FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Pka-C1H2
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
DC0H2, DCOH2, PKAh2, PkaC1H2
Key Links
Genomic Maps

    Nature of the Allele
    Progenitor genotype

    Amino acid replacement: G203D.

    Mutations Mapped to the Genome
    Curation Data
    Additional Notes
    Nucleotide change:


    Reported nucleotide change:


    Amino acid change:

    G203D | Pka-C1-PB; G203D | Pka-C1-PC; G203D | Pka-C1-PD

    Reported amino acid change:


    Variant Molecular Consequences
    Associated Sequence Data
    DNA sequence
    Protein sequence
    Expression Data
    Reporter Expression
    Additional Information
    Marker for
    Reflects expression of
    Reporter construct used in assay
    Human Disease Associations
    Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
    Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
    Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Disease-implicated variant(s)
    Phenotypic Data
    Phenotypic Class
    Phenotype Manifest In
    Detailed Description

    The class IV dendritic arborization neurons in Pka-C1H2 mutant clones show a significant decrease in the complexity of dendritic arbors in respect to the total dendritic length. The total number of dendritic branching points is also decreased.

    Pka-C1H2 heterozygotes do not exhibit an effect on immediate memory and long-term memory.

    No change in wing area is seen in heterozygous Pka-C1H2 mutant flies raised at 27[o]C.

    Pka-C1H2/+ heterozygotes have dramatically improved memory retention curves compared with wild-type flies. Avoidance of naive flies to the odors odors and electrical shocks used during training is not significantly different between wild-type and Pka-C1H2 heterozygous mutants, indicating that the observed increases in memory are not caused by increased sensitivity to these stimuli. Memory retention curves of Pka-C1H2 /+ heterozygotes indicate that early forms of memory, including memory tested immediately after training (3-min memory) and short forms of memory (1-h memory) are not greatly affected. However, memory at later time points, 3 h and 7 h after training, progressively increases relative to wild-type, such that at 7h, memory is approximately double that of wild-type.

    Pka-C1H2/+ flies have improved cold shock-resistant 3-h memory, indicating that anesthesia-resistant memory is increased in these flies. Pka-C1H2/+ heterozygote show increased 24-h memory after massed training, indicating increased ARM production.

    Compared to wild-types, long-term memory is not altered in Pka-C1H2/+ heterozygotes.

    Memory enhancement in Pka-C1H2/+ flies begins between 1 and 3 h after single cycle training and reverts to normal within 4 days after spaced training.

    Heterozygotes show normal one-day memory after spaced training in a Pavlovian olfactory learning assay.

    Pka-C1H2 germline clones show over 90% penetrance of mid-oogenesis AP polarity defects and fusion of nurse cell membranes. The polarity defects are in least in part due to a defect in microtubule organization; microtubules emanate from along the entire cortex in stage 8-10 oocytes, instead of emanating from multiple sites at the anterior cortex only as in wild-type oocytes. Additionally, a strong focus of microtubules is sometimes seen at the posterior pole of these clones, indicating that these oocytes aberrantly retain a discrete posterior microtubule organizing center. However, movement of the oocyte nucleus from the posterior to the anterior cortex is not affected and dorsal follicle cell fate is specified correctly.

    When mutant clones are made in the legs of female adults, slightly thickened bristles are seen, indicating a weak transformation to male.

    Egg chambers containing homozygous follicle cell clones contain ectopic polar cells.

    Germ cells in embryos lacking maternal Pka-C1 function (derived from females carrying Pka-C1H2 germline clones and fertilised with a wild-type sperm) associate prematurely into clumps at stage 11 and remain in clumps at the centre of the embryo at later stages. There is an increase in germ cell number indicative of a failure to maintain cell cycle arrest. These embryos do not hatch.

    Homozygous somatic stem cell clones in the ovary induce ectopic polar and border cells, but cause only mild over-proliferation of follicle cells and do not affect oocyte positioning or oocyte polarity (as indicated by normal migration of the oocyte nucleus to the dorsal anterior corner). Mutant ovarioles include follicle cells that proliferate beyond stage 6 (in contrast to wild type), although rarely beyond stage 8.

    Heterozygotes show increased sensitivity to ethanol in an inebriometer assay.

    Clones in the eye that lack both Pka-C1 and smo behave like loss of function Pka-C1 clones. Clones show ectopic photoreceptor differentiation and eventually merge with the endogenous field of differentiation, show no retardation of the furrow, pass through a furrow fate and induce non-autonomous ectopic photoreceptor differentiation outside the clone.

    Homozygous clones produce anterior duplications of the normal pattern in the wing. Reduction or elimination of protein kinase A activity has no effect on the phenotype generated when the G-sα60A pathway is activated in wing epithelial cells; wing duplications that contain blisters are formed when G-sα60AQ215L.Scer\UAS is expressed in a Pka-C1H2 background using Scer\GAL4OK10.

    Border follicle cells sometimes do not migrate or show incomplete migration in Pka-C1H2/Pka-C1Tw2 females.

    Pka-C1H2 clones cause pattern defects in the wing, notum, halteres, antennae and leg.

    Homozygous germline clones generate egg chambers with numerous nurse cell fusions.

    Hemizygotes are larval lethal. Mature oocytes are smaller than wild type and nurse cells are multinucleate.

    External Data
    Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
    Phenotypic Class
    Phenotype Manifest In
    Enhanced by
    Suppressed by

    Pka-C1H2 has wing | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by dppH61

    Pka-C1H2 has scutum | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by dppH61

    Pka-C1H2 has haltere | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by dppH61

    Pka-C1H2 has antenna | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by dppH61

    Pka-C1H2 has leg | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by dppH61

    Pka-C1H2 has leg | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by wgl-17

    Pka-C1H2 has wing | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by dppH46

    Pka-C1H2 has scutum | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by dppH46

    Pka-C1H2 has haltere | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by dppH46

    Pka-C1H2 has antenna | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by dppH46

    Pka-C1H2 has leg | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by dppH46

    Pka-C1H2 has wing | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by wgL2

    Pka-C1H2 has scutum | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by wgL2

    Pka-C1H2 has haltere | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by wgL2

    Pka-C1H2 has antenna | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by wgL2

    Pka-C1H2 has leg | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by wgL2

    NOT suppressed by
    Enhancer of

    Pka-C1[+]/Pka-C1H2 is an enhancer of wing cell phenotype of Df(3R)Gprk2-del1, Gprk2KO

    Suppressor of
    Additional Comments
    Genetic Interactions

    rg1/+ ; Pka-C1H2/+ double-heterozygous flies exhibit a short-term memory defect after one-cycle training, but display normal long-term memory after space training.

    One copy of Pka-C1H2 enhances the reduction in L3-L4 intervein area seen in Gprk2KO/Df(3R)Gprk2-del1 mutant flies.

    yuP1/+ ; Pka-C1H2/+ double heterozygotes show impaired one-day memory after spaced training in a Pavlovian olfactory learning assay.

    Expression of the lkb1S535E.Scer\UAS.P\T.T:Avic\GFP transgene fails to rescue the oocyte polarity and nurse cell fusion phenotypes of Pka-C1H2 germline clones.

    Somatic stem cell clones in the ovary homozygous for both Pka-C1H2 and Su(fu)LP induce extensive follicle cell over proliferation, mis-placed oocytes (28%) and aberrant oocyte polarity (28%). The egg chamber proliferation defects of hhts2 females kept at the restrictive temperature are rescued by homozygous Pka-C1H2 clones, producing fully developed ovarioles in some cases. In all cases, the proliferating somatic cells are homozygous for Pka-C1H2.

    Homozygous Pka-C1H2 female germ line clones that also carry Mmus\PkacamC.Act5C give rise to eggs which can be fertilised and develop in a small number of cases. Many Pka-C1H2/Df(2L)γ15 embryos derived from these germ line clones hatch, and have ventral cuticle patterns similar to wild-type.

    The pattern defects seen in Pka-C1H2 clones can be suppressed by expression of dppH46, dppH61, wgl-17 and wgL2.

    Xenogenetic Interactions

    Expression of the constitutively active Mmus\PkacamC.Act5C transgene rescues the oocyte polarity and nurse cell fusion phenotypes in Pka-C1H2 germline clones. However, the transgene is unable to rescue the embryonic and larval lethality of Pka-C1H2 mutants.

    The pattern defects seen in Pka-C1H2 clones can be suppressed by expression of Mmus\PkacamC.Act5C.

    Complementation and Rescue Data
    Images (0)
    Stocks (2)
    Notes on Origin

    Clonal analysis indicates that Pka-C1 acts autonomously in the germline.

    External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
    Synonyms and Secondary IDs (15)
    References (44)