FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\UbxCbx-1
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
Cbx1, Cbx
Key Links
Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype
Associated Insertion(s)

Polytene chromosomes normal.


Insertion of 17kb into the second intron of Ubx, at position 3R:16721339 (release 6 coordinates); the insertion contains sequence from two Ubx upstream regulatory regions, 16kb from the pbx region and 1kb from the bxd region. The insertion is within the transcribed region of asRNA:PS4, approximately 1.1kb downstream of the transcription start sites.

Duplication of an upstream genomic fragment. The duplicated copy is at an intronic location approximately 13kb downstream of the Ubx transcription start site.

Insertion of Ubx DNA (the segment that is deleted in Ubxpbx-1) in inverted orientation.

Transposition of part of the bxd region in inverted orientation into the second intron of the Ubx transcription unit.

Insertion of 17kb Ubxpbx-1 DNA into Ubx.

Insertion of part of the pbx region of the Ubx gene into the second intron of Ubx.

Inverted insertion of a 17kb fragment from map position -3 to +14kb into map position -44kb.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Homozygotes show transformation of the posterior wing to a hemi-haltere.

heterozygous animals exhibit a transformation of the wing to a haltere phenotype with complete penetrance but a variable expressivity.

za, UbxCbx-1/+ flies do not differ from UbxCbx-1/+, whereas the wings of za, Ubx1:Cbx-1/+ are considerably less like halteres than those of Ubx1:Cbx-1/+.

The mesothorax phenotype is reduced in combination with RpII215Ubl or RpS174. The dominant wing phenotype is 100% penetrant, occurring in the posterior compartment and variably in the anterior compartment. UbxCbx-1/Ubx195 transheterozygotes show transformation of T3 towards T2, and sometimes of A1a towards T3a.

Causes dominant partial transformation of wing tissue into haltere in the mesothorax. Shows weak recessive metathoracic and first abdominal transformation phenotypes.

Posterior wing is transformed into posterior haltere in heterozygotes, and the posterior notal tissue is reduced.

Heterozygotes show a transformation of posterior wing to haltere.

Heterozygotes show a transformation of wing to haltere. UbxCbx-1 completely inhibits the homoeosis normally seen in vgW flies; there is no wing blade in the capitellum, the haltere forms but is incomplete, the hinge sensillae are present, but the hairy regions in the anterior margin of the scabellum and pedicel are deleted. The normal posterior part of the wing is not seen, but the duplicated posterior wing tissue found in vgW flies is present in vgW UbxCbx-1 flies.

The frequency of variegated bithorax transformations seen in Df(3R)red-P52 heterozygotes is not increased in flies also heterozygous for UbxCbx-1.

Wings are transformed to halteres. Ubx130/UbxCbx-1 flies show a temperature sensitive phenotype; flies grown at 29oC have a slight conversion of haltere to wing and strong transformation of wing to haltere, while those grown at 17oC have a strong haltere to wing transformation and a slight transformation of wing to haltere. The UbxCbx-1 transformation in the wing is generally reduced and the Ubx130 transformation in the haltere is generally enhanced in the transheterozygote, compared to heterozygous or homozygous UbxCbx-1 or Ubx130 flies respectively.

UbxCbx-1/+ and UbxCbx-1/UbxCbx-1 virtually indistinguishable and have small wings. The posterior portion of the mesothorax transformed into a structure that resembles posterior portion of metathorax. Wings have veins L1, L2, and L3 only. In extreme cases, entire mesothorax resembles metathorax so that wings resemble halteres. Metathorax is wild type. UbxCbx-1 acts as dominant suppressor of homozygous pbx and partial suppressor of bx and bxd. RK2.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by

UbxCbx-1 has visible | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Pc3

UbxCbx-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by Pcl1

Suppressed by

UbxCbx-1 has visible phenotype, suppressible by MED192/P{EPgy2}EY16159

Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by

UbxCbx-1 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by Pc3

UbxCbx-1 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by asRNA:PS4ΔP

UbxCbx-1 has haltere | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by TrlR85

UbxCbx-1 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by TrlR85

UbxCbx-1 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by Pcl1

Suppressed by
NOT suppressed by

UbxCbx-1 has phenotype, non-suppressible by su(Hw)2

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

The transformation of posterior wing to hemi-haltere seen in UbxCbx-1 homozygotes is no longer seen if the flies are also carrying MED192/P{EPgy2}EY16159 and the cellular trichomes are reoriented along the long wing axis.

UbxCbx-1/TrlR85 flies show a 100% penetrance of the wing to haltere transformation seen in UbxCbx-1 mutants, but with much higher expressivity, showing itself in a 40% reduction in wing size on average.

ssa Ubxbx-1 UbxCbx-1 hemizygotes are characterised by reduction of the posterior part of the wing (UbxCbx-1 phenotype) and by deterioration of tarsus segmentation of the second leg.

Pcl1/+; UbxCbx-1/+ flies show an almost complete wing to haltere transformation.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Images (0)
Stocks (5)
Notes on Origin

Bacon, Aug. 1949.


Temperature-shift experiments show that the temperature sensitive period in Ubx130/UbxCbx-1 flies extends throughout embryonic and larval life.

The Cbx mesothorax phenotype is reduced in a number of Cbx mutations in combination with RpII215Ubl. This reduction of the Cbx phenotype follows the order: UbxCbx-Hm > UbxCbx-2RM = UbxCbx-2 = UbxCbx-M1 > UbxCbx-1RM = UbxCbx-1 = UbxCbx-3 = UbxCbx-Twt. The Cbx mesothorax phenotype is reduced in a number of Cbx mutations in combination with RpS174. This reduction of the Cbx phenotype follows the order: UbxCbx-2RM > UbxCbx-2 = UbxCbx-M1 > UbxCbx-1 = UbxCbx-1RM.

The adult wing phenotypes of flies carrying UbxCbx-1 in cis with Ubx loss of function mutations and in trans with rearrangements in the bithorax complex suggest that UbxCbx-1 induces ectopic expression of a paired normal Ubx gene, and that this expression is enhanced by reducing the levels of the wild-type Pc product.

Ubx mutants have been classified into "transvection groups", on the basis of transvection tests with Ubxbx-34e, Ubxpbx-2, and UbxCbx-1 Ubx1 mutants.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (4)
References (33)