FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\EndoAEP927
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
endo1, EP(3)0927
Key Links
Genomic Maps

Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype
Associated Insertion(s)

P{EP} insertion 8bp upstream of the endoA translation initiation codon. The P{EP} element is oriented such that expression from the element should result in overexpression of endoA.

The P{EP} insertion is within the 5' UTR and in the correct orientation for endoA expression.

Allele components
Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Mutant neuromuscular junctions show reliable homeostatic compensation (increase in quantal content) after treatment with philanthotoxin-433 for 10 minutes.

Primary cultured haemocytes from mutant third instar larvae internalise maleylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) normally.

endoAEP927 larvae exhibit supernumerary boutons at neuromuscular junctions (a 10-fold increase, 31.1 compared to 2.48 satellite boutons/synapse). The boutons remain confined to the region of the muscle that normally receives the innervation, but this region is now crowded by the overgrowth of small boutons. No abnormalities are apparent at the end of embryogenesis.

endoAΔ4/endoAEP927 larvae exhibit supernumerary boutons at neuromuscular junctions (a 10-fold increase, 30.5 compared to 2.48 satellite boutons/synapse). The boutons remain confined to the region of the muscle that normally receives the innervation, but this region is now crowded by the overgrowth of small boutons. No abnormalities are apparent at the end of embryogenesis.

Overexpression of endoAEP927, under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155 in a endoAEP927/endoAΔ4 background restores wild-type structure to the synapse, with the same average number of boutons per synapse as in wild-type.

Overexpression of endoAEP927, under the control of Scer\GAL4rn-GAL4-14 in a endoAEP927/endoAΔ4 background fails to restore wild-type structure to the synapse.

endoAEP927 synaptic vesicles are able to load lipophilic dyes, but at a greatly reduced rate compared to wild-type vesicles, indicative of slowed endocytosis.

The area ratio h of excitatory postsynaptic currents are reduced in mutants. The decay time is increased.

Eyes that have endoAEP927 homozygous mutant photoreceptor cells, generated by mitotic recombination using the "EGUF/hid method", develop normally. Phototaxis is unaffected in these flies and they also show a normal light-evoked depolarization of the eye photoreceptor cell bodies. However, the on and off transients that occur in wild-type flies in response to a light flash are either severely reduced or absent in the mutants. When expression of endoAEP927 is driven by Scer\GAL4ey.PH, the on and off transient phenotype is rescued. The synaptic vesicles of endoAEP927 photoreceptor terminals show an abnormal distribution and appearance compared to wild type. Although the overall packing density is not different, vesicles form more clusters and are packed more closely within the clusters. Additionally, the vesicles appear more electron dense on their surface than wild type. Counts of capitate projections, active zones and tetrad synapses are not different between endoAEP927 and wild-type photoreceptor terminals.

At Higher-frequency stimulation (10Hz) the amplitude of the excitatory junctional potentials (EJPs) declines rapidly (unlike controls) in mutants to about 20% of the original response and is then maintained for the remainder of the paradigm.

Expression of endoAEP927, under the regulation of Scer\GAL4ey.PH generates adult flies that are completely viable but that exhibit a sluggish phenotype. Expression of endoAEP927, under the regulation of the ubiquitously expressed Scer\GAL4arm.PS results in flies that progress well through development but are unable to eclose from the pupal case. Larval neuromuscular junction synapses of endoAEP927 Scer\GAL4arm.PS mutants are larger and exhibit a greater number of boutons (approximately a 75% increase on wild-type). The boutons appear morphologically smaller in size compared to wild-type. The increase in the number of boutons can be rescued through expression of Scer\GAL4elav-C155;endoAEP927/endoAEP927, although some smaller boutons do still remain. The synapse architecture is unchanged when endoAEP927 expression is driven by Scer\GAL4Mhc.PW in a muscle-specific manner. Expression of endoAEP927 under the regulation of Scer\GAL4arm.PS does not affect third instar locomotion. However, intracellular recordings from the larval neuromuscular junction indicates an increase in the spontaneous miniature evoked junction potential (mEJP) size and frequency. The amplitude of the evoked response is also slightly higher than in wild-type. Despite this increase, the overall quantal content is unchanged in these mutants, along with no signs of synaptic depression consequent to a decrease in endophilin levels at the neuromuscular junction. Although the number of boutons is comparable to wild-type in Scer\GAL4elav-C155; endoAEP927/endoAEP927 mutants, the synaptic physiology is rescued to a level only intermediate between the Scer\GAL4arm.PS;endoAEP927/endoAEP927 mutant and the wild-type. Animals in which the eye is homozygous for endoAEP927 (generated using the eyFLP method) have eyes which are morphologically indistinguishable to those of control lines. However, these flies show defects in electroretinogram (ERG) recordings; a constitutive loss of on- and off-transients is seen in many of the flies containing homozygous eyes (although on the first day after eclosion, the on-transient is present in all cases and an off-transient is present in some cases). The on-transient is intact in the mutant flies in the first few flashes of light given at 2Hz. However, after heightened photostimulation at 10Hz, the on-transient disappears in an activity-dependent manner in the mutant flies (the on-transient reappears after less than a 15 second rest period in the dark. Flies in which the eye is homozygous for endoAEP927 are compromised in their ability to photo tax (move towards light).

Homozygous mutants are sluggish die during second and third instar larval stages. If the maternal contribution is also removed, the lethal stage remains the same. Neuromuscular junction synapse in homozygous endoAEP927 and endoAEP927/endoAΔ4 animals are enlarged. The surface area of type I boutons are 196um2 for homozygotes and 160um2 for endoAEP927/endoAΔ4 animals, compared to 65um2 in controls. endoAEP927/endoAEP464 and endoAEP927/endoAEP593 transheterozygotes die as pupae. endoAEP3502/endoAEP927 transheterozygotes are viable. The addition of Scer\GAL4elav-C155 rescues endoAEP927 to viability. The evoked excitatory junctional potentials (EJPs) in neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) of homozygous mutant larvae third instar are similar to controls for nerves stimulated at low frequency. However spontaneous miniature excitatory potentials (mEJPs) are less frequent in mutants than in controls. Large amplitude mEJPs occur more often in mutant animals than in controls; The average 95th (but not 5th or 50th) percentile of individiual mEJP amplitude distributions is increased in mutants. These results suggest exocytosis is not impaired, however tetanic stimulation experiments suggest that exocytosis is impaired in mutants - the EJP amplitude drops quickly to 20% of the pretetanic level after 100s and then maintains this level over the remaining 500s of the tetanus - This is different from controls which declines rapidly to about 60% of pretetanic levels and then slowly declines. The total number of released quanta is 2.5 fold lower in mutant synapses. The size of the functional vesicle pool in mutant boutons is about 13% of the control vesicle pool (when estimated by combining with shi1 and measuring the total number of released quanta at the restrictive temperature.) Mutant boutons from early third instar larvae are enlarged and more compartmentalized than control boutons and strikingly, synaptic vesicles are severely reduced in number and largely confined to active zones and periphery of boutons, either in close association with the active zone, or in close proximity to the presynaptic membrane. The average vesicle density in endoAEP927 mutants is reduced almost 8-fold compared to controls. In contrast the number of cisternae is similar to controls. The presynaptic membrane of mutants also have shallow pits more often than seen in controls. Dye uptake experiments demonstrate that Clathrin-mediated endocytosis from the presynaptic membrane is blocked in endoAEP927 mutants. The smooth synaptic vesicles that associate with the active zone persist even after synaptic activity.

Larvae are sluggish. Synaptic vesicle endocytosis is defective. Clones in the eye show normal morphology but postsynaptic (wild type) lamina neurons are not activated. Photoreceptor terminal show reduction in number of synaptic vesicles.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Suppressor of

EndoAEP927 is a suppressor of eye photoreceptor cell & synaptic vesicle phenotype of shi1


EndoAEP927, shi1 has eye photoreceptor cell & clathrin-coated vesicle phenotype

EndoAEP927, shi1 has eye photoreceptor cell & epithelial glial cell phenotype

EndoAEP927, shi1 has eye photoreceptor cell & t-bar phenotype

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

Flies with endoAEP927;shi1 eyes suffer a depletion of functional synaptic vesicles when raised to 29oC for 15 minutes to the same extent as flies with single shi1 mutant eyes. After 30 minutes of recovery time at 18oC following the 15 minutes at 29oC, endoAEP927;shi1 photoreceptor terminals show an increased number of capitate projections, which are invaginations of epithelial glia, compared to shi1 single mutants. Additionally, membrane sheets emerging from near the pedestal of the T-bar ribbon of photoreceptor terminals persist for longer during the recovery time in endoAEP927;shi1 double mutants than shi1 single mutants. There is less synaptic vesicle depletion in endoAEP927;shi1 mutant terminals following exposure to 29oC than in shi1 terminals. These vesicles appear clustered and electron dense in the double mutants, similar to their appearance in endoAEP927 single mutants. In endoAEP927;shi1 mutants, free vesicles persist during exposure to 29oC, while in shi1 mutants, vesicles do not remain coated at this temperature.

endoA1, synj1 transheterozygotes develop normally. However the on/off transients in electroretinogram (ERG) recordings are absent in these mutants. Mutants also phototaxis normally. Photoreceptors form normal cartridges in the lamina; however rows of densely coated vesicles accumulate in mutant photoreceptor terminals. At Higher-frequency stimulation (10Hz) the amplitude of the excitatory junctional potentials (EJPs) declines rapidly (unlike controls) in mutants to about 20% of the original response and is then maintained for the remainder of the paradigm.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Images (0)
Stocks (1)
Notes on Origin

Excision of the P{EP} element reverts the mutant phenotype. Phenotypic analysis provides an allelic series: endoAΔ4 = endoAEP927 > endoAEP927 >= endoAEP593 > endoAΔ4.

P{EP}endoAEP927 contains a UAS sequence in the correct orientation to allow control of endoA expression by Scer\GAL4.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (4)
References (18)