FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\ScrC1
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D. melanogaster
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    Disease-implicated variant(s)
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    Detailed Description

    In Ubxhs.PG embryos that are homozygous for ScrC1 the labial sense organ is missing, and there is a duplication of the maxillary sense organ.

    The phenotype of triply mutant clones AntpNs-rvC3 ScrC1 Ubx1 induced at the blastoderm stage or larval stage is the additive phenotype of AntpNs-rvC3 and Scr13A Ubx1 clones, portions of all three legs are transformed to antennae, clones in the haltere and metanotum form wing and mesonotum structures and transformation of labial palps of the proboscis into maxillary palps. The phenotype of AntpNs-rvC3 ScrC1 clones induced in the head, pro- and mesothorax during embryonic and larval development are indistinguishable from AntpNs-rvC3 ScrC1 Ubx1 clones.

    External Data
    Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
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    Additional Comments
    Genetic Interactions

    The number of LinA-derived neurons is dramatically reduced compared to wild type in ScrC1 AntpNs-rvC3 UbxMX12 triple mutant clones examined at the late third instar larval stage. This phenotype is seen in all three thoracic segments. The number of glia derived from the triple mutant LinA neuroblast clones is also reduced compared to wild type.

    Adult motor neurons derived from ScrC1 AntpNs-rvC3 UbxMX12 triple mutant LinA neuroblast clones target the same region of the leg as do wild-type LinA-derived neurons. However, fewer branches are observed compared with wild-type clones, with the distal region of the tibia being most highly affected.

    Single cell class IV dendrite arborisation (da) neuron clones that are triply mutant for ScrC1, AntpNs-rvC3, UbxMX12 show severe defects in dendrite growth, branching and coverage in segment T3 as well as axon fasciculation defects. Analysis of ScrC1, AntpNs-rvC3, UbxMX12 triple mutant ddaC neuron clones indicates that although the major dendrites of the mutant neurons grow to a similar extent as wild-type controls in the interval between 80 and 96 hours after egg laying, the mutant clones have an increased number of terminal dendrites compared to controls. The mutant clones also show increased dynamic behaviour over this time period compared to controls, due to increased dendrite branch initiation/growth. The number of dendrite retractions is not altered in the mutant neurons.

    ScrC1 AntpNs-rvC3 double mutant embryos develop ectopic sclerites, which often look like the cuticular scar tissue that often surrounds the healed wound generated by a sterile needle in late-stage wild-type embryos.

    ScrC1 AntpNs-rvC3 double mutant stage 17 embryos have failures in epidermal integrity; dye injected into the perivitelline space penetrates the body cavity in the mutant embryos.

    AntpNs-rvC3 hthMeis1-P2 ScrC1 triple mutant clones result in two-segment appendages in T1 and T2.

    AntpNs-rvC3 ScrC1 abd-AM1 Abd-BM8 quadruple mutant embryos secrete cuticle which has a reiteration of the A1 segment throughout the abdomen. If these embryos are also mutant for hthC1 the abdominal segments all resemble the third abdominal segment.

    Quintuple ScrC1, AntpNs-rvC3, UbxMX2, abd-AM1, Abd-BM8 homozygous larvae (deficient for activity of thoracic and abdominal homeotic genes) exhibit sclerotic plates (sp) anterior to each denticle belt. Expression of Dfdhs.PK, labhs.PH or Ubxhs.PG suppresses the differentiation of the sp.

    Xenogenetic Interactions

    Expression of BacA\p35Scer\UAS.cHa under the simultaneous control of both Scer\GAL4VGlut-OK371 and Scer\GAL4tub.PU rescues the reduced number of LinA-derived neurons seen in ScrC1 AntpNs-rvC3 UbxMX12 triple mutant clones examined at the late third instar larval stage. The reduction in number of glia derived from the triple mutant LinA neuroblast clones is not rescued.

    Expression of BacA\p35Scer\UAS.cHa under the simultaneous control of both Scer\GAL4VGlut-OK371 and Scer\GAL4tub.PU partially rescues the defects seen in adult motor neurons of the leg derived from ScrC1 AntpNs-rvC3 UbxMX12 triple mutant LinA neuroblast clones.

    Complementation and Rescue Data
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