FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Hmr1
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
Key Links
Genomic Maps

Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype
Associated Insertion(s)

No chromosome abnormalities are shown.


A 653bp internally truncated P-element is inserted 32bp 5' of the Hmr gene.

The P-element present on the Hmr1 chromosome is a defective 652bp P-element that is inserted 525bp upstream of the 5' end of CG1628.

This allele may be caused by a P-element insertion, since P-element probes hybridise to the region where Hmr is thought to be located in chromosomes carrying Hmr1.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Hmr1 suppresses hybrid male lethality of hybrid sons of crosses between D.melanogaster females and D.mauritiana males. This hybrid rescue is not suppressed if the hybrids also carry Dsim\Hmr+t8.6 or Dmau\Hmr+t9.4.

Essentially no rescue of fertility is seen in female hybrids derived from a cross of Hmr1 D.melanogaster females mated to D.simulans males.

Hybrid daughters from a cross of D.melanogaster females to D.simulans or D.sechellia males are poorly viable at high temperatures. This female lethality is suppressed by D.melanogaster Hmr1, although rescue is partial at 29oC. Hybrid males from a cross of D.melanogaster females to D.simulans males are not viable. This male lethality is rescued by D.melanogaster Hmr1 at 18oC but not at 27oC. Hybrid males from a cross of D.melanogaster females to D.sechellia males are not viable. D.melanogaster Hmr1 shows low rescue of this male lethality at 18oC and no rescue at higher temperatures. Hybrid daughters (from a cross of D.melanogaster females to D.simulans males) that carry two D.melanogaster X chromosomes are lethal. This lethality is partially suppressed by one copy of D.melanogaster Hmr1. Hybrid daughters (from a cross of D.melanogaster females to D.mauritiana males) that carry two D.melanogaster X chromosomes are lethal. This lethality is not suppressed by one copy of D.melanogaster Hmr1. Hybrid females from a cross of D.simulans females to D.melanogaster males are poorly viable. The lethality of these hybrids (which is embryonic) is rescued by D.simulans Dsim\mhr1. These rescued hybrids also show postembryonic lethality at 25oC. This postembryonic lethality is suppressed by D.melanogaster Hmr1.

Hmr1 rescues D.melanogaster/D.mauritiana hybrid males (derived from a cross of D.melanogaster females to D.mauritiana males) that would normally be inviable. Hmr1 weakly rescues (in some genetic backgrounds) D.melanogaster/D.simulans hybrid males (derived from a cross of D.melanogaster females to D.simulans males) that would normally be inviable.

Hmr1 rescues hybrid males from a cross between D.melanogaster Hmr1 females and D.mauritiana males. The frequency of spontaneous chromosome loss is similar to that seen in a cross between D.melanogaster Hmr+ females and D.mauritiana males. Hmr1 rescues the mitotic chromosome decondensation defect seen in the larval brain neuroblasts of male hybrids produced from a cross between D.melanogaster females and D.mauritiana males.

Hemizygous males, homozygous females and Hmr1/Df(1)HC133 females are indistinguishable from wild-type flies in their appearance, viability and fertility. This allele rescues hybrid males (that would otherwise die) from a cross of D.melanogaster females to either D.simulans, D.mauritiana or D.sechellia males. Hybrid males (produced from a cross between D.melanogaster females and D.mauritiana males) are not rescued by a duplication thought to carry Hmr+ (Dp(1;2)v+75d), so the rescue is considered to be recessive. Inviable female hybrids from crosses of compound-X D.melanogaster females to either D.simulans, D.mauritiana or D.sechellia males are also rescued. This rescue is also recessive, since a compound-X chromosome heterozygous for Hmr1 does not rescue.

Rescues D.melanogaster/simulans hybrid males that would otherwise be inviable. These hybrids are sterile. It has no effect on the low viability of hybrid females from a cross of D.simulans females to D.melanogaster males. Hybrids from crosses of D.melanogaster females to either D.mauritiana or D.sechellia males that would be otherwise inviable are also rescued. The rescue of D.melanogaster/simulans and D.melanogaster/mauritiana males is almost complete at 18oC. The rescue of D.melanogaster/mauritiana males is good at 25oC but not at 29oC. The rescue of D.melanogaster/simulans males is severely depressed at 25oC. Only one third of D.melanogaster/sechellia males survive to adulthood at 18oC. The temperature-sensitive period for hybrid rescue is in the second larval instar.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
NOT suppressed by

Hmr1 has phenotype, non-suppressible by Rab9Dtp72

Hmr1 has phenotype, non-suppressible by CG2124tp72

Hmr1 has phenotype, non-suppressible by Ant2t10.3

Hmr1 has phenotype, non-suppressible by sesB+t10.3

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

Hmr1 suppresses hybrid male lethality of hybrid sons of crosses between D.melanogaster females and D.mauritiana males. This hybrid rescue is not suppressed if the hybrids also carry Dsim\Hmr+t8.6 or Dmau\Hmr+t9.4.

The hybrid male rescue activity of Hmr1 is not suppressed by Rab9Dtp72 or CG2124tp72.

The hybrid rescue by Hmr1 of the male progeny of D.melanogaster females crossed to D.mauritiana males is not suppressed by P{Ant2+sesB+10.3}.

Xenogenetic Interactions

Hybrid Hmr1 males (progeny of Hmr1 Dsim\LhrT:Ivir\HA1 D. melanogaster females mated to D. mauritiana males) carrying Dsim\LhrT:Ivir\HA1 are essentially inviable at room temperature and show strongly reduced viability (compared to hybrid Hmr1 males not carrying Dsim\LhrT:Ivir\HA1) at 18[o]C.

Hybrid Hmr1 males (progeny of Hmr1 LhrT:Ivir\HA1 D. melanogaster females mated to D. mauritiana males) carrying LhrT:Ivir\HA1 show 32-44% viability at room temperature and 52-69% viability at 18[o]C (compared to hybrid Hmr1 males not carrying LhrT:Ivir\HA1).

Hybrid Hmr1 males (progeny of Hmr1 Dsim\Lhr2.T:Ivir\HA1 D. melanogaster females mated to D. mauritiana males) carrying Dsim\Lhr2.T:Ivir\HA1 are fully viable at 18[o]C and have substantially higher viability (138.8-144.3%) at room temperature compared to hybrid Hmr1 male siblings not carrying Dsim\Lhr2.T:Ivir\HA1.

Hybrid Hmr1 males (progeny of Hmr1 Dsim\Lhr2+Cter.T:Ivir\HA1 D. melanogaster females mated to D. mauritiana males) carrying Dsim\Lhr2+Cter.T:Ivir\HA1 are essentially inviable at room temperature and show strongly reduced viability (compared to hybrid Hmr1 males not carrying Dsim\Lhr2+Cter.T:Ivir\HA1) at 18[o]C.

Hybrid Hmr1 males (progeny of Hmr1 Dsim\Lhr2+16aa.T:Ivir\HA1 D. melanogaster females mated to D. mauritiana males) carrying Dsim\Lhr2+16aa.T:Ivir\HA1 are fully viable at room temperature and show 81-84% viability at 18[o]C (compared to hybrid Hmr1 male siblings not carrying Dsim\Lhr2+16aa.T:Ivir\HA1).

Hybrid Hmr1 males (progeny of Hmr1 Dsim\LhrT:Ivir\HA1 D. melanogaster females mated to either D. simulans or D. mauritiana males) carrying Dsim\LhrT:Ivir\HA1 are essentially inviable at room temperature and show strongly reduced viability (compared to hybrid Hmr1 males not carrying Dsim\LhrT:Ivir\HA1) at 18[o]C.

LhrT:Ivir\HA1 reduces the viability of hybrid Hmr1 males (progeny of Hmr1 LhrT:Ivir\HA1 D. melanogaster females mated to either D. simulans or D. mauritiana males).

Rescue of D.simulans-D.melanogaster hybrids by the Hmr1 mutation is suppressed by expression of Dsim\LhrScer\UAS.cBa under the control of Scer\GAL4unspecified.

Complementation and Rescue Data
Rescued by
Not rescued by

Hmr1 is not rescued by Hmrtp73

Images (0)
Stocks (2)
Notes on Origin

Isolated from: Uman', Ukraine population, 1979.


In Hmr1 flies, the Rab9D gene contains five nucleotide changes, which lead to four amino acid substitutions.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (3)
References (19)