FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\TrpA1ins
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
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Associated gene
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Associated Insertion(s)

Tandem array of two mutated copies of TrpA1. One copy is deleted for the sixth transmembrane domain and carboxy terminus, whereas the other copy is deleted for the promoter region and start codon and contains a translational stop before the transmembrane domains). A w+mW.hs marker and a single FRT site are located between the two copies.

Allele components
Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

TrpA1ins third instar larvae exhibit significantly slower heat nociception when compared to controls.

TrpA1ins flies show lack of defecation in response to uracil or N-methylmaleimide.

Guts from TrpA1ins flies exhibit increased colony-forming units 5 hours after feeding with the microbe Erwinia carotovora.

When fed wild-type Erwinia carotovora, TrpA1ins flies display no change in mortality rate as compared to control flies.

TrpA1ins mutants exhibit normal light-dependent temperature preference. Similarly to wild-type, they prefer higher temperature in the light than in the dark.

TrpA1ins mutant adults have significantly reduced aversive temperature, but not shock, olfactory memory, compared to controls.

TrpA1ins/TrpA1ins does not significantly affect locomotor turning frequency in third instar larvae.

Dp(3;3)TrpA1ins mutant flies (comprised of the TrpA1ins.5' and TrpA1ins.3' alleles) show complete loss of the long term thermal preference (response to a shallow temperature gradient after 30 min) seen in wild type flies. The flies show a preference for temperatures >28[o]C.

TrpA1ins mutant flies show complete loss of the long term thermal preference (response to a shallow temperature gradient after 30 min) seen in wild type flies. The flies show a preference for temperatures >28[o]C.

Berberine-sensitive i-type taste bristles in the labellum do not respond to N-methylmaleimide in an extracellular tip recording assay in TrpA1ins flies (in contrast to wild type where robust spiking is induced). Warming to 39[o]C does not elicit spiking in these cells, both in mutant and wild-type flies.

TrpA1ins flies show decreased avoidance of food containing N-methylmaleimide compared to wild type.

Berberine-sensitive i-type taste bristles in the labellum do not respond to N-methylmaleimide in an extracellular tip recording assay in Dp(3;3)TrpA1ins flies (in contrast to wild type where robust spiking is induced). Warming to 39[o]C does not elicit spiking in these cells, both in mutant and wild-type flies.

Dp(3;3)TrpA1ins flies show decreased avoidance of food containing N-methylmaleimide compared to wild type.

Homozygous mutants fail to avoid noxious temperature levels. There is no difference in temperature-induced paralysis between TrpA1ins and wild-type flies subjected to 46[o]C. Mutant flies do not exhibit any coordination defects.

TrpA1ins.5', TrpA1ins.3' flies display a reduced aversion to aristolochic acid compared to wild type.

In contrast to wild type, TrpA1ins.5', TrpA1ins.3' flies have virtually no aristolochic acid-induced action potentials in tip recordings of sensillum s6.

TrpA1ins flies display a reduced aversion to aristolochic acid compared to wild type.

In contrast to wild type, TrpA1ins flies have virtually no aristolochic acid-induced action potentials in tip recordings of sensillum s6.

Dp(3;3)TrpA1ins flies show greatly reduced avoidance of 1% citronellal in a direct airborne repellent test (DART) assay.

TrpA1ins flies show greatly reduced avoidance of 1% citronellal in a direct airborne repellent test (DART) assay.

TrpA1ins flies show an altered distribution along a thermal gradient compared to wild-type flies. The mutant flies show increased accumulation in the warmest regions (28-32[o]C) of the gradient, but not in the coolest region (18-22[o]C).

TrpA1ins/Df(3L)ED4415 flies show an altered distribution along a thermal gradient compared to wild-type flies. The mutant flies show increased accumulation in the warmest regions (28-32[o]C) of the gradient, but not in the coolest region (18-22[o]C).

Anterior cell (AC) neurons in the brains of TrpA1ins flies do not show warmth-responsive increases in intracellular calcium, in contrast to control AC neurons.

Dp(3;3)TrpA1ins flies (which carry TrpA1ins.5' and TrpA1ins.3') show an altered distribution along a thermal gradient compared to wild-type flies. The mutant flies show increased accumulation in the warmest regions (28-32[o]C) of the gradient, but not in the coolest region (18-22[o]C).

Df(3L)ED4415/Dp(3;3)TrpA1ins flies show an altered distribution along a thermal gradient compared to wild-type flies. The mutant flies show increased accumulation in the warmest regions (28-32[o]C) of the gradient, but not in the coolest region (18-22[o]C).

Anterior cell (AC) neurons in the brains of Dp(3;3)TrpA1ins flies do not show warmth-responsive increases in intracellular calcium, in contrast to control AC neurons.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Suppressed by
NOT Enhancer of

TrpA1ins is a non-enhancer of short lived | nutrition conditional phenotype of RelE20

Phenotype Manifest In
Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

RelE20 partially suppresses the increased colony-forming unit gut phenotype of TrpA1ins.

Expression of TrpA1+tHa rescues the uracil-dependent defecation defect seen in TrpA1ins flies.

Expression of TrpA1Scer\UAS.(A).10b under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155 is unable to rescue the uracil-dependent defecation defect of TrpA1ins mutants.

Expression of TrpA1Scer\UAS.(A).10b under the control of Scer\GAL4TrpA1.C-D rescues the uracil- and N-methylmaleimide- dependent defecation defects of TrpA1ins mutants.

Expression of TrpA1Scer\UAS.(A).10b under the control of Scer\GAL4TrpA1.C-D is unable to rescue the uracil-dependent defecation defect, but is able to rescue the N-methylmaleimide-dependent defecation defect of TrpA1ins mutants.

When fed Erwinia carotovora, TrpA1ins and RelE20 double mutants display a significantly higher mortality rate than control flies, but not significantly higher than RelE20 mutants.

Expression of Gr28bScer\UAS.D in the arista under the control of Scer\GAL4Gr28b.d.PT significantly rescues the "rapid negative thermotaxis" defects seen in Dp(3;3)TrpA1ins mutant flies (comprised of the TrpA1ins.5' and TrpA1ins.3' alleles).

Expression of Gr28bScer\UAS.D in the arista under the control of Scer\GAL4Gr28b.d.PT significantly rescues the "rapid negative thermotaxis" defects seen in TrpA1ins mutant flies.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Partially rescued by

Expression of TrpA1Scer\UAS.(B).cKa in the arista under the control of Scer\GAL4Gr28b.d.PT rescues the "rapid negative thermotaxis" defects seen in TrpA1ins mutant flies.

Expression of TrpA1Scer\UAS.(B).cKa in the arista under the control of Scer\GAL4Gr28b.d.PT rescues the "rapid negative thermotaxis" defects seen in Dp(3;3)TrpA1ins mutant flies (comprised of the TrpA1ins.5' and TrpA1ins.3' alleles).

Expression of TrpA1Scer\UAS.(B).cKa under the control of Scer\GAL4Gr66a.PD restores an electrophysiological spiking response to N-methylmaleimide in berberine-sensitive i-type taste bristles in the labellum in Dp(3;3)TrpA1ins flies. Sensitivity to warming is also restored.

Expression of TrpA1Scer\UAS.(A).cKa under the control of Scer\GAL4Gr66a.PD restores an electrophysiological spiking response to N-methylmaleimide in berberine-sensitive i-type taste bristles in the labellum in Dp(3;3)TrpA1ins flies. Sensitivity to warming is not restored.

Expression of either TrpA1Scer\UAS.(A).cKa or TrpA1Scer\UAS.(B).cKa under the control of Scer\GAL4Gr66a.PD rescues avoidance of food containing N-methylmaleimide in Dp(3;3)TrpA1ins flies.

Expression of TrpA1Scer\UAS.(B).cKa under the control of Scer\GAL4Gr66a.PD restores an electrophysiological spiking response to N-methylmaleimide in berberine-sensitive i-type taste bristles in the labellum in TrpA1ins flies. Sensitivity to warming is also restored.

Expression of TrpA1Scer\UAS.(A).cKa under the control of Scer\GAL4Gr66a.PD restores an electrophysiological spiking response to N-methylmaleimide in berberine-sensitive i-type taste bristles in the labellum in TrpA1ins flies. Sensitivity to warming is not restored.

Expression of either TrpA1Scer\UAS.(A).cKa or TrpA1Scer\UAS.(B).cKa under the control of Scer\GAL4Gr66a.PD rescues avoidance of food containing N-methylmaleimide in TrpA1ins flies.

TrpA1+tHa rescues the thermal avoidance defect found in TrpA1ins mutant flies.

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References (21)