FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Roote, J. (1997.8.13). l(2)CA61VS
FlyBase ID
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
From eleanor@XXXX Wed Aug 13  08:40:07  1997
Envelope-to: eleanor@XXXX
Delivery-date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997  08:40:07  +0100
To: jr32@XXXX
Subject: l(2)CA61VS
Cc: eleanor@XXXX
From: Eleanor Whitfield (Genetics) <eleanor@XXXX>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997  08:45:17  +0100
Content-Length: 477
Hi John,
Kathy asked for l(2)CA61VS to be entered into FlyBase.
It is a new gene-allele for us and was apparently provided by you in this
b1 esg35Ce-1 pr1 cn1 bw1 l(2)CA61VS/SM5
quote from Kathy:
'which was placed in the Mid-America Stock Center by the Ashburner lab
and is now in the Bloomington collection.'
Is there anything you can tell us about this stock:
phenotype (I know it is lethal but at what stage etc)
From jr32@XXXX Wed Aug 13  11:46:57  1997
Envelope-to: eleanor@XXXX
Delivery-date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997  11:46:57  +0100
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset='us-ascii'
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997  11:51:21  +0000
To: Eleanor Whitfield (Genetics) <eleanor@XXXX>
From: John Roote <jr32@XXXX>
Subject: Re: l(2)CA61VS
Content-Length: 914
Hi Ele,
CA61 is an unmapped gene whose existence is inferred from the lack of
complementation between VS2, VS8 (both esg alleles) and Df(2L)b80k,
Df(2L)b88c25 (neither of which remove esg), i.e. all four stocks are
mutant for CA61.
Df(2L)b80k and Df(2L)b88c25 complement all other esg alleles.
VS2 and VS8 are from the same screen of Pat Simpson.
b80k and b88c25 are from Alexandrov (but 8 years apart).
From eleanor@XXXX Fri Aug 15  08:20:04  1997
Envelope-to: eleanor@XXXX
Delivery-date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997  08:20:04  +0100
To: jr32@XXXX
Subject: l(2)35CcAM7
Cc: eleanor@XXXX
From: Eleanor Whitfield (Genetics) <eleanor@XXXX>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997  08:25:16  +0100
Content-Length: 241
Kathy wrote:
>I have l(2)35CcAM7 in a stock from Bowling Green, to them from the
>Ashburner lab. Perhaps you could get a pc on this one too from JR32.
How about it then John??!!
We have the gene but know nothing about the mutation.
From jr32@XXXX Fri Aug 15  10:09:08  1997
Envelope-to: eleanor@XXXX
Delivery-date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997  10:09:08  +0100
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset='us-ascii'
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997  10:13:45  +0000
To: Eleanor Whitfield (Genetics) <eleanor@XXXX>
From: John Roote <jr32@XXXX>
Subject: Re: l(2)35CcAM7
Content-Length: 423
The stock is rd9.
The existence of 35Cc is inferred from the lethality of rd9. I guess rd9
cannot be both a deletion and a point mutation of 35Cc.
Take your pick!
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    Aberrations (3)
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    Genes (4)