FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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McKim, K. (1998.3.10). ADRC: 802C. 
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
From rd120@XXXX Tue Mar 10  12:04:32  1998
To: mckim@XXXX
Subject: ADRC: 802C
Dear Hao and Kim,
I am writing in connection with your abstract for the upcoming Washington
'mei-P22 encodes a novel protein required for the initiation of meiotic recombination.'
You mention mapping two genes, mei-P22 and mei-W68 with P insertions.
Could you tell us the symbols for the P insertions in both cases? That way
we can capture the mapping data rigorously for FlyBase. It is nice if we can
keep as many gene records anchored to the map as possible.
Thank you for your help,
with best wishes,
PS: Hao's email address is not in FlyBase, so I'm sending it to both of you
at Kim's address.
From: 'Kim S. McKim' <mckim@XXXX>
To: Rachel Drysdale (Genetics) <rd120@XXXX>
Subject: Re: ADRC: 802C
Dear Rachel,
with regards to your inquiry:
> You mention mapping two genes, mei-P22 and mei-W68 with P insertions.
> Could you tell us the symbols for the P insertions in both cases?
mei-P22 is not mapped relative to any P insertions, it is itself a P
insertion mutation mapping to 65E. We have also genetically mapped
it between ru and h, at approximately map position 21.5.
mei-W68 on the other hand was mapped relative to P insertion
mutations (lethals from the genome project). The genetic order is as
l(2)k09810 [l(2)01103, l(2)k00705, l(2)k16914] mei-W68 l(2)k06323
[l(2)05338, emm].
The genes in brackets are not ordered relative to themselves. Some
of this data is based on physical rather than genetic data. For
example, the insertions 1103, k705, k16914 and k6323 are all on the
P1 clones DS571 and DS7982. The rest of the insertions are not
anywhere on the contig (DS00433)
It has been reported that l(2)05338 is allelic to sm.
Hope this covers the situation.
Truly yours,
Kim S. McKim
Waksman Institute
Rutgers University
190 Frelinghuysen Rd.
Piscataway NJ 08854-8020
908 445-1164
Associated Information
Associated Files
Other Information
Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Data From Reference
    Alleles (1)
    Genes (11)
    Insertions (1)