FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\OteB279
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
oteB279G, oteB279-G
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Genomic Maps

Allele class
    Nature of the Allele
    Allele class
    Progenitor genotype
    Associated Insertion(s)

    Insertion within the coding sequence.

    Mutations Mapped to the Genome
    Associated Sequence Data
    DNA sequence
    Protein sequence
    Expression Data
    Reporter Expression
    Additional Information
    Marker for
    Reflects expression of
    Reporter construct used in assay
    Human Disease Associations
    Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
    Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Disease-implicated variant(s)
    Phenotypic Data
    Phenotypic Class
    Phenotype Manifest In
    Detailed Description

    OteB279/OtePK adults exhibit small ovaries.

    OtePK/OteB279 mutant females display a severe reduction in the number of eggs laid per day, and males are fertile in the first 6 days of adulthood but exhibit significantly decreased fertility with age. Ovaries from OtePK/OteB279 mutant adult females contain normal numbers of terminal filament cells, but decreased numbers of cap cells and escort cells, and some mutants show loss of germline stem cells, and absence of differentiating germ cells, as compared to wild type. Cap cell number further declines with age, and the decreased cap cell number is more pronounced in mutant germaria that do not contain germ cells. In the larval ovary, OtePK/OteB279 mutants display delayed terminal filament formation. A subset of OtePK/OteB279 mutant adult males display testis phenotypes, including varying degrees of germ cell and germline stem cell loss that worsen with age, decreased cell adhesion in the niche, on average fewer (but more variability in number of) hub cells in the niche, and increasing variability in hub size with age, but no defect in somatic cyst stem cell maintenance, as compared to wild type. There is no association of germ cell loss with canonical apoptosis. Male gonads are smaller in OtePK/OteB279 mutant third instar larvae than in wild type, and the niches in mutants have reduced germline stem cell numbers compared to wild type.

    Ovaries from homozygous, OteB279/Df(2R)ED3636, OteB279/OtePK and OteB279/OteEMS females have a range of mutant germarial phenotypes. These include germaria containing no germ cells, germaria containing fusomes only, germaria containing both spectrosomes and fusomes (the vast majority of this class carry a single developing cyst connected by an incompletely branched fusome) and germaria containing spectrosomes only (germaria in this class contain a higher number of spectrosome containing cells than normal). The "empty germaria" and "spectrosomes only" classes are recovered at high frequency. The phenotype is sensitive to genetic background.

    Ovaries of OteB279/OtePK third instar larvae have a normal cellular organisation, with approximately 30% fewer primordial germ cells (PGCs) than age-matched control ovaries. The mutant PGCs all contain spectrosomes with no evidence of branching. Niches are formed in the mutant gonads at the pupal stage and occupied by germ cells, as occurs in wild type. However, the mutant pupal gonads do not contain differentiated egg chambers (egg chambers are established in wild type pupal gonads).

    Homozygous germline stem cell clones are lost more quickly from ovaries compared to control clones.

    External Data
    Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
    Phenotypic Class
    Phenotype Manifest In
    Additional Comments
    Genetic Interactions

    NempRR1/+; OteB279/OteB279 or NempRR1/+; OteB279/OtePK ovaries exhibit a reduction in the number of Vasa[+] germ cells.

    OteB279/OtePK ; bocksΔ10/bocksΔ66 larval brains are small, with few proliferating cells, and imaginal discs are small or absent.

    OteB279/OtePK ; MAN1Δ81/MAN1Δ26 larvae have normal sized brains and imaginal discs.

    Germ cells with fusomes are found in ovaries one day after heat shock in OteB279/OteB279 or OtePK/OteB279 females carrying bamhs.PO. Three days after heat shock the mutant germaria are largely devoid of germ cells and the ovaries contain a very low number of egg chambers.

    Xenogenetic Interactions
    Complementation and Rescue Data
    Fails to complement
    Rescued by
    Partially rescued by

    OtePK/OteB279 is partially rescued by Otenanos.PB


    Expression of Otenos.PB restores fertility, rescues the germline stem cell maintenance, differentiation germ cell number, somatic cell number and cell adhesion phenotypes of both OtePK/OteB279 mutant males and females, but does not fully restore hub size in mutant males.

    Expression of OteScer\UAS.P\T.cBa under the control of Scer\GAL4en.PU, Scer\GAL4bab1-Gal4, or Scer\GAL4C587 fails to rescue the sterility, loss of germline stem cells, lack of differentiating germ cells, or loss of cap cells observed in OtePK/OteB279 mutant females.

    Images (0)
    Stocks (1)
    Notes on Origin
    External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
    Synonyms and Secondary IDs (10)
    References (10)