FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\RNaseZED24
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
RNZED24, Z24
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Genomic Maps

Nature of the Allele

Imprecise excision of P{SUPor-P}KG07814. The upstream breakpoint of the resulting deletion is at the site of the progenitor P-element insertion, while the downstream breakpoint is located in the coding sequence of JhI-1 extending from nucleotide positions -11 to +2126 relative to the transcription start site.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes

A deletion associated with the imprecise excsion of P{SUPor-P}RNaseZKG07814, which extends from the site of the insertion to 2126 bp downstream of the RNaseZ transcription start site.

Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

RNaseZED24/RNaseZED24 individuals bearing 1 or two copies of either RNaseZHCM1.Tag:V5 or RNaseZHCM2.Tag:V5 show a decreased climbing ability, as compared to controls. Homozygotes bearing 1 copy of either RNaseZHCM1.Tag:V5 or RNaseZHCM2.Tag:V5 show a thickened heart wall at the larval and adult stages; homozygotes bearing 1 copy of RNaseZHCM1.Tag:V5 or RNaseZHCM2.Tag:V5 show increased end-systolic area in larval and adult hearts; homozygotes bearing 1 copy of RNaseZHCM2.Tag:V5 show increased end-diastolic area in larval hearts; homozygotes bearing 1 copy of RNaseZHCM1.Tag:V5 show decreased fractional shortening in the adult heart; homozygotes bearing 1 copy of RNaseZHCM2.Tag:V5 show decreased fractional shortening in the larval and adult heart. In homozygotes bearing 1 copy of RNaseZHCM1.Tag:V5 or RNaseZHCM2.Tag:V5, heart muscle cells show increased number of nuclei with increased ploidy.

JhI-1ED24 homozygous mutants are larval lethal.

JhI-1ED24 mutant somatic clones induced in JhI-1ΔMTS.T:SV5\V5 expressing background are significantly smaller than their twin spot clone in third instar larval eye discs and clones located posterior of the morphogenetic furrow where a band of cells synchronously enter the final round of mitosis show fewer cells in the S-phase and no cells in the M-phase of the mitotic cycle.

JhI-1ED24;JhI-1ΔMTS.T:SV5\V5 mutant cells derived from JhI-1ED24 homozygous mutant somatic clones induced in wing discs carrying the JhI-1ΔMTS.T:SV5\V5 transgene as well as a Minute mutation (to give the JhI-1ED24 mutant clones a growth advantage) show a significant delay in the G[[2]]/M transition of the mitotic cell cycle compared to controls and a sharp increase in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and DNA damage markers. However, no induction of apoptosis is observed in these clones either in the wing or the antenna imaginal discs. The JhI-1ED24;JhI-1ΔMTS.T:SV5\V5 wing disc cells have normal size.

Homozygous JhI-1ED24 or hemizygous JhI-1ED24/Df(2R)12 embryos hatch into larvae at the same and size as heterozygous siblings. However, they do not live long as 80% of them dies soon after the first larval molt. The few animals that survive beyond 3 days after egg deposition do not grow and die within the next few days as undersized second instars.

Expression of JhI-1hs.T:SV5\V5 by heat pulses delivered daily allows the rescue JhI-1ED24 mutants to adulthood. The adult flies do not require any additional heat pulses for their survival. Both male and female escapers not expressing JhI-1hs.T:SV5\V5 any longer show low fertility and in a few days after eclosion they become completely sterile. Resuming JhI-1hs.T:SV5\V5 expression restores their fertility. After 8 days without JhI-1hs.T:SV5\V5 expression, oogenesis in JhI-1ED24 females stalls at stages 8-9. Extra-numeral germ-line cells are observed in mutant egg chambers. In contrast to wild-type egg chambers that display a single oocyte connected to 15 nurse cells surrounded by a layer of follicle cells, mutant egg chambers can have three oocytes and more than 40 nurse cells of different size. Some mutant egg chambers have the follicle cell layer completely missing or composed of significantly fewer cells. Several mutant cysts fuse as they bud off from the germarium. Upon dissection of mutant males, mutant testes is found thinner than those of control males. The middle section of mutant testes is reduced in diameter compared with controls. Mutant testes display several defects. Compared with wild-type, mutant testes show a reduction in the number of mitotically dividing gonialblasts at the apical tip. All post-meiotic germ cells (e.g. onion stage or elongated spermatids) are absent or underrepresented in the mutants. Compared with wild-type, mutant testes contain about half the number of cysts of individualising spermatids that appear as bundles of needle-shaped nucei. The most abundant cysts of mutant testes are those with sixteen fully-grown primary spermatocytes. These pre-meiotic cells contain a large nucleus with partially condensed chromosomes and misshapen Nebenkerns indicating a failure of meiosis.

Compared with polyploid wild-type cells, somatic clones of homozygous JhI-1ED24 mutant fat body cell are small with small nuclei. The mutant cells display the same DNA replication pattern as cells in the twin spot.

One heat-shock treatment is sufficient to rescue early lethality and developmental arrest in JhI-1ED24 mutants expressing JhI-1hs.T:SV5\V5. The mutants undergo two larval molts and reach third instar but still fail to attain wild-type size and never pupariate. Instead, the keep crawling in the food for about ten days and then die. Wing discs dissected from the rescued larvae are smaller, but do not show elevated levels of cell death. The mutant cells display delayed cell cycle progression at the G2/M transition compared with wild-type.

Imaginal disc cells in somatic clones of homozygous JhI-1ED24 show cell autonomous growth disadvantage. Clones induced early at the beginning of the first instar (96 h before dissection), no JhI-1hs.T:SV5\V5 mutant cells are found, while large wild-type twin-spots are easily identifiable. When clones are induced later in development (60-70 h before dissection), each wild-type twin spot is accompanied by a JhI-1ED24 mutant clone. However, mutant clones are substantially smaller than their wild-type twins.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions
Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data

The lethality of JhI-1ED24 homozygous mutants is fully rescued by expression of JhI-1hs.T:SV5\V5 : the rescue animals show normal developmental timing and survival rate.

The survival of the JhI-1ED24 homozygous mutant larvae is prolonged by expression JhI-1ΔMTS.T:SV5\V5 in the mutant background, but the larval growth is arrested upon reaching the third instar stage and they die several weeks later as undersized third instar larvae and develop only rudimentary imaginal discs. The growth of the wing and eye discs can be partially rescued by a single heat-shock induced pulse expression of JhI-1hs.T:SV5\V5 but the discs show significant increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production compared to controls.

Expression of JhI-1Scer\UAS.P\T.T:SV5\V5 under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL can efficiently rescue JhI-1ED24 mutants to adulthood.

Expression of JhI-1SV5\V5 can efficiently rescue JhI-1ED24 mutants to adulthood.

Expression of JhI-1hs.T:SV5\V5 by heat pulses delivered daily allows the rescue JhI-1ED24 mutants to adulthood. The adult flies do not require any additional heat pulses for their survival. Both male and female escapers not expressing JhI-1hs.T:SV5\V5 any longer show low fertility and in a few days after eclosion they become completely sterile. Resuming JhI-1hs.T:SV5\V5 expression restores their fertility.

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