FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\aspE3
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D. melanogaster
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Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

A deletion of seven base pairs (2,396-2,402) that results in a premature stop codon at amino acid 721.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
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Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
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Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

aspL1/aspE3 transheterozygous adults exhibit a smaller brain, due to smaller central brain and optic lobe, as compared to controls.

All homozygous pharates present a striking reduction of the head size while abdomen and thorax seem unaffected. Transheterozygous combinations with asp1, aspL1, aspMB11367 or Df(3R)BSC519 show a similar phenotype. At third instar larval stage, aspE3 brains are significantly smaller, particularly the optic lobes, compared to wild type.

At third instar larval stage, aspE3 brains show a severely reduced population of optic lobe neuroblasts. Lamina neurons are absent and the the volume occupied by neuroepithelial cells in the optic lobe is reduced. However, there are no defects in neuronal populations derived from other regions of the brain and all cell populations are present (even if reduced in size).

At late third instar larval stage, aspE3 brains exhibit striking defects in the organization and shape of the neuroepithelium.

Even if mitotic spindles are partly unfocused in aspE3 neuroepithelial cells, they assemble in bipolar fashion and do not arrest at pro metaphase or show cytokinesis defects. However, errors in chromosome segregation occurs in ~23% of mutant neuroepithelial cells.

At third instar larval stage, aspE3 brains show increased apoptosis. Whereas in wild type optic lobes the number of apoptotic cells decreases at mid and late L3, the number of such cells increase in aspE3 brains - all apoptotic cells seem to be neuroepithelial.

At third instar larval stage, the cells of aspE3 mutant neuroepithelium show a premature switch in spindle position (from parallel to perpendicular to the plane of the epithelium). This defect doesn't impact cell fate determination.

In contrast to wild type, dividing nuclei of the aspE3 neuroepithelium are broadly distributed along the apical-basal axis, with nuclei positioned either too apical or too basal. Mutants also show an increase in interphase cell height and nuclear density. However, centrosomes are positioned normally in mutant interphase cells.

The initial velocity of separation between cell junctions after laser ablation is higher in aspE3 neuroepithelial cells compared to wild type, suggesting an increase in apical cell junction tension at the level of the adherens junctions in the mutant. Accordingly, the apical surface area of aspE3 neuroepithelial cells is reduced compared to wild type.

aspΔC.Ubi.T:Avic\GFP aspE3 have normal head size but flies die soon after hatching.

aspΔN.Ubi.T:Avic\GFP aspE3 animals show severe defects in neuroepithelial morphology, develop slowly and die before pupation.

Unlike wild-type, aspE3/aspL1 mutant spermatocytes at late prophase are still located at the plasma membrane, where they remain throughout meiosis. The microtubule organising centres (MTOCs) are found at the periphery of mutant spermatocytes, unlike in controls where the MTOCs are seen near the nuclear membrane. Microtubule organisation is significantly different to wild-type in mutant spermatocytes. At the time of nuclear envelope breakdown (NEB), a distinct focus of microtubule polymerisation appears within the nuclear region, away from the asters. It gives rise to a few bundles that grow and get organised into a bipolar spindle-shaped microtubule array that in 28% of cells is anastral and establishes no contact with the membrane-bound centrosomes. The remainder are accounted for by cell in which, despite the distance, microtubules from one or both asters reach the spindle so that spindle poles and asters are aligned. The timing of meiosis progression from nuclear envelope breakdown (NEB) to anaphase onset seems to be largely unaffected. Chromosome segregation is abnormal in these cells. During prometaphase, the bivalents do not move to the extent that they do in control cells. Congression occurs, but orientation is rarely bipolar. Homologue chromosomes separate at the onset of anaphase, but they barely move, remaining near the centre of the spindle. Moreover they tend to cosegregate and end up included in the same daughter nucleus. Cytokinesis does proceed to completion in around half of mutant cells. These cells contain unconnected centrosomal asters and anastral spindles. These anastral spindles can be observed at any angle, even 90oC with respect to the position of the two asters. In most such cases, furrow progression forces the spindle to rotate and align with asters so that at the end, a fairly normal cytokinesis takes place. The orientation of the plane of cleavage keeps a tight 90+-10o with respect to the axis defined by the asters and does not correlate with the orientation of the anastral spindle.

Nearly all mitotic cells in mutant larval brains arrest in prometaphase with highly condensed chromosomes, resulting in a greatly increased mitotic index (9.05, compared to 1.02 in wild-type brains).

The frequency of mitotic figures in the aspE3 larval brain is higher than in wild-type. 25% of mitotic figures are polyploid. Anaphase and circular mitotic figures are extremely rare.

The size and the frequency of the cuticular clones are higher than in control flies. There is a correlation between the amount of maternally contributed asp product and the frequency and size of asp clones. Maternally derived products are sufficient to carry out normal cell division until late in development (stage unspecified).

Unfertilized eggs have either no nuclei or a small number of large nuclei, free centrosomes and independent arrays of microtubules. Fertilized eggs from homozygous asp mutant females have this phenotype and embryos that undergo varying degrees of aberrant morphogenesis. The embryos have free centrosomes, abnormal arrays of microtubules and have large areas that are devoid of or have a reduced number of nuclei. Brain neuroblasts of homozygous asp larvae have a high mitotic index and have condensed chromosomes as if blocked at metaphase. Immunostaining reveals that many cells have a single centrosome connected to the metaphase chromosomes by microtubules connected in a hemi-spindle-like structure.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by
Suppressed by
Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

sqhE20.E21 enhances, whereas sqhA20.A21.T:Zzzz\FLAG suppresses the neuroepithelial defects of aspE3 larval brains.

The high mitotic density caused by aspE3 is reduced five-fold in BubR1KEN.T:Disc\RFP-mRFP aspE3 double mutants.

mad2Δ mutants suppress the high mitotic index seen in aspE3 brains.

The mitotic index in aspE3,rodX-5 double mutants is reduced compared to aspE3 single mutants, there is no metaphase arrest and anaphase figures can be seen. The metaphase figures are usually not overcondensed.

The mitotic index in aspE3, Zw1017 double mutants is reduced compared to aspE3 single mutants and anaphase figures can be seen. The metaphase figures are usually not overcondensed.

BubR1k03113 suppresses the aspE3 metaphase-arrest phenotype.

aspE3 mgrunspecified double mutants show mitotic abnormalities comparable to those seen in aspE3 single mutants. Most cells are arrested in a metaphase-like state and anaphase figures are extremely rare. Polyploid cells occur at a level slightly higher than that of the sum of the single mutants, but the mitotic frequency is lowered to less than that of wild-type. aspE3 polo1 double mutants show mitotic abnormalities similar to those seen in aspE3 single mutants, including polyploid and aneuploid cells with various degrees of chromosome condensation. There are a large number of cells in metaphase, and unlike the polo1 single mutant, no normal metaphase or anaphase figures and no circular mitotic figures are seen. The mitotic frequency of the double mutant and the frequency of polyploid cells are dramatically increased compared to that of either single mutant, indicating a synergistic effect.

Xenogenetic Interactions

Scer\GAL4C855a-mediated expression of BacA\p35Scer\UAS.cHa rescues the increase apoptosis and decreased brain size phenotype of aspE3 larvae, but a high degree of brain disorganization is still observed.

Complementation and Rescue Data
Rescued by
Partially rescued by

aspE3 is partially rescued by aspΔC.Ubi.GFP

Not rescued by

aspUbi.T:Avic\GFP rescues all aspE3 defective phenotypes.

aspΔC.Ubi.T:Avic\GFP rescues the pharate head size and larval neuroepithelium defects of aspE3 mutants, though flies die soon after hatching.

aspΔN.Ubi.T:Avic\GFP does not rescue aspE3 neuroepithelial defects.

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