters of supernumerary SOP cells arise at the position of normal SOP cell emergence. Lateral inhibition in the clusters is impaired. Embryos deficient for maternal and zygotic Psn, derived by fertilization of PsnS3 germline clone-derived eggs by PsnB3 sperm, show neural hyperplasia of the embryonic nervous system, and the maternal phenotype is only weakly rescued by wild-type paternal zygotic Psn function. Third instar larval eye discs show a severe mutant phenotype. Remnants of morphogenetic furrow are evident in only some eye discs.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Suppressed by

PsnB3 has abnormal learning | male | adult stage | progressive phenotype, suppressible by mGluR112b/mGluR[+]

PsnB3 has abnormal memory | male | adult stage | progressive phenotype, suppressible by mGluR112b/mGluR[+]

PsnB3 has abnormal learning | male | adult stage | progressive phenotype, suppressible by Ipp3/Ipp[+]

PsnB3 has abnormal memory | male | adult stage | progressive phenotype, suppressible by Ipp3/Ipp[+]

PsnB3 has abnormal learning | male | adult stage | progressive phenotype, suppressible by Ipp1/Ipp[+]

PsnB3 has abnormal memory | male | adult stage | progressive phenotype, suppressible by Ipp1/Ipp[+]

PsnB3 has abnormal learning | male | adult stage | progressive phenotype, suppressible by Itprwc361/Itp-r83A[+]

PsnB3 has abnormal memory | male | adult stage | progressive phenotype, suppressible by Itprwc361/Itp-r83A[+]

PsnB3 has abnormal learning | male | adult stage | progressive phenotype, suppressible by Itprwc703/Itp-r83A[+]

PsnB3 has abnormal memory | male | adult stage | progressive phenotype, suppressible by Itprwc703/Itp-r83A[+]

PsnB3 has abnormal memory | male | adult stage | progressive phenotype, suppressible by Itpr90B.0/Itp-r83A[+]

Fmr13, PsnB3/Psn[+] has abnormal courtship behavior phenotype, suppressible by Fmr1+t14

NOT suppressed by

PsnB3 has abnormal learning | male | adult stage | progressive phenotype, non-suppressible by mGluR2b/mGluR[+]

PsnB3 has abnormal memory | male | adult stage | progressive phenotype, non-suppressible by mGluR2b/mGluR[+]

PsnB3 has abnormal learning | male | adult stage | progressive phenotype, non-suppressible by Itpr90B.0/Itp-r83A[+]

Suppressor of

PsnB3/Psn[+] is a suppressor of abnormal learning | male | adult stage phenotype of Ipp1

PsnB3/Psn[+] is a suppressor of abnormal learning | male | adult stage phenotype of Ipp3

PsnB3/Psn[+] is a suppressor of abnormal learning | male | adult stage phenotype of Itprwc361

PsnB3/Psn[+] is a suppressor of abnormal learning | male | adult stage phenotype of Itprwc703

NOT Suppressor of

PsnB3/Psn[+] is a non-suppressor of abnormal learning | male | adult stage phenotype of Itpr90B.0

Phenotype Manifest In
Suppressed by

PsnI2/PsnB3 has wing disc phenotype, suppressible by HE31

PsnI2/PsnB3 has wing margin phenotype, suppressible by HE31

PsnB3 has phenotype, suppressible by Nint.hs

NOT suppressed by
Suppressor of
Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

The age-onset learning and memory defects characteristic for PsnB3 heterozygote males are suppressed by combination with a single copy of the mGluR112b allele but not with the mGluR2b allele.

The learning defects (measured by assessing courtship behavior) observed in PsnB3, Ipp[3] or Ipp1 single heterozygote 30 day-old males are suppressed in both PsnB3/+;Ipp3/+ and PsnB3/+;Ipp1/+ double heterozygotes. Combination with a single copy of either Ipp3 or Ipp1 can also restore the short-term memory defects characteristic for aged PsnB3 heterozygote males.

The learning defects (measured by assessing courtship behavior) observed in PsnB3, Itp-r83Awc361, Itp-r83Awc703 and Itp-r83A90B.0 single heterozygote 30 day-old males are suppressed in the PsnB3/+;Itp-r83Awc361/+, PsnB3/+;Itp-r83Awc703/+ but not in the PsnB3/+;Itp-r83A90B.0/+ double heterozygotes. Combination with a single copy of Itp-r83Awc361 or Itp-r83Awc703 or Itp-r83A90B.0 can also restore the short-term memory defects characteristic for aged PsnB3 heterozygote males.

The courtship behavior of 5-day-old Fmr13/+;PsnB3/+ double heterozygous males is severely impaired compared to either of the single heterozygotes that display normal courtship. This defect in naive courtship behavior can be rescued by combination with Fmr1+t14 allele.

Xenogenetic Interactions

A PsnB3/+ background rescues the age-dependent retinal neurodegeneration phenotype seen when Hsap\APP695.Scer\UAS is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF.

Complementation and Rescue Data

The reduced size of the type 1b synaptic boutons which is seen at the neuromuscular junction in PsnB3 larvae is rescued by Psn+14.PEPC.

Expression of PsnN.T:Hsap\MYC rescues the lethality of PsnB3.

Expression of Psnloop.T:Hsap\MYC rescues the lethality of PsnB3.

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