FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Beitel, G. (2004.9.21). Info from Greg Beitel. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004  13:13:02  \-0500
To: rd120@XXXX
From: Kevin Cook <kcook@XXXX>
Subject: Info from Greg Beitel
The following information accompanied stocks donated to the Bloomington
Stock Center by Greg Beitel, Northwestern University (8/04).
I. Information for Df(3L)sinunwu7 (FBab0038192)
The sequence across the Df(3L)sinunwu7 breakpoint is
acggttgggcctttt/aagtcagggtcggtc. The deletion can be followed using the
primers nwu7 left (5'-CCATTCAGACAGCCAGTGACTT-3') and nwu7 right
(5'-AAAAACGTGCACTACCAGAAACTG-3'). The product should be 759 bp for the
nwu7 deletion chromosome and 1.4 kb for WT.
II. TM6B, P{ry+t7.2=HZ2.7}3, Sb1 Tb1 ca1
Reference: Paul SM, Ternet M, Salvaterra PM, Beitel GJ.. The Na+/K+
ATPase is required for septate junction function and epithelial tube-size
control in the Drosophila tracheal system. Development. 2003
Constructed by: Greg Beitel and Alex Hirschi
This balancer variant was created by hopping P{HZ2.7} (FBtp0000299) into
TM6B, AntpHu Sb1 e1 Tb1 ca1 (=TM6B-Sb1; FBba0000282) from
Bloomington stock 3619 (brm2 es ca1/TM6B, Sb1 Tb1
ca1). P{HZ2.7} was obtained from Bill McGinnis. The resulting insertion
is P{HZ2.7}3. The balancer short name used at Bloomington will be TM6B,
P{ry+t7.2=HZ2.7}3, Sb1 Tb1 ca1.
III. CyO, P{w+mC=Dfd-EYFP}2
Constructed by: Greg Beitel, ZhiGuo Liang, Stephanie Ray, Marcus Yu and
Heeren Patel
Here is the description provided by Greg Beitel:
'This is a 'direct drive' (i.e. not Gal4/UAS) fluorescent balancer with
strong eYFP expression in the head region visible from stage late 14 and
continuing through adulthood. In late embryos and larva there is expression
in the posterior spiracles and to some extent the denticle belts. The YFP
is easily scorable by compound or dissecting microscope. In adults the
proboscis is scorable. The eYFP can be stained immunohistochemically using
a standard 25 min 4% formaldehyde fix and a the 3E6 mouse anti-GFP
monoclonal (Molecular Probes). The w+ has a variable expressivity, but is
strong enough to be used in screens looking for w- flies.
The dfd-HIYFP transposon was made using the autoregulatory element of the
deformed promotor and contains the 2.7 kb genomic Xba fragment named 'Hz2.7
REV' that had been cloned by Bergson and McGinnis (EMBO vol. 9 1990) into
pBluescript. The Hz2.7REV fragment was excised using NotI/BamHI and
dropped into the NotI/BamHI sites of the pYellow HI-Pelican vector (Beitel
unpublished ; Genbank accession number AY730637) which is derived from the
pGreen H Pelican vector of Barolo et al., Biotechniques vol. 29,
2000). The pYellow HI-Pelican contains eYFP (Clontech) rather than the
original eGFP, and a small intron was added between the transcription
start site and the eYFP coding sequence. The intron was added to test if
splicing would improve expression, but this intron does not appear to
significantly improve expression compared to an intronless
construct (G. Beitel unpublished). The original isolation name of this
line was  dfd::HIYFP4  for those labs that received it prior to it being
contributed to the stock centers.'
P{Dfd-EYFP}2 is the insertion in CyO. The balancer short name used at
Bloomington will be CyO, P{w+mC=Dfd-EYFP}2.
Kevin Cook, Ph.D. Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center
Department of Biology http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu
Jordan Hall 142
Indiana University 812-856-1213
1001 E. Third St. 812-855-2577 (fax)
Bloomington, IN 47405-3700 kcook@XXXX
Associated Information
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Other Information
Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Data From Reference
    Aberrations (3)
    Alleles (7)
    Balancers (4)
    Genes (3)
    Insertions (2)
    Experimental Tools (1)
    Transgenic Constructs (1)