FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\HmrDf
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
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Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
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Imprecise excision of the insertion in Hmr1, resulting in a 600bp deletion (plus a 25bp insertion of non-homologous sequences) that extends from the insertion site towards Hmr and removes the first 95 codons (and first 2bp of the 96th codon) of Hmr.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

HmrDf/HmrDf females show reduced viability and fertility when maintained at 27[o]C.

Hmr2/HmrDf females have significantly reduced fertility compared to controls.

At 28[o]C, homozygous females aged 3-4 days or 9-10 days lay significantly fewer eggs than controls. Eggs laid from 3-4 day old homozygous females also hatch into larvae and produce eclosed adults at lower frequencies than those of control siblings. The eggs laid by the homozygous females are slightly mis-shapen and have shorter chorionic appendages than those laid by controls. The appendages are often fused at their tips, but the spacing at the base appears normal.

HmrDf rescues the lethality of hybrid males derived from a cross of D.melanogaster females to D.simulans males.

HmrDf can fully rescue the viability of hybrid males that are derived from a cross of D.melanogaster females to D.simulans males.

Hybrid males derived from a cross of D. melanogaster females and D. simulans males and rescued by the presence of HmrDf have a near normal proportion of mitotic figures in anaphase/telophase in the larval brain compared to the pure-species controls, but the mitotic index remains somewhat lower than that of the controls in the hybrid males. In addition, chromosome morphology in the brains of rescued hybrid male larvae is often unusually elongated and stringy. Hybrid females derived from a cross of D. melanogaster females and D. simulans males and carrying HmrDf show normal mitotic progression and chromosome condensation in the larval brain.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions
Xenogenetic Interactions

Dsim\LhrT:Ivir\HA1 has little effect on the viability of hybrid HmrDf males (progeny of HmrDf Dsim\LhrT:Ivir\HA1 D. melanogaster females mated to either D. simulans or D. mauritiana males).

LhrT:Ivir\HA1 has little effect on the viability of hybrid HmrDf males (progeny of HmrDf LhrT:Ivir\HA1 D. melanogaster females mated to either D. simulans or D. mauritiana males).

The reduced viability of HmrDf/HmrDf females that is seen at 27[o]C is not rescued by Dsim\Hmr+t8.6 or Dmau\Hmr+t9.4, while the reduced fertility phenotype of HmrDf/HmrDf females is partially complemented by Dsim\Hmr+t8.6 or Dmau\Hmr+t9.4.

The ability of HmrDf to rescue the viability of hybrid males derived from of a cross of D.melanogaster females to D.simulans males or from a cross of D.melanogaster females to D.sechellia males is completely suppressed by Nup98E53.1.

The ability of HmrDf to rescue the viability of hybrid males derived from of a cross of D.melanogaster females to D.mauritiana males is not affected by Nup98E53.1.

Complementation and Rescue Data

HmrT:Zzzz\FLAG suppresses the ability of HmrDf to rescue the lethality of hybrid male progeny of a cross between HmrDf D. melanogaster females to D. simulans males, indicating that HmrT:Zzzz\FLAG is Hmr[+].

HmrT:Ivir\HA1 suppresses the ability of HmrDf to rescue the lethality of hybrid male progeny of a cross between HmrDf D. melanogaster females to D. simulans males, indicating that HmrT:Ivir\HA1 is Hmr[+].

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Name Synonyms
Secondary FlyBase IDs
  • FBab0045117
References (8)