FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Sandoval, H. (2015.5.4). Location data for Marf alleles. 
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The following are corrections and additional information for mutation locations reported in Sandoval et al., 2014, eLife 3: e03558 FBrf0226654).
MarfA is an insertion of an A at amino acid position 493 (after the nucleotide string CAATATGCCCTTCCA). This results in the addition of 93 novel amino acids, followed by a premature stop.
MarfB - Correction, should be Amino acid replacement: I221N.
MarfG - Correction, should be Amino acid replacement: Q66@.
For MarfE, MarfF, and MarfH
1.       Using Marf RD or PD
Marf E is mutated at position 695 from a V to an E (Val to Glu)
Marf F is mutated at position 708 from a L to an P (Leu to Pro)
Marf H is mutated at position 674 from a V to an D (Val to Asp)
2.       Using Marf RB and Marf RC or PB and PC
Marf E is mutated at position 691 from a V to an E (Val to Glu)
Marf F is mutated at position 704 from a L to an P (Leu to Pro)
Marf H is mutated at position 670 from a V to an D (Val to Asp)
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Sandoval et al., 2014, eLife 3: e03558 [FBrf0226654]

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