FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Honda, B. (2019.6.3). Honda alleles. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
The following information accompanied stocks donated to the Bloomington Stock Center by Barry Honda, Simon Fraser University.
Gfat1Z1914 and Gfat1Z352 are EMS-induced missense mutations originating in the Zuker screen (FBrf0179036). Gfat1Z1914 causes an A to T amino acid change at residue 414. Gfat1Z352 causes an I to M amino acid change at residue 556. Gfat1Z1914/Gfat1Z352 individuals show “Splayed” phenotypes (see FBgn0003476).
Gfat1I400-8 introduces an E to stop change at amino acid 535.
Gfat1zep-LP13 introduces a Y to stop change at amino acid 334. zep (FBgn0041086) is allelic to Gfat1 (FBgn0027341). This mutation is currently listed as zepLP13 (FBal0137025).
spoke-204 and spokZ712 are loss-of-function spok alleles. spokZ712 originated in the Zuker screen (FBrf0179036).
Gfat210A-2 and Gfat218A-14 are loss-of-function Gfat2 alleles.
Oga1179 and Oga526 are loss-of-function Oga alleles. Oga1179 causes a G to R amino acid change at residue 823. Oga526 causes a G to E amino acid change at residue 960.
Related Publication(s)
Research paper

Characterization of Gfat1 (zeppelin) and Gfat2, Essential Paralogous Genes Which Encode the Enzymes That Catalyze the Rate-Limiting Step in the Hexosamine Biosynthetic Pathway in Drosophila melanogaster.
Cotsworth et al., 2022, Cells 11(3): 448 [FBrf0252630]

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    Data From Reference
    Alleles (10)
    Genes (4)