FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\acHw-49c
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
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Associated gene
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Nature of the Allele
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Progenitor genotype
Caused by aberration

One breakpoint between 14.8 kb and 13.5 kb in the walk of Campuzano et al. (FBrf0042024) and the other between 111 kb and 122 kb in the walk of Chao and Guild.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
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Human Disease Associations
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Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

acHw-49c/+ animals exhibit about 60 extra bristles per wing.

acHw-49c animals have a higher density of notal microchaetae, however these bristles still approximately align into rows as seen in wild-type.

Ectopic neural precursors form along the longitudinal vein primordia.

Multiple bristles develop instead of a single anterior sternopleural bristle in acHw-49c flies. In acHw-49c; kluP212 double mutants, no bristles develop in the anterior sternopleural position.

Grooming behavior normal.

Two rows of ectopic sensory organ mother cells (SMCs) are seen on the presumptive posterior wing margin in acHw-49c wing imaginal discs. A few extra SMCs also emerge in the dorsocentral notum region during the third larval instar period.

Ectopic sense organs appear on the notum and wing.

The total number of bristles on the basitarsi of the second legs is increased. An enlarged bracted bristle is seen near position 5d1 in 22% of cases.

Often lack one or more ocellar or postvertical macrochaetae.

Width of mesonotum in region between dorsocentral bristles increased leading to increased numbers of acrostichal rows as well as extraneous extra microchaetae. Low degree of nonautonomy reported at junction between acHw-49c/acHw-49c and +/+ twin spots.

Homozygous female has doubling and tripling of many bristles, three or four extra dorsocentral bristles per side, extra wing veins, gap in posterior crossvein and extra hairs on vein L2 and in wing cells. Heterozygous female has normal bristles, extra hairs on L2 and L3 and in wing cells and often an extra free vein from posterior crossvein; also extra acrostichal rows. acHw-49c male much like homozygous female but bristle duplication less extreme. RK1. Not suppressed by su(Hw).

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by
Suppressed by

acHw-49c, emc11 has dorsal mesothoracic disc & sensory mother cell | ectopic phenotype

emc11/Df(3L)emc-E12, acHw-49c has dorsal mesothoracic disc & sensory mother cell | ectopic phenotype

Oceunspecified, acHw-49c has macrochaeta & thorax phenotype

Oceunspecified, acHw-49c has macrochaeta & head phenotype

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

The addition of ttkrM730/+ to acHw-49c/+ animals leads to an 1.35 enhancement of the ectopic wing margin bristle phenotype. The addition of ttk00219/+ to acHw-49c/+ animals leads to an 1.2 enhancement of the ectopic wing margin bristle phenotype. The addition of Df(3R)awd-KRB/+ to acHw-49c/+ animals leads to an 1.5 enhancement of the ectopic wing margin bristle phenotype. The addition of ttk69.hs/+ to acHw-49c/+ animals leads slight suppression of the ectopic wing margin bristle phenotype (80% of the bristles seen in ttk69.hs/+ alone are seen in double mutants..

Bristles of variable size are formed in the otherwise naked lateral region of the notum of ara1 caup1/Df(3L)iro-2 flies that are also carrying acHw-49c, at a position corresponding to that of the posterior supraalar bristle. This bristle has a contralateral axon branch in about 70% of cases.

acHw-49c/+ ; emc11/Df(3L)emc-E12 wing discs have many ectopic SMCs, mostly in the presumptive notum and dorsal wing blade and base.

Double mutants with su(sc)1 are sterile and have crumpled wings.

The extra chaetae found over the wing veins in heterozygous acHw-49c/+ females are removed or reduced in number from the dorsal veins LIII and LV, but not from the LII and LIV ventral veins, by homozygous Egfrf37 clones in these regions.

hunspecified pydunspecified acHw-49c triple mutants show synergistic increases in the number of bristles on the basitarsi of the second legs.

Acts synergistically with Oce in removing head bristles but cancel each other's effects on thorax in acHw-49c/Oceunspecified females.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Images (0)
Stocks (2)
Notes on Origin

King, 21st March 1949.

Induced with: sc49c.


More extreme than acHw-1.

Double mutant acHw-49c, h1 or acHw-49c, emcunspecified flies augments the derepression of the achaete-scute complex.

Revertants of acHw-49c lose their dominant phenotypes; however they remain sc and may exhibit a weak ac phenotype or be lethal in combination with Df(1)sc19.

ac, sc and l(1)sc transcripts considerably more abundant than in wild type; also more generally expressed in wing discs than normal.

The expression of l(1)sc protein is reduced in mutant embryos.

Overexpression of the ac and sc proteins. The global pattern of h is unchanged but the level of expression is increased.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (3)
References (26)