FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Royzman, I., Whittaker, A.J., Orr-Weaver, T.L. (1997). Mutations in Drosophila DP and E2F distinguish G1-S progression from an associated transcriptional program.  Genes Dev. 11(15): 1999--2011.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
The E2F transcription factor, a heterodimer of E2F and DP subunits, is capable of driving the G1-S transition of the cell cycle. However, mice in which the E2F-1 gene had been disrupted developed tumors, suggesting a negative role for E2F in controlling cell proliferation in some tissues. The consequences of disrupting the DP genes have not been reported. We screened for mutations that disrupt G1-S transcription late in Drosophila embryogenesis and identified five mutations in the dDP gene. Although mutations in dDP or dE2F nearly eliminate E2F-dependent G1-S transcription, S-phase still occurs. Cyclin E has been shown to be essential for S-phase in late embryogenesis, but in dDP and dE2F mutants the peaks of G1-S transcription of cyclin E are missing. Thus, greatly reduced levels of cyclin E transcript suffice for DNA replication until late in development. Both dDP and dE2F are necessary for viability, and mutations in the genes cause lethality at the late larval/pupal stage. The mutant phenotypes reveal that both genes promote progression of the cell cycle.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC316409 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
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    Genes Dev.
    Genes & Development
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    Data From Reference
    Aberrations (7)
    Alleles (10)
    Balancers (1)
    Genes (5)
    Transgenic Constructs (2)