FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
Gene: Dmel\Thor
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General Information
D. melanogaster
Annotation Symbol
Feature Type
FlyBase ID
Gene Model Status
Stock Availability
Gene Summary
Thor (Thor) encodes a eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein that is controlled by the product of tor. It contributes to translation regulation, response to environmental stress and cell growth regulation. [Date last reviewed: 2019-03-14] (FlyBase Gene Snapshot)
Also Known As

4E-BP, 4EBP, d4E-BP, d4EBP, 4E-BP1

Key Links
Genomic Location
Cytogenetic map
Sequence location
Recombination map
RefSeq locus
NT_033779 REGION:3478434..3479612
Genomic Maps
Other Genome Views
The following external sites may use different assemblies or annotations than FlyBase.
Gene Ontology (GO) Annotations (23 terms)
Molecular Function (1 term)
Terms Based on Experimental Evidence (1 term)
CV Term
inferred from direct assay
inferred from physical interaction with FLYBASE:eIF4E1; FB:FBgn0015218
inferred from physical interaction with FLYBASE:eIF4E4; FB:FBgn0035709
inferred from physical interaction with FLYBASE:eIF4E5; FB:FBgn0035823
inferred from physical interaction with FLYBASE:eIF4E7; FB:FBgn0040368
inferred from physical interaction with FLYBASE:eIF4E3; FB:FBgn0265089
Terms Based on Predictions or Assertions (1 term)
CV Term
inferred from biological aspect of ancestor with PANTHER:PTN000292586
inferred from electronic annotation with InterPro:IPR008606
Biological Process (18 terms)
Terms Based on Experimental Evidence (18 terms)
CV Term
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from direct assay
inferred from genetic interaction with FLYBASE:Chchd2; FB:FBgn0260747
inferred from direct assay
involved_in immune response
inferred from expression pattern
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from genetic interaction with FLYBASE:InR; FB:FBgn0283499
inferred from direct assay
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from genetic interaction with FLYBASE:Akt; FB:FBgn0010379
inferred from genetic interaction with FLYBASE:Pi3K92E; FB:FBgn0015279
inferred from direct assay
inferred from direct assay
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from direct assay
inferred from mutant phenotype
Terms Based on Predictions or Assertions (1 term)
CV Term
inferred from electronic annotation with InterPro:IPR008606
inferred from biological aspect of ancestor with PANTHER:PTN000292586
Cellular Component (4 terms)
Terms Based on Experimental Evidence (3 terms)
CV Term
located_in cytosol
inferred from direct assay
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from direct assay
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from direct assay
Terms Based on Predictions or Assertions (1 term)
CV Term
is_active_in cytoplasm
inferred from biological aspect of ancestor with PANTHER:PTN000292586
Gene Group (FlyBase)
Protein Family (UniProt)
Belongs to the eIF4E-binding protein family. (Q9XZ56)
Gene Snapshot
Thor (Thor) encodes a eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein that is controlled by the product of tor. It contributes to translation regulation, response to environmental stress and cell growth regulation. [Date last reviewed: 2019-03-14]
Pathway (FlyBase)
Insulin-like Receptor Signaling Pathway Core Components -
The Insulin-like Receptor (IR) signaling pathway in Drosophila is initiated by the binding of an insulin-like peptides to the Insulin-like receptor (InR). (Adapted from FBrf0232297, FBrf0230017 and FBrf0229989.)
Pvr Signaling Pathway Core Components -
PDGF/VEGF (Platelet-Derived Growth Factor/Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor)-receptor related (Pvr) encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase activated by the binding of PDGF- and VEGF-related factors (Pvf1,Pvf2 or Pvf3). Pvr has been shown to activate the canonical Ras/Raf/MAP kinase (ERK) cascade, the PI3K kinase pathway, TORC1 (FBrf0222697), Rho family small GTPases (FBrf0221764, FBrf0180198) and the JNK cascade (FBrf0180198), in a context-dependent manner. (Adapted from FBrf0222697 and FBrf0221727).
Protein Function (UniProtKB)
Repressor of translation initiation that regulates eIF4E1 activity by preventing its assembly into the eIF4F complex (PubMed:11389445, PubMed:19804760, PubMed:25702871). Hypophosphorylated form competes with eIF4G1 and strongly binds to eIF4E1, leading to repress translation (PubMed:25702871). In contrast, hyperphosphorylated form dissociates from eIF4E1, allowing interaction between eIF4G1 and eIF4E1, leading to initiation of translation (PubMed:25702871). Acts as a regulator of various biological processes, such as innate immunity, cell growth or synaptic transmission (PubMed:10811906, PubMed:11389445, PubMed:27525480). Acts downstream of phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) to regulate cell growth (PubMed:11389445). Extends lifespan upon dietary restriction by regulating the mitochondrial translation (PubMed:19804760). Acts as a regulator of lifespan in response to cold by regulating the mitochondrial translation (PubMed:28827349). Acts as a negative regulator of presynaptic release of neurotransmitter in motor neurons: Thor expression is induced in response to insulin signaling, leading to prevent of translation of complexin (cpx), a protein known to regulate the exocytosis of synaptic vesicles (PubMed:27525480). Acts as a negative regulator of synaptic strength at the neuromuscular junction: Thor expression in response to acute fasting prevents translation, thereby suppressing retrograde synaptic enhancement (PubMed:27916456).
(UniProt, Q9XZ56)
Summary (Interactive Fly)

messenger RNA 5' cap binding protein - regulates translation during environmental stress - Ecdysone promotes growth of imaginal discs through the regulation of Thor Acute fasting regulates retrograde synaptic enhancement through a 4E-BP-dependent mechanism

Gene Model and Products
Number of Transcripts
Number of Unique Polypeptides

Please see the JBrowse view of Dmel\Thor for information on other features

To submit a correction to a gene model please use the Contact FlyBase form

Protein Domains (via Pfam)
Isoform displayed:
Pfam protein domains
InterPro name
Protein Domains (via SMART)
Isoform displayed:
SMART protein domains
InterPro name
Protein 3D structure   (Predicted by AlphaFold)   (AlphaFold entry Q9XZ56)

If you don't see a structure in the viewer, refresh your browser.
Model Confidence:
  • Very high (pLDDT > 90)
  • Confident (90 > pLDDT > 70)
  • Low (70 > pLDDT > 50)
  • Very low (pLDDT < 50)

AlphaFold produces a per-residue confidence score (pLDDT) between 0 and 100. Some regions with low pLDDT may be unstructured in isolation.

Experimentally Determined Structures
PDB - An information portal to biological macromolecular structures
Comments on Gene Model

Low-frequency RNA-Seq exon junction(s) not annotated.

Gene model reviewed during 5.46

Gene model reviewed during 5.55

Sequence Ontology: Class of Gene
Transcript Data
Annotated Transcripts
FlyBase ID
RefSeq ID
Length (nt)
Assoc. CDS (aa)
Additional Transcript Data and Comments
Reported size (kB)

0.85 (northern blot)

External Data
Polypeptide Data
Annotated Polypeptides
FlyBase ID
Predicted MW (kDa)
Length (aa)
Theoretical pI
RefSeq ID
Polypeptides with Identical Sequences

The group(s) of polypeptides indicated below share identical sequence to each other.

117 aa isoforms: Thor-PA, Thor-PB
Additional Polypeptide Data and Comments
Reported size (kDa)
External Data
Subunit Structure (UniProtKB)

Hypophosphorylated Thor/4E-BP competes with eIF4G1 to interact with eIF4E1; insulin stimulated Akt1 or Tor phosphorylation of Thor/4E-BP causes dissociation of the complex allowing eIF4G1 to bind and consequent initiation of translation.

(UniProt, Q9XZ56)
Post Translational Modification

Phosphorylation at Thr-37, Thr-46, Ser-65 and Thr-70, corresponding to the hyperphosphorylated form, impairs its ability to prevent the interaction between eIF4G1 and eIF4E1, without affecting its interaction with free eIF4E1 (PubMed:14645523, PubMed:25702871). Phosphorylated in rtesponse to insulin (PubMed:11389445). Phosphorylation at Thr-46 is regulated by Tor and constitutes the major phosphorylation event that regulates activity (PubMed:14645523).

(UniProt, Q9XZ56)

The YXXXXLphi motif mediates interaction with eIF4E1 (PubMed:11389445). Compared to other members of the family this YXXXXLphi is atypical and interaction with eIF4E1 is weaker (PubMed:11389445).

(UniProt, Q9XZ56)
InterPro - A database of protein families, domains and functional sites
PDB - An information portal to biological macromolecular structures
Sequences Consistent with the Gene Model
Mapped Features

Click to get a list of regulatory features (enhancers, TFBS, etc.) and gene disruptions (point mutations, indels, etc.) within or overlapping Dmel\Thor using the Feature Mapper tool.

External Data
Eukaryotic Promoter Database - A collection of databases of experimentally validated promoters for selected model organisms.
Expression Data
Testis-specificity index

The testis specificity index was calculated from modENCODE tissue expression data by Vedelek et al., 2018 to indicate the degree of testis enrichment compared to other tissues. Scores range from -2.52 (underrepresented) to 5.2 (very high testis bias).


Transcript Expression
in situ
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
posterior ectoderm anlage

Comment: anlage in statu nascendi

ventral ectoderm anlage

Comment: anlage in statu nascendi

antennal anlage in statu nascendi

Comment: reported as procephalic ectoderm anlage in statu nascendi

dorsal head epidermis anlage in statu nascendi

Comment: reported as procephalic ectoderm anlage in statu nascendi

visual anlage in statu nascendi

Comment: reported as procephalic ectoderm anlage in statu nascendi

antennal anlage

Comment: reported as procephalic ectoderm anlage

central brain anlage

Comment: reported as procephalic ectoderm anlage

dorsal head epidermis anlage

Comment: reported as procephalic ectoderm anlage

visual anlage

Comment: reported as procephalic ectoderm anlage

antennal primordium

Comment: reported as procephalic ectoderm primordium

central brain primordium

Comment: reported as procephalic ectoderm primordium

visual primordium

Comment: reported as procephalic ectoderm primordium

dorsal head epidermis primordium

Comment: reported as procephalic ectoderm primordium

lateral head epidermis primordium

Comment: reported as procephalic ectoderm primordium

ventral head epidermis primordium

Comment: reported as procephalic ectoderm primordium

northern blot
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
Additional Descriptive Data

Thor transcripts are detected at all stages on northern blots and are strongly induced upon infection. They are observed by in situ hybridization in the embryonic central nervous system and in the reproductive systems of males and females. They are observed third instar male testis and in adult female ovaries.

Marker for
Subcellular Localization
CV Term
Polypeptide Expression
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
Additional Descriptive Data
Marker for
Subcellular Localization
CV Term
located_in cytosol
inferred from direct assay
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from direct assay
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from direct assay
Expression Deduced from Reporters
High-Throughput Expression Data
Associated Tools

JBrowse - Visual display of RNA-Seq signals

View Dmel\Thor in JBrowse
RNA-Seq by Region - Search RNA-Seq expression levels by exon or genomic region
See Gelbart and Emmert, 2013 for analysis details and data files for all genes.
Developmental Proteome: Life Cycle
Developmental Proteome: Embryogenesis
External Data and Images
BDGP expression data - Patterns of gene expression in Drosophila embryogenesis
DRscDB - A single-cell RNA-seq resource for data mining and data comparison across species
EMBL-EBI Single Cell Expression Atlas - Single cell expression across species
FlyAtlas - Adult expression by tissue, using Affymetrix Dros2 array
FlyAtlas2 - A Drosophila melanogaster expression atlas with RNA-Seq, miRNA-Seq and sex-specific data
Fly-FISH - A database of Drosophila embryo and larvae mRNA localization patterns
Alleles, Insertions, Transgenic Constructs, and Aberrations
Classical and Insertion Alleles ( 20 )
For All Classical and Insertion Alleles Show
Other relevant insertions
Transgenic Constructs ( 16 )
For All Alleles Carried on Transgenic Constructs Show
Transgenic constructs containing/affecting coding region of Thor
Transgenic constructs containing regulatory region of Thor
Aberrations (Deficiencies and Duplications) ( 7 )
Variant Molecular Consequences
Alleles Representing Disease-Implicated Variants
For more details about a specific phenotype click on the relevant allele symbol.
Other Phenotypes
Phenotype manifest in
Human Orthologs (via DIOPT v9.1)
Species\Gene Symbol
Best Score
Best Reverse Score
Homo sapiens (Human) (4)
12 of 14
12 of 14
11 of 14
1 of 14
Model Organism Orthologs (via DIOPT v9.1)
Species\Gene Symbol
Best Score
Best Reverse Score
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) (4)
12 of 14
11 of 14
2 of 14
1 of 14
Mus musculus (laboratory mouse) (3)
12 of 14
11 of 14
11 of 14
Xenopus tropicalis (Western clawed frog) (1)
9 of 13
Danio rerio (Zebrafish) (5)
12 of 14
12 of 14
11 of 14
9 of 14
2 of 14
Caenorhabditis elegans (Nematode, roundworm) (0)
Anopheles gambiae (African malaria mosquito) (1)
12 of 12
Arabidopsis thaliana (thale-cress) (0)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Brewer's yeast) (0)
Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Fission yeast) (0)
Escherichia coli (enterobacterium) (0)
Other Organism Orthologs (via OrthoDB)
Data provided directly from OrthoDB:Thor. Refer to their site for version information.
Paralogs (via DIOPT v9.1)
Human Disease Associations
FlyBase Human Disease Model Reports
    Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
    Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Potential Models Based on Orthology ( 0 )
    Human Ortholog
    Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 6 )
    Disease Associations of Human Orthologs (via DIOPT v9.1 and OMIM)
    Note that ortholog calls supported by only 1 or 2 algorithms (DIOPT score < 3) are not shown.
    Functional Complementation Data
    Functional complementation data is computed by FlyBase using a combination of the orthology data obtained from DIOPT and OrthoDB and the allele-level genetic interaction data curated from the literature.
    Summary of Physical Interactions
    esyN Network Diagram
    Show neighbor-neighbor interactions:
    Show/hide secondary interactors 
    (data from AllianceMine provided by esyN)
    Select Layout:
    Selected Interactor(s)
    Other Interaction Browsers

    Please see the Physical Interaction reports below for full details
    Physical Interaction
    Physical Interaction
    Summary of Genetic Interactions
    esyN Network Diagram
    Show/hide secondary interactors 
    (data from AllianceMine provided by esyN)
    esyN Network Key:
    Other Interaction Browsers

    Please look at the allele data for full details of the genetic interactions
    Starting gene(s)
    Interaction type
    Interacting gene(s)
    Starting gene(s)
    Interaction type
    Interacting gene(s)
    External Data
    Subunit Structure (UniProtKB)
    Hypophosphorylated Thor/4E-BP competes with eIF4G1 to interact with eIF4E1; insulin stimulated Akt1 or Tor phosphorylation of Thor/4E-BP causes dissociation of the complex allowing eIF4G1 to bind and consequent initiation of translation.
    (UniProt, Q9XZ56 )
    DroID - A comprehensive database of gene and protein interactions.
    MIST (genetic) - An integrated Molecular Interaction Database
    MIST (protein-protein) - An integrated Molecular Interaction Database
    Signaling Pathways (FlyBase)
    Insulin-like Receptor Signaling Pathway Core Components -
    The Insulin-like Receptor (IR) signaling pathway in Drosophila is initiated by the binding of an insulin-like peptides to the Insulin-like receptor (InR). (Adapted from FBrf0232297, FBrf0230017 and FBrf0229989.)
    Pvr Signaling Pathway Core Components -
    PDGF/VEGF (Platelet-Derived Growth Factor/Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor)-receptor related (Pvr) encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase activated by the binding of PDGF- and VEGF-related factors (Pvf1,Pvf2 or Pvf3). Pvr has been shown to activate the canonical Ras/Raf/MAP kinase (ERK) cascade, the PI3K kinase pathway, TORC1 (FBrf0222697), Rho family small GTPases (FBrf0221764, FBrf0180198) and the JNK cascade (FBrf0180198), in a context-dependent manner. (Adapted from FBrf0222697 and FBrf0221727).
    Metabolic Pathways
    External Data
    KEGG Pathways - A collection of manually drawn pathway maps representing knowledge of molecular interaction, reaction and relation networks.
    Genomic Location and Detailed Mapping Data
    Chromosome (arm)
    Recombination map
    Cytogenetic map
    Sequence location
    FlyBase Computed Cytological Location
    Cytogenetic map
    Evidence for location
    Limits computationally determined from genome sequence between P{EP}ThorEP818&P{lacW}Thork07736 and P{PZ}oddrF111&P{PZ}for06860
    Experimentally Determined Cytological Location
    Cytogenetic map
    (determined by in situ hybridisation)
    (determined by in situ hybridisation)
    Experimentally Determined Recombination Data
    Left of (cM)
    Right of (cM)
    Stocks and Reagents
    Stocks (24)
    Genomic Clones (18)

    Please Note FlyBase no longer curates genomic clone accessions so this list may not be complete

    cDNA Clones (73)

    Please Note This section lists cDNAs and ESTs that fall within the genomic extent of the gene model, which may include cDNAs and ESTs of genes within introns, or of overlapping genes. Please see JBrowse for alignment of the cDNAs and ESTs to the gene model.

    cDNA clones, fully sequenced
    BDGP DGC clones
    Other clones
    Drosophila Genomics Resource Center cDNA clones

    For each fully sequenced cDNA the DGRC maintains various forms of the cDNA (e.g tagged or untagged) in several different host vectors for subsequent cloning and expression in Drosophila and Drosophila cell lines.

    cDNA Clones, End Sequenced (ESTs)
    RNAi and Array Information
    DRSC - Results frm RNAi screens
    Antibody Information
    Laboratory Generated Antibodies
    Commercially Available Antibodies
    Cell Line Information
    Publicly Available Cell Lines
      Other Stable Cell Lines
        Other Comments

        The Thor translational inhibitor is a relevant foxo target gene. Cellular stress may activate foxo and inhibit growth through the action of target genes such as Thor. Transcriptionally downregulated after 2h of insulin stimulation in Kc167 cells. Contains fkh response elements (FHREs) in the genomic upstream or intronic sequences.

        Thor participates in host immune defence and connects a translational regulator with innate immunity.

        The activity of eIF-4E is modulated by phosphorylation and by direct interaction with Thor.

        Identified in a screen to find interactors with eIF-4E from a cDNA expression library. When bound to eIF-4E, Thor prevents the integration of eIF-4E into the translationally active eIF-4F complex. Thor may be involved in the translational regulation of specific mRNAs throughout development and adult fly life.

        Cg25C is a member of the infection inducible enhancer detector strains.

        Relationship to Other Genes
        Source for database merge of

        Source for merge of: Thor l(2)06270

        Source for merge of: Thor anon-WO0172774.158

        Additional comments

        "l(2)06270" probably corresponds to "Thor"; the P{PZ} insertion in the "l(2)0627006270" allele maps 20bp upstream of the 5' end of the CT9265 transcript of "Thor".

        Source for merge of Thor anon-WO0172774.158 was sequence comparison ( date:051113 ).

        Nomenclature History
        Source for database identify of
        Nomenclature comments

        Ecol\lacZ reporter gene expression from the Thor enhancer trap insertion P{lacW}Thork13517 increases upon infection, and so the gene is named "Thor" after the Nordic legendary character that was often called upon to use his hammer to protect mankind from harm.

        Synonyms and Secondary IDs (45)
        Reported As
        Symbol Synonym
        (Yun et al., 2024, Bakopoulos et al., 2023, Banzai and Nishimura, 2023, Dai et al., 2023, Feng et al., 2023, Li et al., 2023, Sanal et al., 2023, Tuo et al., 2023, Bahuguna et al., 2022, Lee et al., 2022, Myers et al., 2022, Noguchi et al., 2022, Wang et al., 2022, Zhao et al., 2022, Baumgartner et al., 2021, Chatterjee and Perrimon, 2021, Han et al., 2021, Hou and Pei, 2021, Layalle et al., 2021, Liguori et al., 2021, Ma et al., 2021, McDonald et al., 2021, Oliveira et al., 2021, Song et al., 2021, Yang et al., 2021, Yang et al., 2021, Yoshinari et al., 2021, Yu and Hyun, 2021, Cheng et al., 2020, Chittoor-Vinod et al., 2020, Frank et al., 2020, Jawkar and Nongthomba, 2020, Kim et al., 2020, Kim et al., 2020, Ma et al., 2020, Miller et al., 2020, Chatterjee et al., 2019, Harsh et al., 2019, Wei et al., 2019, Xi et al., 2019, Zheng et al., 2019, Inoue et al., 2018, Kang et al., 2018, Liu et al., 2018, Nowak et al., 2018, Rode et al., 2018, Staats et al., 2018, Tamirisa et al., 2018, Zeng et al., 2018, Chang et al., 2017, Hoedjes et al., 2017, Huang et al., 2017, Kang et al., 2017, Kim et al., 2017, Lee et al., 2017, Mathew et al., 2017, Meng et al., 2017, Murillo-Maldonado and Riesgo-Escovar, 2017, Vasudevan et al., 2017, Wu et al., 2017, Yun et al., 2017, Brill et al., 2016, David-Morrison et al., 2016, Donovan and Marr, 2016, Kakanj et al., 2016, Langston et al., 2016, Tio et al., 2016, Calap-Quintana et al., 2015, Das and Dobens, 2015, Figueroa-Clarevega and Bilder, 2015, Fischer et al., 2015, Frankel et al., 2015, Kohlmaier et al., 2015, Lin et al., 2015, Mensah et al., 2015, Nässel et al., 2015, Obata and Miura, 2015, Okada et al., 2015, Suh et al., 2015, Tiebe et al., 2015, Yan et al., 2015, Charroux and Royet, 2014, Huang et al., 2014, Igreja et al., 2014, Lanet and Maurange, 2014, Liu et al., 2014, Metaxakis et al., 2014, Mirth et al., 2014, Mulakkal et al., 2014, Obata et al., 2014, Owusu-Ansah and Perrimon, 2014, Ulgherait et al., 2014, Wang et al., 2014, Wang et al., 2014, Bai et al., 2013, Esslinger et al., 2013, Hernández et al., 2013, Hwang et al., 2013, Ibar et al., 2013, Karpac et al., 2013, Kayashima et al., 2013, Kwak et al., 2013, Lanet et al., 2013, Mason-Suares et al., 2013, Olson et al., 2013, Owusu-Ansah et al., 2013, Subramanian et al., 2013, Tixier et al., 2013, Tran et al., 2013, Wong et al., 2013, Bolukbasi et al., 2012, Hernandez et al., 2012, Homem and Knoblich, 2012, Iliadi et al., 2012, Lee et al., 2012, Pallares-Cartes et al., 2012, Poernbacher et al., 2012, Rera et al., 2012, Xu et al., 2012, Zitserman et al., 2012, Alic et al., 2011, Alic et al., 2011, Boyd et al., 2011, Liu et al., 2011, Muñoz-Soriano and Paricio, 2011, Oldham, 2011, Ottone et al., 2011, Partridge et al., 2011, Slack et al., 2011, Söderberg et al., 2011, Wang et al., 2011, Wang et al., 2011, Bauer et al., 2010, Bjedov et al., 2010, Bryk et al., 2010, Demontis and Perrimon, 2010, Gehrke et al., 2010, Grönke et al., 2010, Kim et al., 2010, Kühnlein, 2010, LaFever et al., 2010, Lam et al., 2010, Lee et al., 2010, Lee et al., 2010, Liu and Lu, 2010, Mahapatra et al., 2010, Mesquita et al., 2010, Stumpfe et al., 2010, Iwasaki et al., 2009, Tain et al., 2009, Duncan, 2008, Flatt et al., 2008, Harvey et al., 2008, Hernandez et al., 2008, Imai et al., 2008, Lee et al., 2008, Lee et al., 2008, Teleman et al., 2008, Wang et al., 2008, Yu et al., 2008, Ahrens et al., 2007, Hoshizaki and Gibbs, 2007, Tadros et al., 2007, Fuss et al., 2006, Hennig et al., 2006, Teleman and Cohen, 2006, Colombani et al., 2005, Hernandez et al., 2005, King-Jones and Thummel, 2005, Teleman et al., 2005, Teleman et al., 2005, Jenkins and Lasko, 2004, Jorgensen and Tyers, 2004, Pan et al., 2004, Nijhout, 2003, Oldham and Hafen, 2003, Saucedo and Edgar, 2002, Adams et al., 2000, Lehner, 1999, Won et al., 1999, Lachance and Lasko, 1997, Miron et al., 1997)
        (Balakireva et al., 2024, Hersperger et al., 2024, Kosakamoto et al., 2024, Li et al., 2024, Mattila et al., 2024, Srivastav et al., 2024, Abruzzi et al., 2023, Bland, 2023, Deng et al., 2023, Floc'hlay et al., 2023, Khalili et al., 2023, Layana et al., 2023, Lovegrove et al., 2023, Shao et al., 2023, Wippich et al., 2023, Adashev et al., 2022, Beaver et al., 2022, Deshpande et al., 2022, Ding et al., 2022, Karam et al., 2022, Liu et al., 2022, Mushtaq et al., 2022, National Institute of Genetics Fly Stocks, 2022-, Sano et al., 2022, Varga et al., 2022, Yan et al., 2022, Bonfini et al., 2021, De Groef et al., 2021, Fabian et al., 2021, Gan et al., 2021, He et al., 2021, Keith et al., 2021, Morin-Poulard et al., 2021, Pennemann et al., 2021, Tiwari and Mandal, 2021, Wang et al., 2021, Wang et al., 2021, Zhou et al., 2021, Chattopadhyay and Thirumurugan, 2020, Feuillette et al., 2020, Funk et al., 2020, Hood et al., 2020, Khan et al., 2020, Kierdorf et al., 2020, Luo et al., 2020, Nakamura et al., 2020, Neamtu et al., 2020, Tang et al., 2020, Vandehoef et al., 2020, Banerjee et al., 2019, Blice-Baum et al., 2019, Brunet Avalos et al., 2019, Chandran et al., 2019, Erwin and Blumenstiel, 2019, Houtz et al., 2019, Huang et al., 2019, Kockel et al., 2019, Krittika and Yadav, 2019, Li et al., 2019, Melcarne et al., 2019, Scopelliti et al., 2019, Stobdan et al., 2019, Zirin et al., 2019, Buhler et al., 2018, Duncan et al., 2018, Kang et al., 2018, Levis, 2018.8.30, Lin et al., 2018, Lopez et al., 2018, Ugrankar et al., 2018, Liao et al., 2017, Tsuyama et al., 2017, Vasudevan et al., 2017, Wang et al., 2017, Xu et al., 2017, Dobson et al., 2016, Gajan et al., 2016, Grüner et al., 2016, Kim et al., 2016, Kučerová et al., 2016, Strigini and Leulier, 2016, Vinayagam et al., 2016, Cagin et al., 2015, Calap-Quintana et al., 2015, Frankel et al., 2015, Hamilton et al., 2015, Katzenberger et al., 2015, Kohyama-Koganeya et al., 2015, Kopp et al., 2015, Kwon et al., 2015, Matsuda et al., 2015, Mensah et al., 2015, Peter et al., 2015, Peter et al., 2015, Sieber and Spradling, 2015, Wei et al., 2015, Bischof and FlyORF project members, 2014.6.20, Deivasigamani et al., 2014, Horiguchi et al., 2014, Igreja et al., 2014, Mirth et al., 2014, Mulakkal et al., 2014, Obata et al., 2014, Ruiz et al., 2014, Taylor et al., 2014, Ciurciu et al., 2013, Gendrin et al., 2013, Hernández et al., 2013, Kayashima et al., 2013, Nowak et al., 2013, Okamoto et al., 2013, Rallis et al., 2013, Soh et al., 2013, Subramanian et al., 2013, Taliaferro et al., 2013, Garelli et al., 2012, Koh et al., 2012, Paik et al., 2012, Pallares-Cartes et al., 2012, Papatheodorou et al., 2012, Pezzulo et al., 2012, Rera et al., 2012, Rynes et al., 2012, Tokusumi et al., 2012, Wong et al., 2012, Yampolsky et al., 2012, Ye et al., 2012, Zhang et al., 2012, Glatter et al., 2011, Marcu et al., 2011, Muñoz-Soriano and Paricio, 2011, Bauer et al., 2010, Becker et al., 2010, Blanco et al., 2010, De Luca et al., 2010, Demontis and Perrimon, 2010, Ellis and Carney, 2010, Fernández-Ayala et al., 2010, Kim et al., 2010, Kühnlein, 2010, LaFever et al., 2010, Lee et al., 2010, Mahapatra et al., 2010, Nagoshi et al., 2010, Sun et al., 2010, Alvarez-Ponce et al., 2009, Baker and Russell, 2009, Carpenter et al., 2009, Hong et al., 2009, Mendes et al., 2009, Owusu-Ansah and Banerjee, 2009, Tain et al., 2009, Walkiewicz and Stern, 2009, Kapelnikov et al., 2008, Libert et al., 2008, Pedersen et al., 2008, Curtis et al., 2007, Hall et al., 2007, Lasko and Sonenberg, 2007, Libert, 2007, Marygold et al., 2007, Zhang et al., 2007, Morozova et al., 2006, Greene et al., 2005, Terashima and Bownes, 2005, Bernal et al., 2004, Roxstrom-Lindquist et al., 2004)
        Name Synonyms
        Eif4e-binding protein
        eIF4E binding protein
        eif-4e binding protein
        eif4e-binding protein 4EBP
        eukaryotic initiation factor 4E binding protein
        eukaryotic initiation factor 4E- binding protein
        eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein
        eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein
        eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein
        insulin-stimulated eIF-4E binding protein
        lethal (2) 06270
        translation initiation factor 4E binding protein
        Secondary FlyBase IDs
        • FBgn0022073
        • FBgn0017459
        • FBgn0020516
        • FBgn0027067
        • FBgn0046442
        • FBgn0010616
        Datasets (1)
        Study focus (1)
        Experimental Role
        Project Type
        • bait_protein
        Interaction map generated by purification of insulin pathway factors, with identification of copurifying proteins by mass spectrometry.
        Study result (0)
        Result Type
        External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 50 )
        Sequence Crossreferences
        NCBI Gene - Gene integrates information from a wide range of species. A record may include nomenclature, Reference Sequences (RefSeqs), maps, pathways, variations, phenotypes, and links to genome-, phenotype-, and locus-specific resources worldwide.
        GenBank Nucleotide - A collection of sequences from several sources, including GenBank, RefSeq, TPA, and PDB.
        GenBank Protein - A collection of sequences from several sources, including translations from annotated coding regions in GenBank, RefSeq and TPA, as well as records from SwissProt, PIR, PRF, and PDB.
        RefSeq - A comprehensive, integrated, non-redundant, well-annotated set of reference sequences including genomic, transcript, and protein.
        UniProt/GCRP - The gene-centric reference proteome (GCRP) provides a 1:1 mapping between genes and UniProt accessions in which a single 'canonical' isoform represents the product(s) of each protein-coding gene.
        UniProt/Swiss-Prot - Manually annotated and reviewed records of protein sequence and functional information
        Other crossreferences
        AlphaFold DB - AlphaFold provides open access to protein structure predictions for the human proteome and other key proteins of interest, to accelerate scientific research.
        BDGP expression data - Patterns of gene expression in Drosophila embryogenesis
        DRscDB - A single-cell RNA-seq resource for data mining and data comparison across species
        EMBL-EBI Single Cell Expression Atlas - Single cell expression across species
        FlyAtlas2 - A Drosophila melanogaster expression atlas with RNA-Seq, miRNA-Seq and sex-specific data
        InterPro - A database of protein families, domains and functional sites
        KEGG Genes - Molecular building blocks of life in the genomic space.
        MARRVEL_MODEL - MARRVEL (model organism gene)
        PDB - An information portal to biological macromolecular structures
        Cell Signaling Technology - Commercial vendor for primary antibodies and antibody conjugates.
        Drosophila Genomics Resource Center - Drosophila Genomics Resource Center (DGRC) cDNA clones
        DroID - A comprehensive database of gene and protein interactions.
        DRSC - Results frm RNAi screens
        Eukaryotic Promoter Database - A collection of databases of experimentally validated promoters for selected model organisms.
        FlyAtlas - Adult expression by tissue, using Affymetrix Dros2 array
        FlyCyc Genes - Genes from a BioCyc PGDB for Dmel
        Fly-FISH - A database of Drosophila embryo and larvae mRNA localization patterns
        iBeetle-Base - RNAi phenotypes in the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum)
        Interactive Fly - A cyberspace guide to Drosophila development and metazoan evolution
        KEGG Pathways - A collection of manually drawn pathway maps representing knowledge of molecular interaction, reaction and relation networks.
        MIST (genetic) - An integrated Molecular Interaction Database
        MIST (protein-protein) - An integrated Molecular Interaction Database
        References (633)