FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\ftunspecified
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
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Associated gene
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Carried in Construct
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Allele class
    Nature of the Allele
    Allele class
    Progenitor genotype
    Mutations Mapped to the Genome
    Curation Data
    Additional Notes
    Variant Molecular Consequences
    Associated Sequence Data
    DNA sequence
    Protein sequence
    Expression Data
    Reporter Expression
    Additional Information
    Marker for
    Reflects expression of
    Reporter construct used in assay
    Human Disease Associations
    Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
    Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Disease-implicated variant(s)
    Phenotypic Data
    Phenotypic Class
    Phenotype Manifest In
    Detailed Description

    Clones of cells in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) that are expressing ftScer\UAS.cMa under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL in a ft12/ftunspecified background do not change the cell polarity of cells surrounding the clone.

    Clones of cells in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are mutant for ftunspecified and are also expressing ftScer\UAS.cMa under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL result in a reversal of cell polarity in cells anterior to the clone.

    Clones of cells in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are mutant for ftunspecified and are also expressing ftecto.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL result in a reversal of cell polarity in cells posterior to the clone.

    External Data
    Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
    Phenotypic Class
    NOT Enhancer of
    Phenotype Manifest In
    Additional Comments
    Genetic Interactions

    Clones of ftunspecified cells in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) that have been induced in a stan3/stanE59 background can reverse the cell polarity of cells behind the clone (hairs behind the clone point forwards), as they do when induced in a wild-type background.

    Clones of ftunspecified cells in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) that have been induced in a fzunspecified background can reverse the cell polarity of cells behind the clone (hairs behind the clone point forwards).

    The reversal of cell polarity phenotype that is seen in cells anterior to clones in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are expressing fzScer\UAS.cUa under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL shows a longer range if the clones are induced in a ft12/ftunspecified background compared to a wild-type background.

    Clones of cells in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) that are expressing dsecto.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL in a ft12/ftunspecified background do not change the cell polarity of cells surrounding the clone.

    dsunspecified ftunspecified double mutant clones in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) in a wild-type background do not change the cell polarity of cells surrounding the clone.

    Clones in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are doubly mutant for dsunspecified and ftunspecified and are also expressing dsScer\UAS.cTa under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL can reverse the cell polarity of cells posterior to the clone.

    Clones in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are doubly mutant for dsunspecified and ftunspecified and are also expressing ftScer\UAS.cMa under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL can reverse the cell polarity of cells anterior to the clone.

    Clones in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are mutant for ftunspecified and are also expressing dsecto.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL can reverse the cell polarity of cells posterior to the clone.

    Clones in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are doubly mutant for dsunspecified and ftunspecified and are also expressing dsecto.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL can reverse the cell polarity of cells posterior to the clone.

    Clones in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are doubly mutant for dsunspecified and ftunspecified and are also expressing ftecto.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL do not change the cell polarity of cells surrounding the clone.

    Clones of cells in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are mutant for ftunspecified and are also expressing ds::ftectoDs.endoFt.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL result in a reversal of cell polarity in cells posterior to the clone.

    Clones of cells in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are doubly mutant for ftunspecified and dsunspecified and are also expressing ds::ftectoDs.endoFt.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL result in a reversal of cell polarity in cells posterior to the clone.

    Clones of cells in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are mutant for ftunspecified and are also expressing ds::ftectoFt.endoDs.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL result in a reversal of cell polarity in cells anterior to the clone.

    Clones of cells in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are doubly mutant for ftunspecified and dsunspecified and are also expressing ds::ftectoFt.endoDs.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL result in a reversal of cell polarity in cells anterior to the clone.

    Clones of cells in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are mutant for ftunspecified and are also expressing fjScer\UAS.cZa under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL result in a reversal of cell polarity in cells posterior to the clone.

    Clones of cells in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are doubly mutant for dsunspecified and ftunspecified and are also expressing fjScer\UAS.cZa under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL do not change the cell polarity of cells surrounding the clone.

    Clones of cells in the anterior compartment of the dorsal epidermis of the adult abdomen (in the tergite) where the clones are co-expressing both fzScer\UAS.cUa and ftScer\UAS.cMa under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL and the clones have been induced in a ft12/ftunspecified background, result in reversal of cell polarity in cells anterior to the clone.

    Loss of ft function in large or small clones does not alter the characteristic polarity of fzunspecified mutant wings.

    Xenogenetic Interactions
    Complementation and Rescue Data
    Images (0)
    Stocks (0)
    Notes on Origin
    External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
    Synonyms and Secondary IDs (1)
    Reported As
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    Name Synonyms
    Secondary FlyBase IDs
      References (4)