FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Sh21
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
ShrKO120, Sh120, ShrK0120
Key Links
Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

Polytene chromosomes normal.


Mutation in the V region of the Sh locus.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Sh21 mutant flies are capable of sustained flight (for longer than 10 seconds).

Sh21 mutant flies exhibit a flight pattern that is different to wild-type flies, with increased wing beat frequency but largely normal DLM spiking activity, including an average firing rate and cv of the inter-spike interval.

Sh21 mutant larvae fail to exhibit Response Index increment by associative training upon LIN/SUC exposure.

The seizure threshold following short wavetrains of high-frequency electrical stimuli (0.5ms pulses at 200Hz for 300ms) is increased in mutant flies (86.9 +/- 8.5 V) compared to controls.

The threshold for activation of the giant fiber in mutant animals following single stimulus pulses (0.2ms duration, 0.5Hz) is not significantly different from that of wild type.

The giant fiber following frequency (the maximum stimulation frequency that the giant fiber pathway can reliably follow) is reduced compared to wild type in mutant animals.

When exposed to 10mM paraquat for 48hr, mutants show 30% survival (wild type shows 97% survival).

Habituation of the giant fiber escape pathway occurs more rapidly in Sh21 flies than in wild-type. The long-latency response is delayed slightly. The short-latency response of the tergotrochanteral muscle is delayed. The rate of habituation in Sh21 eag1 double mutants is no more extreme than in Sh21 or eag1 single mutants.

Homozygotes show increased sensitivity to chloroform and trichloroethylene, but not to halothane in an inebriometer assay (an assay of geotactic and postural behaviour) compared to wild-type flies.

More sensitive than the wild-type to the knock-down effect of acute γ-irradiation.

The delivery of an electrical buzz (50-400 msec) to the brain has no significant effect on Sh21 mutant flies.

"Giant" neurons derived from flies carrying Sh29-4.hs in a Sh21 background show a heat shock inducible A-type K+ current. This current shows slow recovery from inactivation compared to wild-type.

eag1 Sh21 double hemizygous bristle sensory cells in small-patch mosaic adult flies are more responsive to tactile stimulation than wild-type bristles, although the pathfinding and formation of sensory cell projections is normal.

Flies show leg-shaking under anaesthesia. Increases the refractory period and lowers the following frequency of the giant fibre response of the dorsal longitudinal muscle pathway, and lowers the following frequency of the giant fibre response of the tergotrochanteral muscle pathway. eag1 Sh21 and eag4PM Sh21 double mutant flies show spontaneous activity of the dorsal longitudinal and dorsoventral indirect flight muscles when at rest. This phenotype is suppressed by mlenap-ts1 in eag1 Sh21 mlenap-ts1 flies. 54% of eag4PM Sh21 flies have a wings-down phenotype.

The mutants effects can be potentiated by mutations in dnc and the enhancement can be counterbalanced by rut1. The effect of extreme hyperexcitability in eag Sh double mutants cannot be potentiated by mutations in dnc.

eag4PM Sh21 double mutant larvae show an increased ramification of neurites throughout muscles 12 and 13. This phenotype is suppressed by mlenap-ts1 at the restrictive temperature. eag4PM Sh21 double mutant larval muscles show periods of activity not organised into bursts (tonic activity) in contrast to wild-type. This phenotype is partially suppressed by mlenap-ts1.

Flies manifest chronic vibration of their appendages as well as abnormal action potentials. Hypersensitive to TEM Hypersensitive to triethylamine, causes lethality.

IA is reduced to about 78% of normal in homozygous third larval instar muscles. IA is much lower than predicted by simple gene-dosage dependence in Sh21/Sh14 or Sh21/Sh7 flies.

Sh21 eag4PM males show no conditioning of courtship behaviour.

Excitatory junction potentials are prolonged even at very low external Ca2+ concentrations. Sh21 interacts synergistically with either eag1 or eag4PM in double mutants to produce extremely prolonged neuromuscular transmission and spontaneous firing of the motor axons.

Ether-dependent leg shaking and wing scissoring. Chloroform, ethyl acetate and carbon dioxide etherization does not elicit shaking behavior, though nitrogen and triethylkamine etherization does. Unetherized, older flies show uncoordinated walking behavior, and stand quivering on the bottom of the culture bottle.

abnormal leg shaking under ether anesthesia; abnormal A-type potassium currents in larval muscle and/or pupal flight muscle; abnormal action potentials in the adult cervical giant fiber; abnormal synaptic transmission at the larval neuromuscular junction and multiple firing of larval motoneurons.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by

Sh21 has chemical sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by eag1

Sh21 has increased rate of movement phenotype, enhanceable by qvr1

NOT Enhanced by

Sh21 has visible phenotype, non-enhanceable by qvr1

Suppressed by
Enhancer of

Sh21 is an enhancer of chemical sensitive phenotype of eag1

Sh21 is an enhancer of increased rate of movement phenotype of qvr1

NOT Enhancer of

Sh21 is a non-enhancer of visible phenotype of qvr1

Phenotype Manifest In
Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

eag1 Sh21 double mutant third instar larvae show overgrowth of the neuromuscular junction. This overgrowth is significantly suppressed by expression of either LanAC01-190 under the control of Scer\GAL4C57 or βInt-νScer\UAS.cTa under the control of Scer\GAL4D42.

There is an increase in the number and density of secondary branches along the primary branches of the motor neuron that innervates DLMa in eag1/Sh21 mutants. The length of these secondary branches is not affected, but 75% of mutants have less than the wild-type number of contact points between the neuron and the muscle.

eag1. Sh21 mutants exhibit a synaptic over-growth phenotype. The addition of G-sα60AB19 suppresses this phenotype.

eag1 Sh21, eag24 Sh21 and eag4PM Sh21 double mutants exhibit vigorous leg-shaking behaviour under ether anaesthesia. Many exhibit a wings down phenotype. High frequency, spontaneous EJPs of a greater amplitude are seen at larval neuromuscular junctions and spontaneous discharges of EJPs or action potentials can be recorded in adult flight muscles.

The leg shaking phenotype is suppressed by paralk5.

eag1, Sh21 double hemizygous males show ether-induced violent leg shaking. Analysis of eag1, Sh21 mosaics shows that bristles not normally responsive to mechanical stimulation, such as the anterior postalar and posterior supraalar sensory cells, become much more sensitive to mechanical stimulation in the double mutant.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data

No wings down phenotype was observed for qvr1 in combination with Sh21, Sh5 or Sh16 though leg shaking is more vigorous in these double mutants than in either of the Sh of qvr single mutants alone.

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Notes on Origin



Phenotype suppressed by mlenap-ts1, even at permissive temperatures. Shaking and suppressed phenotypes are evident in severed legs as well as in the whole organism.

Mutation reduces the amplitude of IA in larval muscles.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (6)
References (32)