FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Hnf4Δ17
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General Information
D. melanogaster
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Associated gene
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Nature of the Allele
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Progenitor genotype
Caused by aberration

Imprecise excision of P{EP}Hnf4EP2449 generates a 8193bp deletion, removing most of the Hnf4 coding region along with three adjacent genes.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
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Expression Data
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Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
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Detailed Description

Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 larvae exhibit an abundant progenitor pool coupled with the reduction in differentiated cells in the lymph gland primary lobe.

Vast majority of Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 heterozygotes fail to eclose and the rest die as young adults - none survive past post-eclosion day 1 when raised on standard lab diet.

Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 heterozygotes are hyperglycemic and sugar intolerant: the percentage of animals able to eclose as well as the adult life-span is significantly improved by lowering the levels of dietary sugar (the lower the dietary sugar, the better the eclosion and adult survival rates).

Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 heterozygote adults show fragmented mitochondria phenotype in the fat body.

Hnf4Δ17/+ suppresses position effect variegation at the w locus caused by P{SUPor-P}KV00108.

Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 transheterozygous mutants maintained under normal culture conditions progress through development until adult eclosion, when many of the animals die with their head protruding from the pupal case. The remaining mutant adults die within a day of eclosion. Maintaining these mutants at low density under ideal culture conditions however, results in many animals surviving this lethal period and developing into morphologically normal adults. This dependence of Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 mutant lethality on culture conditions suggests that the phenotype arises, at least in part, from metabolic defects due to the nutritional status of the animal. Whereas most control larvae survive for 2 days in the absence of nutrients, almost all Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 mutants succumb during this period. However, Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 mutants retain the ability to survive on a sugar diet.

Levels of glycogen and triglycerides do not change significantly in fed Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 transheterozygotes compared to controls. Starved Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 mutants however, have significantly higher levels of triglycerides compared to starved control larvae. Starvation induced autophagy is induced normally in Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 mutant larvae.

After 1-day of starvation, lipids are effectively cleared from the midgut of control animals and accumulate in the oenocytes. Higher levels of lipids, however, are evident in the midguts of starved Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 mutants compared to starved controls. Slightly elevated lipid levels are seen in the midguts and oenocytes of fed Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 mutants relative to fed controls, suggesting that metabolic dysfunction is also present in the fed state. Fed Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 mutants have essentially normal lipid droplet morphology. These droplets however, appear to aggregate abnormally in starved mutants.

Starved Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 mutants display reproducibly increased levels of free long chain fatty acids compared to controls.

External Data
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Phenotypic Class
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Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions
Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data

Starvation sensitivity of Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 transheterozygotes can be rescued by heat-inducible Hnf4hs.Act.

Wild-type lipid droplet morphology is recovered in starved Hnf4Δ17/Hnf4Δ33 transheterozygotes that express Hnf4Scer\UAS.cPa in the fat body under the control of Scer\GAL4fat.

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