FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Khc::GgalMLCKKA.ftz
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General Information
D. melanogaster
kinesin antagonist
FlyBase ID
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Associated gene
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Carried in Construct
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Nature of the Allele
Transgenic product class
Progenitor genotype
Carried in construct

Construct: Cam regulatory domain of Ggal\MLCK (plus flanking sequences) is attached to the C-terminus of the Khc motor domain. ftz neurogenic control element (ftzng) controls expression of the fusion protein.

Allele components
Regulatory region(s)
Encoded product / tool
Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
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Reflects expression of
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Human Disease Associations
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Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
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Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

The common MP1 pathway fails to form or is partially absent in many hemisegments in Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz embryos, because axon extension of pioneer neurons stalls at choice points near aCC and SP1. 32% of hemisegments have gaps in the pCC/MP2 pathway in homozygous embryos.

51% of homozygous mutant embryos show abnormal midline crossing of axons within the pCC/MP2 pathway.

The ISNb branch is mostly normal in Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz embryos, although in 10% of segments a subtle phenotype is evident, as arborisation on muscle 12 extends beyond the segmental boundary to inappropriately contact muscle 8 and/or the transverse nerve.

Embryos carrying Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz show occasional crossovers of the pCC/MP2 pathway and/or MP1 pathway. In embryos carrying Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz, pioneer neurons of the pCC/MP2 and MP1 pathways stall at or near the aCC motorneuron or the SP1 interneuron and the common MP pathway does not form.

Defects in the formation of the longitudinal axon pathways. No abnormal changes in neuronal cell fate or increase in cell death. At stage 13-14 dMP2 and vMP2 axon extension stalls and axon guidance shows errors. At stage 16 MP1 pathway freely crosses the midline.

External Data
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Phenotypic Class
Suppressed by
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Suppressor of
Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

The penetrance of the Fas2-positive axon crossover phenotype is increased in robo1 embryos that also carry Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz compared to either single mutant alone. A loss of integrity of the longitudinal connectives is seen in the robo1 Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz double mutant embryos and only remnants of the pCC/MP2 pathway are evident. In robo8 homozygous embryos that also carry Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz, small gaps in the longitudinal connectives start to appear in addition to the robo8 phenotype. The penetrance of the Fas2-positive axon crossover phenotype is increased in sli2 embryos that also carry Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz compared to either single mutant alone. In embryos heterozygous for robo1 and carrying two copies of Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz, pioneer neurons of the pCC/MP2 and MP1 pathways will periodically cross the midline. Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz mediated stalls are still evident, but in addition, the pCC neuron will occasionally cross the midline and pioneer neurons within the MP cluster extend axons across the midline as observed in robo mutants. In double homozygous Sose49 Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz embryos the pCC/MP2 pathway freely crosses the midline in almost every segment. SosJC2 suppresses the axon crossing over phenotype seen in embryos carrying Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz. SosJC2 partially suppresses the interaction between robo1 and Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz. The penetrance of the Fas2-positive axon crossover phenotype seen in embryos carrying Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz is increased if they are also homozygous for drke0A. Homozygous comm8 embryos that also carry four copies of Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz show several Fas2-positive axons abnormally crossing the midline, but commissures do not form and the connectives become slightly disorganised. Fas2-positive axons are seen to cross the midline in comm6 embryos which also carry Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz. The penetrance of the phenotype is increased as the number of copies of Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz is increased.

Xenogenetic Interactions

Pioneer neurons of the pCC/MP2 pathway stall less often and form the pathway with fewer errors in Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz chicsand-1 double mutant embryos compared to Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz single mutant embryos; only 15% of hemisegments have gaps in the pCC/MP2 pathway in double homozygous embryos and only 18% of hemisegments have gaps in the pCC/MP2 pathway in Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz chicsand-1/Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz + embryos.

Only 17% of hemisegments have gaps in the pCC/MP2 pathway in Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz chicgdh-5 double homozygous embryos.

In Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz chicsand-1 embryos, all branches of the motor neuron projection are at least partially restored to wild type. Innervation to muscle 12 by the ISNb branch is restored from 24% of hemisegments in chicsand-1 single mutants to 96% of hemisegments in the Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz chicsand-1 double mutants. Similarly, in 88% of double mutant hemisegments, the ISN branch extends beyond the third branch point to innervate the dorsal-most muscles (1 and 2), compared to only 48% in chicsand-1 single mutants. The subtle overextension phenotype observed at muscle 12 of Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz single mutants is still seen in the double mutants.

The frequency of motor neuron axon stalls seen in chic221 or chicgdh-5 embryos is increased by Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz.

Only 16% of double homozygous Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz chicsand-1 embryos and 18% of Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz chicsand-1/Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz + embryos show abnormal midline crossing of axons within the pCC/MP2 pathway (compared to 51% of Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz single homozygotes).

One copy of chic221 suppresses the frequency of midline crossovers seen in Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz embryos. However, Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz chic221 double mutant embryos show major defects in the formation of the central nervous system axon scaffold, with gaps or thinning of the longitudinal connectives, as axon bundles appear to preferentially cross the midline.

The number of embryos displaying abnormal midline crossing of axons increases from 5% in Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz heterozygotes to just over 60% if the embryos are also heterozygous for either robo1 or robo8.

Complementation and Rescue Data
Images (0)
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Notes on Origin

In vivo Khc::Ggal\MLCKKA.ftz will compete with other Cam target proteins for calcium-Cam and thus prevent much of the Cam-mediated signalling in the growth cones of these neurons.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (4)
Reported As
Symbol Synonym
Name Synonyms
kinesin antagonist
Secondary FlyBase IDs
    References (5)