FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Eliason, J., Afify, A., Potter, C., Matsumura, L. (2018). A GAL80 Collection To Inhibit GAL4 Transgenes in Drosophila Olfactory Sensory Neurons.  G3 (Bethesda) 8(11): 3661--3668.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
Fruit flies recognize hundreds of ecologically relevant odors and respond appropriately to them. The complexity, redundancy and interconnectedness of the olfactory machinery complicate efforts to pinpoint the functional contributions of any component neuron or receptor to behavior. Some contributions can only be elucidated in flies that carry multiple mutations and transgenes, but the production of such flies is currently labor-intensive and time-consuming. Here, we describe a set of transgenic flies that express the Saccharomyces cerevisiae GAL80 in specific olfactory sensory neurons (OrX-GAL80s). The GAL80s effectively and specifically subtract the activities of GAL4-driven transgenes that impart anatomical and physiological phenotypes. OrX-GAL80s can allow researchers to efficiently activate only one or a few types of functional neurons in an otherwise nonfunctional olfactory background. Such experiments will improve our understanding of the mechanistic connections between odorant inputs and behavioral outputs at the resolution of only a few functional neurons.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC6222567 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
Related Publication(s)
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    G3 (Bethesda)
    G3 : genes - genomes - genetics
    Data From Reference
    Alleles (59)
    Genes (30)
    Sequence Features (11)
    Natural transposons (1)
    Insertions (26)
    Experimental Tools (3)
    Transgenic Constructs (58)