FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Gene: Dmel\fs(1)Ya
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General Information
D. melanogaster
female sterile (1) Young arrest
Annotation Symbol
Feature Type
FlyBase ID
Gene Model Status
Stock Availability
Gene Summary
female sterile (1) Young arrest (fs(1)Ya) encodes a maternally-expressed protein that is required for mitotic phase initiation during early embryogenesis. It localizes in the nuclear lamina of the embryo, and binds DNA and the product of His2B. In developing oocytes the product of fs(1)Ya is cytoplasmic, but enters nuclei when it is dephosphorylated during egg activation. [Date last reviewed: 2019-09-26] (FlyBase Gene Snapshot)
Also Known As

YA, fs(1)M12, EG:95B7.4 , fs(1)73, Young Arrest

Key Links
Genomic Location
Cytogenetic map
Sequence location
Recombination map
RefSeq locus
NC_004354 REGION:2724286..2726577
Genomic Maps
Other Genome Views
The following external sites may use different assemblies or annotations than FlyBase.
Gene Ontology (GO) Annotations (10 terms)
Molecular Function (1 term)
Terms Based on Experimental Evidence (1 term)
CV Term
inferred from physical interaction with FLYBASE:Lam; FB:FBgn0002525
Terms Based on Predictions or Assertions (0 terms)
Biological Process (6 terms)
Terms Based on Experimental Evidence (6 terms)
CV Term
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from mutant phenotype
involved_in DNA replication
inferred from genetic interaction with FLYBASE:gnu; FB:FBgn0001120
involved_in mitotic cell cycle
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from mutant phenotype
involved_in pronuclear fusion
inferred from mutant phenotype
Terms Based on Predictions or Assertions (0 terms)
Cellular Component (3 terms)
Terms Based on Experimental Evidence (3 terms)
CV Term
located_in cytoplasm
inferred from direct assay
located_in nuclear envelope
inferred from direct assay
colocalizes_with nuclear lamina
inferred from direct assay
inferred from physical interaction with FLYBASE:Lam; FB:FBgn0002525
located_in nuclear lamina
inferred from direct assay
Terms Based on Predictions or Assertions (0 terms)
Gene Group (FlyBase)
Protein Family (UniProt)
Protein Signatures (InterPro)
    Gene Snapshot
    female sterile (1) Young arrest (fs(1)Ya) encodes a maternally-expressed protein that is required for mitotic phase initiation during early embryogenesis. It localizes in the nuclear lamina of the embryo, and binds DNA and the product of His2B. In developing oocytes the product of fs(1)Ya is cytoplasmic, but enters nuclei when it is dephosphorylated during egg activation. [Date last reviewed: 2019-09-26]
    Protein Function (UniProtKB)
    Cell cycle-dependent nuclear envelope component required for embryonic mitosis.
    (UniProt, P25028)
    Phenotypic Description (Red Book; Lindsley and Zimm 1992)
    fs(1)Ya: female sterile of Young
    Homozygous females completely sterile; lay normal numbers of eggs. Eggs remain vacuolated after deposition. No evidence of syngamy (Zalokar, Audit, and Erk, 1975, Dev. Biol. 47: 419-32).
    Gene Model and Products
    Number of Transcripts
    Number of Unique Polypeptides

    Please see the JBrowse view of Dmel\fs(1)Ya for information on other features

    To submit a correction to a gene model please use the Contact FlyBase form

    Protein Domains (via Pfam)
    Isoform displayed:
    Pfam protein domains
    InterPro name
    Protein Domains (via SMART)
    Isoform displayed:
    SMART protein domains
    InterPro name
    Protein 3D structure   (Predicted by AlphaFold)   (AlphaFold entry P25028)

    If you don't see a structure in the viewer, refresh your browser.
    Model Confidence:
    • Very high (pLDDT > 90)
    • Confident (90 > pLDDT > 70)
    • Low (70 > pLDDT > 50)
    • Very low (pLDDT < 50)

    AlphaFold produces a per-residue confidence score (pLDDT) between 0 and 100. Some regions with low pLDDT may be unstructured in isolation.

    Experimentally Determined Structures
    Comments on Gene Model

    Gene model reviewed during 5.50

    Sequence Ontology: Class of Gene
    Transcript Data
    Annotated Transcripts
    FlyBase ID
    RefSeq ID
    Length (nt)
    Assoc. CDS (aa)
    Additional Transcript Data and Comments
    Reported size (kB)

    2.4 (northern blot)

    External Data
    Polypeptide Data
    Annotated Polypeptides
    FlyBase ID
    Predicted MW (kDa)
    Length (aa)
    Theoretical pI
    RefSeq ID
    Polypeptides with Identical Sequences

    There is only one protein coding transcript and one polypeptide associated with this gene

    Additional Polypeptide Data and Comments
    Reported size (kDa)

    708 (aa); 112 (kD observed); 91 (kD predicted)

    External Data
    Sequences Consistent with the Gene Model
    Mapped Features

    Click to get a list of regulatory features (enhancers, TFBS, etc.) and gene disruptions (point mutations, indels, etc.) within or overlapping Dmel\fs(1)Ya using the Feature Mapper tool.

    External Data
    Eukaryotic Promoter Database - A collection of databases of experimentally validated promoters for selected model organisms.
    Expression Data
    Testis-specificity index

    The testis specificity index was calculated from modENCODE tissue expression data by Vedelek et al., 2018 to indicate the degree of testis enrichment compared to other tissues. Scores range from -2.52 (underrepresented) to 5.2 (very high testis bias).


    Transcript Expression
    in situ
    Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)

    Comment: maternally deposited

    Comment: reference states 0-2 hr AEL

    Additional Descriptive Data

    fs(1)Ya is expressed in nurse cells and oocytes, and in 0-2 hour embryos.

    Marker for
    Subcellular Localization
    CV Term
    Polypeptide Expression
    Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
    western blot
    Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
    Additional Descriptive Data

    fs(1)Ya protein is excluded from the nucleus in nurse cells and the oocyte and is found in the cytoplasm. The protein is found in nuclei in embryos. fs(1)Ya protein aquires the ability to enter nuclei upon egg activation and the switch correlates with the phosphorylation state of the protein.

    fs(1)Ya protein is detected in mature eggs and embryos but not in adult males, females or ovaries. Its translation is independent of fertilization. fs(1)Ya protein persists throughout embryogenesis with its levels gradually decreasing to barely detectable in 24hr embryos. The level of protein does not decrease in unfertilized eggs for at least 8 hrs.

    Marker for
    Subcellular Localization
    CV Term
    located_in cytoplasm
    inferred from direct assay
    located_in nuclear envelope
    inferred from direct assay
    colocalizes_with nuclear lamina
    inferred from direct assay
    inferred from physical interaction with FLYBASE:Lam; FB:FBgn0002525
    located_in nuclear lamina
    inferred from direct assay
    Expression Deduced from Reporters
    High-Throughput Expression Data
    Associated Tools

    JBrowse - Visual display of RNA-Seq signals

    View Dmel\fs(1)Ya in JBrowse
    RNA-Seq by Region - Search RNA-Seq expression levels by exon or genomic region
    See Gelbart and Emmert, 2013 for analysis details and data files for all genes.
    Developmental Proteome: Life Cycle
    Developmental Proteome: Embryogenesis
    External Data and Images
    BDGP expression data - Patterns of gene expression in Drosophila embryogenesis
    DRscDB - A single-cell RNA-seq resource for data mining and data comparison across species
    EMBL-EBI Single Cell Expression Atlas - Single cell expression across species
    FlyAtlas - Adult expression by tissue, using Affymetrix Dros2 array
    FlyAtlas2 - A Drosophila melanogaster expression atlas with RNA-Seq, miRNA-Seq and sex-specific data
    Fly-FISH - A database of Drosophila embryo and larvae mRNA localization patterns
    Flygut - An atlas of the Drosophila adult midgut
    Alleles, Insertions, Transgenic Constructs, and Aberrations
    Classical and Insertion Alleles ( 11 )
    For All Classical and Insertion Alleles Show
    Other relevant insertions
    Transgenic Constructs ( 34 )
    For All Alleles Carried on Transgenic Constructs Show
    Transgenic constructs containing/affecting coding region of fs(1)Ya
    Transgenic constructs containing regulatory region of fs(1)Ya
    Aberrations (Deficiencies and Duplications) ( 14 )
    Variant Molecular Consequences
    Alleles Representing Disease-Implicated Variants
    Human Orthologs (via DIOPT v9.1)
    Species\Gene Symbol
    Best Score
    Best Reverse Score
    Homo sapiens (Human) (0)
    Model Organism Orthologs (via DIOPT v9.1)
    Species\Gene Symbol
    Best Score
    Best Reverse Score
    Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) (0)
    Mus musculus (laboratory mouse) (0)
    Xenopus tropicalis (Western clawed frog) (0)
    Danio rerio (Zebrafish) (0)
    Caenorhabditis elegans (Nematode, roundworm) (0)
    Anopheles gambiae (African malaria mosquito) (1)
    8 of 12
    Arabidopsis thaliana (thale-cress) (0)
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Brewer's yeast) (0)
    Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Fission yeast) (0)
    Escherichia coli (enterobacterium) (0)
    Other Organism Orthologs (via OrthoDB)
    Data provided directly from OrthoDB:fs(1)Ya. Refer to their site for version information.
    Paralogs (via DIOPT v9.1)
    Human Disease Associations
    FlyBase Human Disease Model Reports
      Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
      Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
      Potential Models Based on Orthology ( 0 )
      Human Ortholog
      Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
      Disease Associations of Human Orthologs (via DIOPT v9.1 and OMIM)
      Note that ortholog calls supported by only 1 or 2 algorithms (DIOPT score < 3) are not shown.
      Homo sapiens (Human)
      Gene name
      OMIM Phenotype
      DO term
      Functional Complementation Data
      Functional complementation data is computed by FlyBase using a combination of the orthology data obtained from DIOPT and OrthoDB and the allele-level genetic interaction data curated from the literature.
      Summary of Physical Interactions
      esyN Network Diagram
      Show neighbor-neighbor interactions:
      Show/hide secondary interactors 
      (data from AllianceMine provided by esyN)
      Select Layout:
      Selected Interactor(s)
      Other Interaction Browsers

      Please see the Physical Interaction reports below for full details
      Physical Interaction
      Summary of Genetic Interactions
      esyN Network Diagram
      Show/hide secondary interactors 
      (data from AllianceMine provided by esyN)
      esyN Network Key:
      Other Interaction Browsers

      Please look at the allele data for full details of the genetic interactions
      Starting gene(s)
      Interaction type
      Interacting gene(s)
      Starting gene(s)
      Interaction type
      Interacting gene(s)
      External Data
      BioGRID - A database of protein and genetic interactions.
      DroID - A comprehensive database of gene and protein interactions.
      MIST (protein-protein) - An integrated Molecular Interaction Database
      Signaling Pathways (FlyBase)
      Metabolic Pathways
      External Data
      Genomic Location and Detailed Mapping Data
      Chromosome (arm)
      Recombination map
      Cytogenetic map
      Sequence location
      FlyBase Computed Cytological Location
      Cytogenetic map
      Evidence for location
      Limits computationally determined from genome sequence between P{EP}EP1362 and P{EP}dncEP1395
      Experimentally Determined Cytological Location
      Cytogenetic map
      (determined by in situ hybridisation)
      Experimentally Determined Recombination Data
      Left of (cM)
      Right of (cM)
      Stocks and Reagents
      Stocks (5)
      Genomic Clones (14)

      Please Note FlyBase no longer curates genomic clone accessions so this list may not be complete

      cDNA Clones (19)

      Please Note This section lists cDNAs and ESTs that fall within the genomic extent of the gene model, which may include cDNAs and ESTs of genes within introns, or of overlapping genes. Please see JBrowse for alignment of the cDNAs and ESTs to the gene model.

      cDNA clones, fully sequenced
      BDGP DGC clones
      Other clones
        Drosophila Genomics Resource Center cDNA clones

        For each fully sequenced cDNA the DGRC maintains various forms of the cDNA (e.g tagged or untagged) in several different host vectors for subsequent cloning and expression in Drosophila and Drosophila cell lines.

        cDNA Clones, End Sequenced (ESTs)
        RNAi and Array Information
        DRSC - Results frm RNAi screens
        Antibody Information
        Laboratory Generated Antibodies
        Commercially Available Antibodies
        Cell Line Information
        Publicly Available Cell Lines
          Other Stable Cell Lines
            Other Comments

            fs(1)Ya protein binds to chromatin directly and specifically. It also binds to His2B protein. This binding involves four chromatin-binding domains in fs(1)Ya, all of which bind to both DNA and His2B protein.

            The RpLP0 containing 20S cytoplasmic complex may retain hyperphosphorylated ovarian fs(1)Ya in the cytoplasm.

            The ability of fs(1)Ya gene product to enter nuclei is modulated during development. The phosphorylation state of T443 is implicated in the nuclear entry of fs(1)Ya.

            Lam protein interacts with both Ote and fs(1)Ya in a yeast two-hybrid system.

            Recruitment of fs(1)Ya and Lam to the male pronucleus occurs prior to or during the early stages of pronuclear migration and this accompanies or requires reorganisation of the sperm nucleus. fs(1)Ya normally performs a function permissive for DNA replication.

            fs(1)Ya protein is capable of associating with decondensed chromatin.

            fs(1)Ya protein is a maternally encoded nuclear envelope protein, a component of the nuclear lamina. Phenotypic analysis of mutant embryos suggest that the fs(1)Ya protein may be essential for the cleavage divisions as well as the first mitotic division.

            The fs(1)Ya protein might interact with itself, either directly or indirectly.

            Molecular and phenotypic analysis of mutant alleles suggests that fs(1)Ya function is required during and after egg maturation to facilitate proper chromatin condensation, rather than to allow a lamin-containing nuclear envelope to form.

            In a yeast two hybrid system no interactions between lamin or otefin and the fs(1)Ya product, nor between the fs(1)Ya product and itself were detected.

            Immunoelectron microscopy data and staining reveals fs(1)Ya is a functional component unique to embryonic nuclei but its presence does not depend solely on embryo-specific molecules. Results suggest fs(1)Ya protein is required but not sufficient for cleavage divisions to occur in embryos.

            fs(1)Ya is a maternal-effect gene specifically involved in embryonic mitosis. fs(1)Ya gene function is required for the first embryonic mitosis, and may also be required for the normal progression of the subsequent embryonic mitoses.

            fs(1)Ya is required for the fusion of the apposed sperm and egg pronuclei (syngamy) following fertilization. It is tightly linked to fs(1)Yb.

            Lack of the fs(1)Ya gene product causes homozygous females to arrest development at the syncytial cleavage stage.

            fs(1)Ya gene product is required for nuclear divisions.

            Relationship to Other Genes
            Source for database merge of
            Additional comments
            Nomenclature History
            Source for database identify of

            Source for identity of: fs(1)Ya CG2707

            Nomenclature comments
            Synonyms and Secondary IDs (13)
            Datasets (0)
            Study focus (0)
            Experimental Role
            Project Type
            Study result (0)
            Result Type
            External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 36 )
            Sequence Crossreferences
            NCBI Gene - Gene integrates information from a wide range of species. A record may include nomenclature, Reference Sequences (RefSeqs), maps, pathways, variations, phenotypes, and links to genome-, phenotype-, and locus-specific resources worldwide.
            GenBank Nucleotide - A collection of sequences from several sources, including GenBank, RefSeq, TPA, and PDB.
            GenBank Protein - A collection of sequences from several sources, including translations from annotated coding regions in GenBank, RefSeq and TPA, as well as records from SwissProt, PIR, PRF, and PDB.
            RefSeq - A comprehensive, integrated, non-redundant, well-annotated set of reference sequences including genomic, transcript, and protein.
            UniProt/GCRP - The gene-centric reference proteome (GCRP) provides a 1:1 mapping between genes and UniProt accessions in which a single 'canonical' isoform represents the product(s) of each protein-coding gene.
            UniProt/Swiss-Prot - Manually annotated and reviewed records of protein sequence and functional information
            Other crossreferences
            AlphaFold DB - AlphaFold provides open access to protein structure predictions for the human proteome and other key proteins of interest, to accelerate scientific research.
            BDGP expression data - Patterns of gene expression in Drosophila embryogenesis
            DRscDB - A single-cell RNA-seq resource for data mining and data comparison across species
            EMBL-EBI Single Cell Expression Atlas - Single cell expression across species
            FlyAtlas2 - A Drosophila melanogaster expression atlas with RNA-Seq, miRNA-Seq and sex-specific data
            FlyMine - An integrated database for Drosophila genomics
            KEGG Genes - Molecular building blocks of life in the genomic space.
            MARRVEL_MODEL - MARRVEL (model organism gene)
            BioGRID - A database of protein and genetic interactions.
            Drosophila Genomics Resource Center - Drosophila Genomics Resource Center (DGRC) cDNA clones
            DroID - A comprehensive database of gene and protein interactions.
            DRSC - Results frm RNAi screens
            Eukaryotic Promoter Database - A collection of databases of experimentally validated promoters for selected model organisms.
            FlyAtlas - Adult expression by tissue, using Affymetrix Dros2 array
            FlyCyc Genes - Genes from a BioCyc PGDB for Dmel
            Fly-FISH - A database of Drosophila embryo and larvae mRNA localization patterns
            Flygut - An atlas of the Drosophila adult midgut
            iBeetle-Base - RNAi phenotypes in the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum)
            MIST (protein-protein) - An integrated Molecular Interaction Database
            References (82)