FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Ubxabx-1
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
abx1, abx, bx7
Key Links
Allele class
Nature of the Allele
Allele class
Progenitor genotype
Caused by aberration

Polytene chromosomes normal.


Cis-regulatory mutation.

Mutation in downstream control region.

Deletion internal to Ubx at +47kb with respect to transcription start site (in the major intron).

Deletion of DNA within the abx regulatory region.

Deletion within an intron of the Ubx transcription unit.

Deletion in the Ubx coding region.

Deletion of DNA.

Deletion in the abx regulatory region of Ubx.

Deletion from position -79 to -73kb of the Ubx locus.

Ubxabx-1 is associated with a 6kb deletion.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In

adult muscle system & abdominal segment 1

ectoderm & metathoracic segment

Detailed Description

UbxLDN/Ubxabx-1 Ubxbx-3 Ubxpbx-1 adults show transformation of the distal part of the haltere (the capitellum) into the wing; the haltere is bigger than normal and has bristles on the margins and veins on the surface.

The haltere is partially transformed to a wing in Ubxabx-1 Ubxbx-3 Ubxpbx-1/UbxLDN flies.

Ubxabx-1/Df(3R)P2 flies show transformation of the posterior compartment of T2 (T2p) and the anterior compartment of T3 (T3a) into T1p and T2a. The homeotically transformed T3 segment can contain homeotic DVM-I, DVM-II, DVM-III and DFM muscles. Homeotic DLMs are not seen. The haltere is partially transformed into a small wing. Ubxabx-1 Ubxbx-3 Ubx61d Ubxpbx-1/Df(3R)P2 mutants show transformation of T3 into T2 resulting in the replacement of halteres with a second set of wings. The homeotically transformed T3 segment resembles T2 in size. The homeotically transformed T3 segment can contain homeotic DVM-I, DVM-II, DVM-III, DLM and DFM muscles. The homeotic DVM-I muscle is composed of one fibre and the diameter of the homeotic DVM-I fibre is less than that seen in T2.

Ubxabx-1, Ubxbx-3 and Ubxpbx-1 triple mutants cause muscle patterning defects in A1 of pupae, transforming them towards a T3 thoracic identity.

Ubxabx-1 Ubxbx-3 Ubxpbx-1 triple mutant adults have four wings.

Double heterozygotes with ash1 mutations exhibit transformation of third leg to second leg identity and haltere to wing transformation.

In Ubxabx-1 Ubxpbx-1 Ubxbx-3 triple mutant flies the T3 ectoderm transforms toward T2 identity. Transformation changes the pattern of myoblasts on the transformed haltere disc and their pattern of migration, but indirect flight muscles do not form as there are no larval templates. The haltere disc is almost completely transformed into a wing disc. Adults have two pairs of wings, but the homeotically transformed T3 has only rudimentary indirect flight muscles.

The giant fibre (GF) of Ubxabx-1 Ubxbx-3 Ubxpbx-1/Df(3R)P2 mutants makes a midline tuft and extends a lateral process to T2 and T3 segment. In the presence of ben1 the GF is capable of extending a process into the T3 segment but no lateral processes from the midline.

Flies triply mutant for Ubxabx-1, Ubxbx-3 and Ubxpbx-1 over Df(3R)P2 have a transformed metathorax including neural elements and jump muscle, that function in the escape-jump response within that segment. Corresponding transformation of the flight muscles is infrequent.

Ubx1/Ubxabx-1 transheterozygotes are viable, with the following transformation in the adult: T3a to T2a.

Increases the frequency of the trx bithorax-variegated phenotype (partial transformation of T3 to T2, mostly in the anterior compartment) in heterozygous combination with Df(3R)red-P52.

Transformation of parasegment 5 structures to parasegment 4. Adults display transformation of anterior haltere to anterior wing.

Haltere are transformed to wing and are 15-20% of wing size, dorsal tissue of T3 is incompletely transformed to metanotum, hypopleural plates are incompletely transformed to sternopleural plates, 8-9 hypopleural bristles are still present and the anterior third leg displays a strong transformation to anterior second leg, as seen by the bristle pattern. Phenotype can be suppressed by su(Hw) mutations.

Variable, often asymmetrical, transformation of T3a toward T2a, and variable transformation of T2p to T1p. Transformation of T2p to T1p is stronger at 17oC. Flies frequently show a humerus-like structure in the dorsal region, anterior to (and normally some distance from) the transformed mesothorax.

Homozygous or hemizygous flies have a number of abnormal transversal fascicles in the CNS; the posterior internal T2, anterior dorsal T3, anterior ventral T3 and posterior dorsal T3 fascicles are affected.

Homozygotes show variable transformation of haltere to wing, which may or may not effect the anterior compartment. A pair of metathoracic papillae characteristic of the normal haltere is usually present. The ANWP sensilla are usually absent from the transformed appendage, the tegula sensilla are always present, the proximal, medial and distal radius sensilla show much variability and may be well formed or absent, v.Rad.A usually appears wing-like, v.Rad.B. sensilla are usually absent, and the v.Rad.C sensilla are replaced by a field of haltere sensilla. Ubxabx-1 Ubxbx-3 Ubxpbx-1 flies have a transformation of haltere to wing. The homeotic appendage is somewhat smaller than a normal wing, but usually has the full wild-type complement of wing sensilla, with each type located in the normal position and having normal morphology. The only exception is an occasional decrease in the number of sensilla in fields d.Rad.B and d.Rad.C, and rarely, one or a few extra haltere pedicellar bristles.

RK2. Heterozygotes exhibit defects in the halteres, variable transformation of metanotum to mesonotum. Phenotype is not suppressed by su(Hw)2. Heterozygotes over Ubx pbx mutations show slight pbx-like effect.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by

Ubxabx-1 has phenotype, enhanceable by ash128

Ubxabx-1 has phenotype, enhanceable by ash218

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

Expression of abd-A1dB5.Scer\UAS results in an almost complete rescue of the transformed haltere phenotype of Ubxabx-1 Ubxbx-3 Ubxpbx-1/UbxLDN flies. The P{GawB}UbxLDN insertion within the UbxLDN flies drives expresssion of abd-A1dB5.Scer\UAS.

Ubxabx-1 Ubxbx-3 Ubxpbx-1/Ubxlac1 combination transforms the metathorax into mesothorax (including transformation of halteres into wings). This phenotype can be rescued by Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096 induced expression abd-A. Ectopic expression of Abd-B allows partial rescue.

Double heterozygotes with ash128 exhibit haltere to wing transformation and third to second leg transformation. Double heterozygotes with ash218 exhibit haltere to wing transformation.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data

The partial transformation of haltere into wing which is seen in UbxLDN/Ubxabx-1 Ubxbx-3 Ubxpbx-1 flies is strongly suppressed by expression of either UbxScer\UAS.cCa or UbxIIa.Scer\UAS.cRa under the control of Scer\GAL4Ubx-LDN.

The partial transformation of haltere into wing which is seen in UbxLDN/Ubxabx-1 Ubxbx-3 Ubxpbx-1 flies is partially suppressed by expression of one copy of UbxIVa.Scer\UAS.cRa under the control of Scer\GAL4Ubx-LDN and is almost completely suppressed by expression of two copies of UbxIVa.Scer\UAS.cRa under the control of Scer\GAL4Ubx-LDN.

Ubxabx-1 Ubxbx-3 Ubxpbx-1/Ubxlac1 combination transforms the metathorax into mesothorax (including transformation of halteres into wings). This phenotype can be rescued by Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096 induced expression of Ubx.

Images (0)
Stocks (7)
Notes on Origin

Lewis, September 1959.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (5)
References (43)