FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\JraIA109
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
jun2, Djun2, junIA109, DjunIA109
Key Links
Genomic Maps

Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

Stop codon at amino acid position 72 resulting in a predicted protein that terminates immediately after the amino-terminal "Delta" domain of the protein.

Stop codon at amino acid 72.

Nucleotide substitution: ?651?.

Encodes a truncated protein lacking the DNA binding and dimerization domain and the amino-terminal phosphorylation sites.

Amino acid replacement: K71term.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Nucleotide change:


Amino acid change:

K72term | Jra-PA; K72term | Jra-PB; K72term | Jra-PC

Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Mass ablation of midline precursor cells in homozygous embryos does not activate midline cell division, in contrast to the response seen in wild-type embryos. After ablation of a single midline sibling in the mutant embryo, the surviving sibling does not divide or differentiate in 57% of cases, and replacement of the ablated sibling cell is rare (14% of cases).

JraIA109 neuroblast clones in the mushroom body have no gross axonal phenotypes.

Mutant flies show a higher bacterial clearance activity than do control flies after injection with E.coli.

Heterozygous flies show a lower survival rate after infection with E.coli than do control flies.

Heterozygous adults treated with hydrogen peroxide at the onset of metamorphosis do not show any defects.

Homozygous embryos have a dorsal open phenotype.

Dorsal closure of the ectoderm does not occur in mutant embryos. The heart is most often found near the dorsal midline in these embryos and appears to initiate its own "dorsal closure" independently of the ectoderm.

Eggs derived from females with homozygous clones in the follicle cells show a variety of dorsal appendage defects ranging from partial to complete absence of elongation and an accompanying expansion of their bases. The micropyle is reduced in size and sometimes has a truncated shape, looking incompletely "closed".

In large clones in the eye many ommatidia display correct polarity though others show chirality flips or symmetry of the R4/R4 cell type. Clusters are occasionally misrotated and photoreceptor cells are occasionally missing, though this phenotype has low penetrance.

Embryos fail to show complete elongation of the dorsal epidermis after germband retraction.

Embryos exhibit a dorsal open phenotype (dorsal closure is not initiated) and head defects.

Dorsal closure defect. Mitotic clones in the eye cause no abnormal defects in eye development. Microscopic inspection of sections reveals minor defects, the occasional missing photoreceptor.

Embryos exhibit a dorsal open phenotype caused by failure of the lateral epithelial cells to stretch. Mitotic clones induced in the eye exhibit normal number and arrangement of photoreceptors.

Embryos show an dorsal open phenotype.

JraIA109 embryos have a dorsal anterior hole.

Dorsal anterior hole.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Suppressed by
NOT suppressed by
NOT Enhancer of
Suppressor of

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor of abnormal planar polarity phenotype of dshhs.sev.B

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor of visible | dominant phenotype of hepCA

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor of visible | dominant phenotype of sdSG29.1

JraIA109 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of RetMEN2B.GMR

JraIA109 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of RetMEN2A.GMR

JraIA109 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of RetGMR.PR

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor of visible phenotype of fafBX4

NOT Suppressor of
Phenotype Manifest In
Suppressed by
NOT suppressed by
Enhancer of
NOT Enhancer of

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a non-enhancer of adult thorax | pharate adult stage phenotype of chm14

Suppressor of

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor of ommatidium phenotype of dshhs.sev.B

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor of wing phenotype of hepCA

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor | partially of ventral adult lateral neuron & axon phenotype of Hsap\APPUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4P2.4.Pdf

JraIA109 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of RetMEN2B.GMR

JraIA109 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of RetMEN2A.GMR

JraIA109 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of RetGMR.PR

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor | partially of ommatidium phenotype of peb1

JraIA109 is a suppressor of ommatidium phenotype of Rac1V12.hs.sev

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor | partially of ommatidium phenotype of Scer\GAL4hs.2sev, fzUAS.cAa

JraIA109 is a suppressor of phenotype of dshhs.sev.B

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor of photoreceptor cell R1 | ectopic phenotype of fafBX4

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor of photoreceptor cell R2 | ectopic phenotype of fafBX4

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor of photoreceptor cell R3 | ectopic phenotype of fafBX4

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor of photoreceptor cell R4 | ectopic phenotype of fafBX4

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor of photoreceptor cell R5 | ectopic phenotype of fafBX4

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor of photoreceptor cell R6 | ectopic phenotype of fafBX4

JraIA109 is a suppressor of wing phenotype of EgfrE3

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a suppressor of eye photoreceptor cell phenotype of sevS11.Tag:MYC

NOT Suppressor of

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a non-suppressor of NMJ bouton | increased number | larval stage phenotype of Eaat1hypo

JraIA109/Jra[+] is a non-suppressor of ommatidium phenotype of MtlUAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4hs.2sev

JraIA109 is a non-suppressor of ommatidium phenotype of Scer\GAL4hs.2sev, pksple.UAS

JraIA109 is a non-suppressor of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF, egrGS9830

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

JraIA109/+ suppresses the frequency of ensheathment defects in raw134.47/raw155.27 mutants.

One copy of JraIA109 suppresses the formation of symmetrical ommatidia that is seen in animals expressing dshhs.sev.B.

The lower survival rate seen in JraIA109 heterozygous flies after infection with E.coli is suppressed if the flies are also heterozygous for RelE20.

JraIA109 does not protect Df(1)su(s)R194/+ clones in the eye; Df(1)su(s)R194/+ ; JraIA109 clones are not recovered in the adult eye in animals with mosaic eyes containing two genotypes of cells with respect to RpL36; cells which are Df(1)su(s)R194/+ and cells in which the haplo-insufficiency of Df(1)su(s)R194/+ for RpL36 has been rescued by RpL36+t4 (in a wild-type background the Df(1)su(s)R194/+ clones are eliminated by cell competition and are not seen in the adult eye in these animals). Also, the proportion of Df(1)su(s)R194/+ cells in the larval eye disc is not increased by the presence of JraIA109.

JraIA109/+ ; mbf12 double mutant adults treated with hydrogen peroxide at the onset of metamorphosis often have cuticle defects, which manifest as a depressed patch of naked cuticle at the dorsal midline.

The dorsal open phenotype of JraIA109 homozygous embryos is not rescued by Jra::kayFJF.hs.sev. The dorsal open phenotype of JraIA109 homozygous embryos is significantly rescued by Jra::kayJFJ.hs.sev.

The addition of JraIA109 to egrGS9830, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF animals fails to suppress the eye phenotype.

The ventral cuticle in raw1 JraIA109 double mutant embryos develops normally, as it does in JraIA109 single mutants.

Dominantly suppresses the ommatidial polarity phenotype seen in flies with msnEP549 driven by Scer\GAL4hs.2sev, producing near wild-type ommatidial arrays.

The extra outer photoreceptor cell phenotype seen in fafBX4 homozygotes is dominantly suppressed by JraIA109, with the average number of outer photoreceptor cells per ommatidium being reduced to 6.8.

Xenogenetic Interactions

Heterozygosity for JraIA109 partially suppresses the Scer\GAL4P2.4.Pdf>Hsap\APPScer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC sLNv axonal arborization phenotype.

Complementation and Rescue Data
Rescued by
Partially rescued by

Heat induced expression of Jrahs.sev rescues the embryos to pharate adults.

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Stocks (2)
Notes on Origin
External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (19)
References (50)