FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
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Associated gene
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Nature of the Allele
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Mutations Mapped to the Genome
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Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
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Protein sequence
Expression Data
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Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
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Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Over-expression of four copies of the br Z1 isoform (using a line containing both brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs and brBRcore.Q1.Z1.hs) using heat shock at 5 hours after ecdysis to the second instar causes lethality at approximately 42-68 hours after the heat shock with no detectable third instar mouthhooks.

Animals carrying four copies of brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs that have been heat shocked between 45 and 52 hours after puparium formation (APF) form pharate adults with a transparent cuticle on many areas of the head, thorax and abdomen. The microchaetae and macrochaetae are present, and are sometimes slightly tanned. Pharate adults carrying two copies of brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs that have been heat shocked at 36 hours APF and again at 48 hours APF have a thin transparent pupal-like cuticle over the whole animal. The abdomen lacks bristles. Bristles are present on the head and thorax although they are mostly unpigmented. In some cases, a pupal-like wing pad is formed instead of the normal adult wing. Animals carrying two copies of brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs and two copies of brBRcore.Q1.Z1.hs that have been heat shocked between 45 and 52 hours APF form pharate adults with a transparent cuticle on many areas of the head, thorax and abdomen. The microchaetae and macrochaetae are present, and are sometimes slightly tanned. Dorsolateral areas of the abdomen sometimes show the beginning of adult melanisation that extends into the anterior region of the tergite where melanisation is not normally found. Animals carrying two copies of brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs and two copies of brBRcore.Q1.Z1.hs that have been heat shocked between 30-35 hours APF show truncation of bristles on the head and thorax. Animals carrying two copies of brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs and two copies of brBRcore.Q1.Z1.hs that have been heat shocked between 35-39 hours APF show truncation of bristles on the abdomen. Animals carrying two copies of brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs and two copies of brBRcore.Q1.Z1.hs that have been heat shocked at 35 or 39 hours APF lack abdominal trichomes. Animals carrying two copies of brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs that have been heat shocked between 8 and 17 hours after ecdysis to the second instar form a new cuticle but do not ecdyse.

0-3 hours post heatshock about 6% of the eggs produced are abnormal, and 94% of eggs laid hatch. 3-5 post heatshock about 3/4 of the eggs produced are abnormal, and only 2% of eggs laid hatch. From 5-24 hours post heatshock about 4/5 of eggs produced are abnormal, and 6% of eggs laid hatch. 24-48 hours post heatshock, about a 3/5 of eggs produced are abnormal, and 72% of eggs laid hatch. Eggs laid 4-6 hours after the heatshock of brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs mothers, produced eggs with extra dorsal appendage material in the dorsal anterior region of the eggshells dorsal appendages did not elongate properly leading to fused thickened and shortened dorsal appendages. Heat-shock at the time of dorsal appendage formation, stage 11, leads to an "appendageless" phenotype, or to small fused appendages. Dorsal appendages with abnormal shapes and /or different lengths are observed on eggs at stage 12 and 13 at the time of heatshock. Viability is recovered to 73% in 3 days after heatshock. 3.5 to 4.5 hours post heatshock, BrdU staining reveals prolonged and synchronized endoreplication until late stage 10B, followed by specific amplification of genes in each nucleus. Extra spots of BrdU staining is observed in the nuclei of ovaries, 3 hours after heatshock - 6 to 12 spots per nucleus in about 4/5 of nuclei. 4 spots are seen in wild-type. Abnormal migration of anterior follicle cells is also seen. A gap is formed at the anterior pole as a result of failed migration of the follicle cells. Variation in egg shape is also seen.

A 37oC heat shock causing expression of brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs during the third larval instar or early prepupal stage results in lethality within a few hours of the heat shock. Heat shock induced expression of brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs during late prepupal or pupal stages has no effect.

External Data
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Phenotypic Class
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Suppressor of
Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

Salivary gland histolysis is rescued in most ftz-f1ex7/ftz-f103649 transheterozygotes when brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs is expressed using heat shock at 10 hours after puparium formation, although other ftz-f1 mutant phenotypes are not rescued in these animals.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data

Significant rescue of brrbp-1 mutant flies is observed with one copy of the brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs transgene (64% survive to eclosion). Only marginal improvement in rescue (69% compared to 64%) is observed when two copies of brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs are used. The majority of the rescued animals have normal legs.

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Notes on Origin

Z1 isoforms provide the rbp+ function in prepupal salivary glands.

The br Z1 protein isoform encoded by brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs provides full rbp+ function.

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    References (14)