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Bernstein, S., Zhang, S. (1999.11.18). Mhc genomic sequences. 
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Text of Personal Communication
Personal Communication from: 	Sandy Bernstein, Shuxing Zhang
				San Diego State University
				San Diego, CA
Date:				Nov. 18, 1999
Query from curator:		
I am working on the annotation of the Mhc genomic sequences from BDGP.
I would like to be able to put as many complete mRNAs and CDSs on the
sequence as possible but have only found the structures of six
completely characterized mRNAs in the literature.
I have found reference to the mRNAs containing the following variable exons
(In the nomenclature of George et al. which I came accross first) in the 
From George et al. 1989
1) 3b, 7a, 9b, 11d, 15b
2) 3b, 7d, 9b, 11b, 15a
From Wells et al. 1996
3) 3a, 7a, 9b, 11c, 15b
4) 3b, 7a, 9b, 11c, 15b
5) 3a, 7a, 9c, 11d, 15b
6) 3b, 7a, 9b, 11a, 15b
All of the above use exons 17 and 19 and do not contain exon 18.
In the Bernstein and Milligan JMB 1997 paper, it says that 12
combinations of alternative exons are known. If you could provide me
with the structure of the additional complete forms, I will include
them in the annotation. 
Also, a point of clarification:
Am I interpreting the statement in Wells et al. "Note that the exon 11
series is designated in linear order as a-e, rather than by the order
used in George et al. (1989)"  correctly to mean that the
correspondence between the exons in the Wells et al. and the George et
al. papers is as follows?
George et al.		Wells et al.
11e			11a
11a			11b
11b			11c
11c			11d
11d			11e
One last question. 
I am also including the positions of as many mutations, insertions,
etc. as I can in the sequence. In Kronert et al. 1999. J.Cell Biol.
144(5):989-1000, the positions of the mutations in Table 1 are given in
terms of the numbering of the chicken amino acid sequence. As a result,
I am having a hard time locating them in the Drosophila sequence. In
all cases, I have found the appropriate residue or residues within 4
amino acids of the stated position in the chicken sequence but don't
know if these are the correct positions. In one case (Mhc[D45] there
are two possible Ala codons (GCT) within three amino acid positions aa
261 (the stated position). I have tentatively mapped the mutations to
the following Drosophila codons:
Mhc mutation	chick codon	Drosophila codon (?)
D1		625		623
D41		328		324
D45		261		258 0r 260
D62		638 (start)	637 (start)
5		200		200
8		832		829
Can you either confirm these positions or point me to a good source for
the chicken numbering you are using?
1) The isoform compilation is in Table 2 from a manuscript we are
preparing. Note that some are derived from cDNAs, others are from in situ
hybridization. You probably don't want to list all the details of the
embryonic forms.  Probably somatic, cardiac, visceral or pharyngeal muscle
would be the best description. Listing the new ones as "personal
communication" would be OK (the co-author on the manuscript is Shuxing
2) Your exon 11 designations are correct.  Note, however, that Charlie
Emerson is adamant that we use the George et al designations since they
were published first.  We are now doing so.  Thus the table I attached uses
the George designations.  I suggest you use George et al's nomenclature,
since this is what I have agreed to do.
3) The numbers you cite for the Drosophila mutations are correct.  D45
should be Drosophila codon 258.
Text version of Table 2    
Stage and Tissue-specific use of Mhc Alternatative Exons in
Alternative Exons used in Embyonic Muscles/ cDNAs
Mhc form	
	Exons 3a, 7a, 9b, 11c, 15b, 18 excluded
	Dorsal Acute 3
	Longitudinal Oblique
	Lateral Longitudinal 1
	Lateral Oblique
	Ventral Longitudinal 1-4
	Segment Border 
	Dorsal Oblique 3, 4, 5
	Ventral Oblique 1, 2, 4-6
	Embryonic cDNA c21
Mhc form	
	Exons 3b, 7a, 9b, 11c, 15b, 18 excluded
	Ventral Acute 3
	Dorsal Acute 3
	Dorsal Oblique 1, 2, 3
	Segment Border
	Embryonic cDNA c61
Mhc form
	Exons 3a, 7a, 9b, 11d, 15b, 18 excluded
	Dorsal Acute 1, 2
	Ventral Oblique 1-6
	Heart Cardiobast
Mhc form
	Exons 3b, 7a, 9c, 11d, 15b, 18 excluded
	Transverse (all 6)
	Dorsal Acute 1, 2
Mhc form
	Exons 3a, 7a, 9c, 11d, 15b, 18 excluded
	Dorsal Acute 1, 2
	Embryonic cDNA c52
Mhc form
	Exons 3b, 7a, 9c, 11c, 15b, 18 excluded
	Ventral Acute 1, 2
Mhc form
	Exons 3a, 7b, 9b, 11d, 15b. 18 excluded
Mhc form
	Exons 3b, 7a, 9b, 11a, 15b, 18 excluded
	Embryonic cDNA c51
Alternative Exons used in Pupal and Adult Muscles/ cDNAs
Mhc form
	Exons 3b, 7d, 9a, 11e, 15a, 18 included
	Indirect flight muscle
Mhc form
	Exons 3b, 7d, 9a, 11b, 15a, 18 included
	Jump muscle-small cells
Mhc form
	Exons 3b, 7d, 9a,b 11b, 15a, 18 included
	Jump muscle-large cells
Mhc form
	Exons 3b, 7d, 9b 11b, 15a, 18 included
	Direct flight muscle #51
Mhc form
	Exons 3b, 7a, 9b 11c, 15b, 18 excluded
	Direct flight muscle #52 
	Esophagus (adult)
Mhc form
	Exons 3 N.A., 7 N.A., 9b, 11 N.A., 15a,b, 18 excl./incl.
Mhc form
	Exons 3 N.A., 7 N.A., 9b, 11 N.A., 15a,b, 18 excluded
Mhc form
	Exons 3 N.A., 7 N.A., 9b or c, 11 N.A., 15b, 18 excluded
	Body wall
Mhc form
	Exons 3b, 7d, 9b 11b, 15a, 18 excluded
	Pupal cDNA cD301
Mhc form
	Exons 3-, 7a, 9b 11d, 15b, 18 excluded
	Pupal cDNA cD302
Table 2 legend: N.A., not analyzed.  Embryonic tissue localization from
the present study.  Embryonic cDNAs from Edwards (1990) and Wells et
al., 1996.  Pupal/adult tissue localization from Kazzaz and Rozek
(1989), Collier, et al. (1990), Edwards (1990), Hastings and Emerson
(1991), Kronert et al. (1991).  Pupal cDNA clones are from George et
al., 1989.
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