FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center, (1999.2.23). Df(3L)BSC1 and Df(3L)BSC2. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
>From kcook@XXXX Mon Feb 22  20:30:30  1999
Envelope-to: ag24@XXXX
Subject: Df(3L)BSC1 and Df(3L)BSC2
Personal communication from Kevin Cook, Bloomington Drosophila Stock
Center, 2/22/99.
The following describes two new deletions that were generated here at the
Bloomington Stock Center.
Males from the stock
P2106	y* w*; P{w+mC=lacW}Phaj3D4/TM6B, AntpHu Tb1
were given 4000 rads from a cesium source, mated to females from the stock
3607	w1118; TM3, Sb1/CxD
and white eyed progeny were recovered as potential chromosomal deletions.
Two deletions, Df(3L)BSC1 and Df(3L)BSC2, were recovered. They have been
incorporated into the Bloomington collection as stocks
5086	w1118; Df(3L)BSC1/TM3, Sb1
5087	w1118; Df(3L)BSC2/TM3, Sb1
The deletions show the following complementation patterns:
Df(3L)BSC1 complements
kto1			(Stock 3618)
Su(Tpl)10		(Stock 207)
l(3)1191		(Stock P627)
l(3)L3809L3809	(Stock P190)
l(3)0167301673	(Stock P1543)
l(3)L0090L0090	(Obtained from BDGP/Allan Spradling)
Df(3R)rdgC-co2	(Stock 2052)
and fails to complement
Df(3R)kto2		(Stock 3617)
l(3)L1243L1243	(Stock P196)	
Phaj3D4		(Stock P2106)
Df(3L)BSC2		(Stock 5087)
Df(3L)BSC2 complements
l(3)1191		(Stock P627)
l(3)L3809L3809	(Stock P190)
l(3)0167301673	(Stock P1543)
l(3)L0090L0090	(Obtained from BDGP/Allan Spradling)
Df(3R)rdgC-co2	(Stock 2052)
and fails to complement
kto1			(Stock 3618)
Df(3R)kto2		(Stock 3617)
Su(Tpl)10		(Stock 207)
l(3)L1243L1243	(Stock P196)	
Phaj3D4		(Stock P2106)
Df(3L)BSC1		(Stock 5086)
In polytene chromosome squashes, the distal breakpoints were easily
determined, but proximal breakpoints are in a region of poor banding. The
following are my best estimations of breakpoint cytology:
Df(3L)BSC1		076D02- 03:076D05-08 
Df(3L)BSC2		076C;076F02-03
Kevin Cook, Ph.D.		Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center
Department of Biology		kcook@XXXX
Jordan Hall 142		812-855-5782
Indiana University		812-855-2577 (fax)
1001 E. Third St.
Bloomington, IN 47405-3700
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