FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Src64BΔ17
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D. melanogaster
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Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

Imprecise excision of the P{lwB} element in Src64BBGT-T063, deleting most or all of the first 2 exons of Src64B.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Src64BΔ17/Src64Bko females lay significantly fewer eggs than wild type. 43% of these eggs hatch.

Ring canal diameter in homozygous egg chambers significantly smaller than wild type. Nurse cell fusion is seen in the mutant egg chambers.

Homozygous embryos derived from homozygous females show defects during cellularisation. The microfilament rings show significantly more deviation from circularity than in wild-type embryos during both early and late cellularisation.

Src64BΔ17 females lay fewer eggs than wild-type females and under 5% of these eggs hatch.

The egg chambers of Src64Bko females contain aberrantly small ring canals (on average 6.8μm diameter vs 9.1μm in wild-type females).

Src64BΔ17 egg chambers have aberrant cell numbers. The total germ cell number is usually a multiple of the wild-type number of 16; for example, Src64BΔ17 egg chambers have been observed with 30 nurse cells and 2 oocytes and also with 60 nurse cells and 4 oocytes. Src64BΔ17 egg chambers contain the wild-type number of ring canals and nurse cell nuclei indicating that the aberrant cell number phenotype is not due to changes in germ cell proliferation.

Src64BΔ17 egg chambers derived from single Avic\GFP-labelled germline cyst clones contain both Avic\GFP-labelled and unlabelled cells, suggesting that cells from more than one cyst have been packaged into a single egg chamber.

Src64BΔ17/Src64Bko transheterozygous females show egg chamber packaging defects.

Src64BΔ17 nurse cells exhibit normal morphology. Gaps in the follicle cell layer and follicle cell polarity defects are not observed and polar and stalk cell differentiation is normal in Src64BΔ17 ovarioles. Src64BΔ17 egg chambers are always separated by stalks, even when egg chambers are mispackaged.

In Src64BΔ17 germaria, cysts with aberrant cell numbers are frequently observed and, in rare cases, cell are separated from the rest of the cyst. The follicle cells in these germaria extend projections and migrate to fully surround the germline cysts. The penetrance of Src64BΔ17 packaging defects within germaria parallels that observed in vitellaria.

Src64BΔ17 mutant ovaries have multiple defects in oogenesis, including apoptosis, the fusion of neighbouring egg chambers, mislocalized oocytes and an absence of stalk cells. Src64BΔ17 mutants can, on rare occasions, contain compound egg chambers that have two oocytes, each with four ring canals. Src64BΔ17 ovaries can contain binucleate nurse cells at all stages of oogenesis. Many of the oogenesis defects seen in Src64BΔ17 mutants appear to be connected to defects in the cytoskeleton. For example, F-actin is unevenly distributed along cell membranes within the egg chamber, causing an abnormal cell shape. Karyosome formation, which usually overlaps with G-actin accumulation, occurs later than in wild type and karyosomes are not always compact and spherical, indicating defects in chromatin condensation. Fusomes have greater levels of F-actin than wild type and appear abnormal in all mutants. Finally, the microtubule-dependent transport of proteins from the nurse cells to the oocyte appears to be affected in Src64BΔ17 mutants.

In the ovarioles of Src64BΔ17 mutants, 30% contain fused egg chambers at 18oC; this value drops to 15% at 25oC and 8% at room temperature. Germline clones for Src64BΔ17 have similar morphology (18oC - 35%; 25oC - 10%). After several generations, the fertility of Src64BΔ17 homozygous lines increases and the number and severity of egg chamber defects decreases.

In cellularizing Src64BΔ17 mutant embryos, the furrow canals are less rounded, and adjacent furrow canals extend to different depths in the embryo, giving the cellularization front a wavy, slack appearance as if it were no longer under tension. In these embryos the microfilament rings that can be seen from the surface during cellularization are not rounded, as in wild-type, but instead are irregular in shape and sometimes sharply angular. However, membrane insertion during cellularization still proceeds in these embryos. The depth of membrane invagination and the dynamics of cellularization front ingression is similar to that of wild-type embryos.

The morphology of nurse cell ring canals in Src64BΔ17/Src64BΔ17 flies is abnormal. Electron microcopy shows that at stage 6, ring canals from wild-type and mutant flies have roughly similar morphologies (although mutants have slightly thicker actin bands). However, by stage 10A the ring canals in mutants have distinct differences with wild-type. Light microscopy and actin localisation show that they are significantly narrower than in wild-type, and have a much more concave rim. Electron microscopy shows that the ring canal F-actin remains continuous with no separation into cables as in wild-type; unlike wild-type, the electron-dense material of the outer rim also remains continuous, and folds dramatically into a pointed shape, rather than remaining flat. The rate of actin monomer exchange with actin filaments of the nurse cell ring canals is much slower in Src64BΔ17 homozygotes than in wild-type.

phlSu2/Y ; Src64BΔ17/Src64BΔ17 males show semi-lethality. The surviving males have eyes that are slightly small and rough.

Homozygous females have reduced fertility; eggs laid by these females hatch at a reduced frequency (20.0%) compared to wild-type. Homozygous females show a defect in cytoplasmic transfer during oogenesis. Stage 10A egg chambers sometimes contain fewer than 15 ring canals. Fusion of nurse cells is sometimes seen, and, rarely, detached ring canals are seen within the cytoplasm of the fused nurse cells.

Homozygotes show defects in fertility and a small ring canal phenotype.

Homozygous females lay eggs that are variably reduced in size, and have a reduced hatching rate of 35% compared to wild-type. Ring canals are smaller than normal.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by
Enhancer of

Src64BΔ17 is an enhancer of visible phenotype of cswlf

Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by
Suppressed by

Src64BΔ17 has egg chamber phenotype, suppressible by Csk[+]/Cskunspecified

NOT suppressed by
Enhancer of

Src64BΔ17 is an enhancer of wing vein phenotype of cswlf

NOT Enhancer of

Src64BΔ17 is a non-enhancer of ommatidium phenotype of cswlf

Src64BΔ17/Src64B[+] is a non-enhancer of phenotype of ctL188

Src64BΔ17/Src64B[+] is a non-enhancer of phenotype of ctC145

Src64BΔ17 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of ctC145

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

Mutation of Csk partially suppresses the ring canal size defects of Src64BΔ17 ring canals. Cskunspecified, Src64BΔ17 double homozygotes show larger ring canals than Cskunspecified/+, Src64BΔ17 females.

The penetrance of the egg chamber packaging defects of Src64BΔ17 females is significantly reduced by removal of one copy of Csk (genotype: Src64BΔ17/Src64BΔ17, Cskunspecified/+). The penetrance of egg chamber packaging defects of Src64BΔ17/Src64Bko transheterozygotes is somewhat reduced in Src64BΔ17/Src64Bko females.

Removing one copy of Btk29A in Src64BΔ17 homozygotes enhances the amount of abnormal egg chambers - this effect is seen in both Btk29Ak00206/+; Src64BΔ17 and Btk29Ak05610/+; Src64BΔ17 mutants.

Reducing the Btk29A dose in Src64BΔ17 homozygotes enhances the defective ovariole phenotype at room temperature: 57% of ovarioles contain fused egg chambers in Btk29Ak00206/+; Src64BΔ17 mutants. Most of the fused egg chambers, and some of the unfused, display features of apoptosis.

The furrow canal phenotype of Src64BΔ17 mutant embryos during cellularization is unaffected by Df(3R)tll-e/Df(3R)tll-e.

The homozygous phenotypes are dominantly enhanced by Btk29Ae482. The small ring canal phenotype is also dominantly enhanced by Df(2L)TE29Aa-14.

The hatching rate of eggs derived from homozygous females is further reduced if the females are also heterozygous for Btk29Ak00206 or Btk29Ak05610. The ring canal phenotype is also enhanced by Btk29Ak00206.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Fails to complement
Partially rescued by

Expression of Src64Bosk.PO rescues Src64BΔ17 ring canals to wild-type size.

The egg chamber packaging defects of Src64BΔ17 females are fully rescued by Src64Bosk.PO expression.

Does not complement the cytoplasmic transfer defect of Src64BPI.

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