FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Sas-4s2214
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
sas4S2214, DSas-4S2214, Dsas4S2214, sas-42214
Key Links
Genomic Maps

Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype
Associated Insertion(s)

Insertion of P{lacW} into exon of the CG10061 annotation.

Allele components
Inserted element
Encoded product / tool
Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
exacerbates  microcephaly
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Sas-4s2214 homozygous third instar larval brains do not display obvious defects in volume, overall tissue organization (including overall layer size and organization, size and organization of medullar axons, and number of neuroepithelial cells), proportions of apoptotic cells (assessed by Hid-GFP, cleaved Casp-3 and cleaved Dcp-1), mitotic cells and DNA-damaged cells, but their central brain neuroblasts display small but significant increases in number and in the frequency of ploidy defects and a delayed entry into anaphase, as compared to controls.

As development proceeds (larvae 72 and 96 after egg laying, pharate adults) the centrioles are being lost from male germline stem cells in Sas-4s2214 homozygotes but the centriole length is normal compared to controls.

Sas-4s2214 homozygous larvae display highly increased number of brain neuroblasts and slightly increased mitotic index but the brain size remains normal, the neuroblast often display mitotic spindle alignment defects but the rate of aneu- or polyploidy in the brain cells is only mildly increased compared to controls. The mutant brain tissue shows the ability to induce tumor formation in an tissue allograft assay, albeit with low efficiency.

Ciliary rootlets are absent from most olfactory neurons and from most chordotonal organs of the Johnston's organ in mutant adults.

In Sas-4s2214 single mutants, the spindle forms without centrosomes and mitosis lasts for approximately 9 minutes. After cold treatment, which depolymerises microtubules, Sas-4s2214 single mutants exhibit wild-type microtubule regrowth. Bipolar spindle assembly occurs within 3 minutes in flies lacking Sas-4s2214, as in wild-type.

The sperm axonemes of Sas-4s2214 males rescued with Sas-4ΔT.T:Avic\GFP are abnormal, but the number of centrosomes is normal. Interphase spermatocyte centrosomes show premature microtubule nucleation and meiotic centrosomes have massive microtubule asters, which can fill a significant fraction of the cell. Over 95% of round spermatids show normal morphology, suggesting that meiotic cell division can conclude normally.

Sas-4s2214 mutant stage 16 embryos still exhibit centrioles in many sensory neurons. While most neurons exhibit sensory cilia with normal morphology, about 20% exhibit either no cilia or truncated cilia.

No significant difference in the direction of centriole comet movement is found in Sas-4s2214 mutant larval sensory neurons. The morphology of Sas-4s2214 mutant ddaE dendrites is as in controls.

Approximately 25% of Sas-4s2214 mutant neuroblasts fail asymmetric cell division. The orientation of cortical polarity and cell division changes by 90% from one mitosis to the next in Sas-4s2214 MARCM clones. Changes occur consistently in one direction.

Mutant centrioles are abnormally short, though the proximal centriole-like structure is present in spermatids.

Homozygous Sas-4s2214 mutant flies show a slight delay in development.

Virtually all Sas-4s2214 mutant primary spermatocytes lack centrioles. All of the acentriolar spindles analysed are abnormal and these abnormal spindles result in dramatic chromosome segregation defects. Spermatids from Sas-4s2214 mutants frequently have multiple nuclei of differing sizes indicative of unequal partitioning of chromosomes in meiosis.

Sas-4s2214 mutant third-instar larval brains lack both centrioles and centrosomes. Analysis of the development of Sas-4s2214 animals laid by Sas-4s2214/+ mothers shows that centrioles are lost during development. In stage 15-16 embryos, ~50-80% of cells have no detectable centrioles. By the first larval instar, centrioles are detectable in only ~10% of cells.

Although Sas-4s2214 larvae and pupae lack centrioles, Sas-4s2214 morphologically-normal flies eclose at near-normal rates. However, these flies are severely uncoordinated, leading to an ability to hold their wings or legs in a normal position and the propensity to get stuck in food and die soon after eclosion. When Sas-4s2214 flies eclose away from food, they survive for several days before dying of dehydration. The lack of centrioles in these flies means that they also lack cilia and the lack of these cilia in the mechanosensory neurons may account for their uncoordination. Sas-4s2214 sperm also lack centrioles and flagella.

Sas-4s2214 cells in third-instar larval brains are unable to form centrosomes during mitosis and show few organized microtubule arrays at early stages of mitosis. As mitosis proceeds, the microtubules polymerize around the mitotic chromatin and become organized into bipolar spindles. These acentrosomal spindles appear to segregate chromosomes normally as there is only a small increase in the proportion of Sas-4s2214 aneuploid cells. The mitotic index is slightly increased in Sas-4s2214 brains, suggesting that the length of mitosis is extended by 30-40%.

Asymmetric cell division is disrupted in ~30% of Sas-4s2214 larval neuroblasts. The acentrosomal spindles in dividing Sas-4s2214 neuroblasts are often mispositioned within the cell, and as a result, many cells go through phases of irregular shape changes. Around 15% of neuroblasts divide asymmetrically and around another 15% fail to complete cell division. Of the majority of Sas-4s2214 neuroblasts that do divide asymmetrically, the size difference between some of the daughter cells is less obvious than between wild-type daughter cells. However, the distribution of neurons, neuroblasts and axons are grossly normal in Sas-4s2214 tissues.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by
NOT Enhanced by
Suppressed by
Enhancer of
Suppressor of
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by
Suppressed by
Enhancer of

Sas-4[+]/Sas-4s2214 is an enhancer of female germline cyst phenotype of vihΔN-9

Sas-4[+]/Sas-4s2214 is an enhancer of plasma membrane | oogenesis phenotype of vihΔN-9

Sas-4s2214 is an enhancer of spindle phenotype of ensHP36480

Sas-4s2214 is an enhancer of neuroblast phenotype of ensHP36480

NOT Enhancer of
Suppressor of

Sas-4s2214 is a suppressor of neuroblast phenotype of SAKUbi.GFP

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

Sas-4s2214, mad2G6595 double homozygotes exhibit a developmental delay, until arresting and dying at the larval\pupal transition, as compared to controls. Their third instar larval, but not second instar larval or embryonic, brains display a severe decrease in overall volume, a severe increase in the proportion of apoptotic cells (assessed by Hid-GFP, cleaved Casp-3 and Dcp-1), a severe increase in the overall mitotic index (including of the central brain neuroblast population), and a significant increase in the proportion of DNA damaged cells, as compared to controls. Third instar larval brains also display severe tissue organization defects, which mostly affect the optic lobes, as compared to controls: loss or strong reduction of the medulla layer, which exhibits very few neuroblasts and decreased numbers of disorganized neuroepithelial cells; apparent loss of the lamina layer; decreased size of the medullar neuropil, associated with decreased size and disorganization of the axons from medullar neurons; decreased size and complexity of the outer optic anlagen (but not at the second instar larval stage); decreases in number and in organization of central brain neuroblasts, which are able to divide symmetrically, but occasionally exhibit an increased cell size and differentiation defects (i.e. expressing both Dpn and Pros proteins); but not any obvious defects in the mushroom body. The frequency of ploidy defects observed in Sas-4s2214-homozygous third instar larval central brain neuroblasts is strongly enhanced by mad2G6595 homozygosity.

Homozygosity for Sas-4s2214 strongly enhances the decreased brain volume phenotype observed in Mad11/Df(2R)w45-30n transheterozygous third instar larvae; these double mutant brains exhibit loss or strong reduction of the medulla, and high disorganization of the central brain neuroblasts, as compared to single mutants and wild-type controls.

The increased brain neuroblast (NB) number observed in Sas-4s2214 mutant third instar larvae is fully suppressed by combination with mad2G6595 (the NB number in the double mutants is even lower than in wild-type controls and the brains are also smaller), while the NB mitotic spindle defects are enhanced and numerous aneuploid or polyploid cells are frequently observed. The double mutant brain tissue also cannot (unlike that from Sas-4s2214 single mutants) induce tumor formation in an allograft assay. Similarly, the number of NBs in Sas-4s2214;BubR1KEN.T:Disc\RFP-mRFP,BubR1k06109 double mutant larval brains is also even lower than in wild-type while the rate of ploidy defects is strongly increased compared to either of the single gene mutants.

aurA8839;Sas-4s2214;mad2G6595 triple mutants show high rate of ploidy defects in third instar larval brains, the number of neuroblasts or the mitotic cells is highly increased relative to wild-type but significantly different from aurA8839;Sas-4s2214 double mutants.

In ensHP36480,Sas-4s2214 double mutants, mitosis lasts for approximately 10 minutes (longer than in the Sas-4s2214 single mutant) and the distribution of microtubules is more strongly affected than in the single mutant. The spindles are much shorter than in either single mutant. After cold treatment, which depolymerises microtubules, ensHP36480,Sas-4s2214 double mutants exhibit compromised microtubule regrowth, as in ensHP36480 single mutants. Bipolar spindle assembly is severely compromised in these double mutants.

The generation of supernumerary centrosomes in SAKUbi.T:Avic\GFP mutant neuroblasts is suppressed by a Sas-4s2214 background.

Homozygous Sas-4s2214 partially suppresses the developmental delay seen in flies expressing SAKUbi.T:Avic\GFP, producing a slight delay as is seen in Sas-4s2214 mutants alone. Eclosion occurs at a similar rate to wild type. As in Sas-4s2214 mutants, the flies contain no detectable centrioles.

Xenogenetic Interactions

The decreased brain volume of Sas-4s2214, mad2G6595 double homozygous third instar larvae is partially suppressed by the expression of BacA\p35Scer\UAS.cHa under the control of Scer\GAL4insc-Mz1407.

Complementation and Rescue Data
Partially rescued by
Not rescued by

Sas-4ΔT.T:Avic\GFP fails to fully rescue the Sas-4s2214 phenotype of uncoordination: the flies stand but can barely walk.

Sas-4ΔPN2-3 partially rescues the Sas-4s2214 uncoordinated phenotype. Flies expressing Sas-4ΔPN2-3 in a Sas-4s2214 mutant background are unable to stand.

Sas-4Δ90 partially rescues the Sas-4s2214 uncoordinated phenotype. Flies expressing Sas-4Δ90 in a Sas-4s2214 mutant background are able to walk almost normally.

Sas-4Δ150 fails to rescue the Sas-4s2214 uncoordinated phenotype.

Sas-4+mGa rescues the Sas-4s2214 uncoordinated phenotype.

Unlike Sas-4s2214 mutants, flies expressing Sas-4Δ90 have normal number of centrosomes.

Unlike Sas-4s2214 mutants, flies expressing Sas-4ΔPN2-3 have normal number of centrosomes.

Images (0)
Stocks (1)
Notes on Origin

M. Scott.


Complements: Alhj13A6. Complements: Alhj5B1. Complements: Alhj8C8.

Precise excision of the P{lacW} element reverts the phenotypes observed in Sas-4s2214 mutants.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (20)
References (47)