FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\vermKG07819
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
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Associated gene
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Nature of the Allele
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Associated Insertion(s)

P{SUPor-P}LCBP1KG07819 is inserted 100bp upstream of the LCBP1 translation start site.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
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Additional Information
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Human Disease Associations
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Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
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Detailed Description

LCBP1KG07819 mutants show expanded and deformed cuticles, associated with a lack of cuticle rigidity.

Stage 16 LCBP1KG07819 mutant embryos display excessive elongation and convolutions of the tracheal dorsal trunks, which become gradually more pronounced in later stages. This defect becomes larger ameliorated in mutants expressing LCBP1Scer\UAS.D in the trachea (under the control of Scer\GAL4btl.PS), suggesting that LCBP1 restricts tube elongation.

Stage 16 LCBP1KG07819 mutant embryos display irregular and elongated tracheal cell shapes compared to wild-type. Wild-type dorsal trunks at stage 16 consist of a homogeneously packed luminal matrix of parallel fibrils. The orientation and assembly of the fibrils is distorted in LCBP1KG07819.

In wild-type, tracheal tubes consist of tightly packed luminal chitin polymers. However, in homozygous LCBP1KG07819 mutants these structures appear diffuse and radially expanded.

Early events of tracheal cuticle assembly, like the apical deposition of the epicuticle layers at early stage 16 are unaffected in LCBP1KG07819 mutants, as is the `ladder' of sepate junctions. However, cuticle abnormalities, such as irregular taenidia, reduced procuticle deposition, and aberrant apical membranes are present at late stage 16.

External Data
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Phenotypic Class
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Enhanced by
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Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

Stage 16 serpe02821 vermKG07819 double mutant embryos show excessively elongated tracheae with long apical cell profiles.

Loss of chitin orientation is seen in the cuticle of serpe02821 vermKG07819 larvae, although layering of the cuticle is not affected.

serpe02821 LCBP1KG07819 double mutants display an enhanced tracheal phenotype. The dorsal trunk begins to elongate excessively at stage 15 and by stage 16 is approximately 40% longer than normal and highly convoluted. Similar effects are observed in other branches including the transverse connective, although the effects are not as pronounced in smaller-caliber branches, such as the dorsal branch. While the apical (inner) cell surfaces are elongated in serpe02821 LCBP1KG07819 mutants the basal (outer) side of tracheal cells does not appear to be similarly elongated and does not follow the tortuous path of the lumen. The tracheal pericellular-diffusion barrier is not compromised in serpe02821 LCBP1KG07819 mutants.

serpe02821 LCBP1KG07819 double mutants exhibit morphological defects in chitin structure, apparent by stage 14, several hours before the elongated-tube phenotype begins to manifest. In contrast to wild-type, in serpe02821 LCBP1KG07819 trachea the fibrous structure of the chitin cylinder is abolished and the surface of the cylinder is irregular. Also, the small gap between the chitin cylinder and the apical surface is absent in serpe02821 LCBP1KG07819 mutants. This double mutant also affects embryo body shape, presumably through altering the structure and rigidity of epidermal cuticle.

The phenotype of hemizygous serpe02821 LCBP1KG07819 embryos (in trans to Df(3L)Exel6135) is indistinguishable from homozygous serpe02821 LCBP1KG07819 embryos. In contrast to the dramatic effects of the mutations on tracheal length and shape, there is little or no effect of the mutations on the diameter of the tubes. The dorsal trunk exhibits its characteristic posterior to anterior taper and is of normal caliber except for slight constrictions that are occasionally observed near dorsal trunk fusion joints.

The tracheal tube phenotypes of kkvs017909 LCBP1KG07819 double mutants are identical to the ones of kkvs017909.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Fails to complement
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