FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Prx2KG05372
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General Information
D. melanogaster
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Nature of the Allele
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Detailed Description

Jafrac1KG05372/Jafrac1KG05372 flies do not show significant differences to controls under exposure to oxidative stress (10mM paraquat).

Germ cells from Jafrac1KG05372 mutant mothers are left outside of the midgut during gastrulation. 73% of embryos from mothers homozygous for Jafrac1KG05372 display this phenotype, with an average of 6 germ cells left outside the midgut per embryo. Jafrac1KG05372/Jafrac1f08066 mutants exhibit an intermediate phenotype between the two alleles.

Jafrac1KG05372 flies exposed to paraquat are less viable compared to wild-type flies, suggesting an increased sensitivity to oxidative stress in the mutant.

Jafrac1KG05372 mutants are homozygous viable and fertile.

Adult Jafrac1KG05372 flies can tolerate dry starvation better than wild-type controls.

Jafrac1KG05372 mutant mothers form a similar number of primordial germline cells (PGC) outside and inside the gut as in heterozygous and wild-type controls, suggesting that Jafrac1 is not required for PGC survival.

Jafrac1KG05372 mutant primordial germline cells that enter the midgut during gastrulation polarize prior to migrating through the midgut epithelium and subsequently move into the mesoderm and reach the somatic gonadal precursors similarly to wild-type or heterozygous controls.

Jafrac1KG05372 mutant primordial germline cells that are left outside the embryo during gastrulation remain there throughout embryogenesis and retain their normal morphology.

There are no obvious differences between Jafrac1KG05372 and wild-type primordial germline cells in protrusion formation at this early stage. Once gastrulation is initiated, Jafrac1KG05372 primordial germline cells are more amoeboid in character and less tightly associated with the soma and each other (compared to wild-type controls), preventing stable cluster formation. As gastrulation proceeds, primordial germline cells that are not close to the center of the invaginating midgut primordium in Jafrac1KG05372 mutant embryos remain in the hindgut or outside the embryo, instead of being clustered within the midgut. Jafrac1KG05372/Jafrac1f08066 mutants exhibit an intermediate phenotype between the two alleles.

Embryos from Jafrac1KG05372 heterozygous mothers exhibit normal primordial germline cell adhesion during gastrulation.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhancer of
Suppressor of
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhancer of

Jafrac1[+]/Prx2KG05372 is an enhancer of germline cell | maternal effect phenotype of shgg317

Jafrac1[+]/Prx2KG05372 is an enhancer of germline cell | maternal effect phenotype of shg2

Jafrac1[+]/Prx2KG05372 is an enhancer of germline cell | maternal effect phenotype of shg373

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

Jafrac1KG05372/Jafrac1KG05372 significantly suppresses the resistance to oxidative stress (increased survival under 10mM paraquat conditions) seen in Urm1n123/Urm1n123 flies.

Embryos from Jafrac1KG05372, shgg317 trans-heterozygous mothers display a significantly enhanced primordial germline cell adherence defect compared to single shgg317 mutants. These mothers produce embryos with an average of 6.2 primordial germline cells left outside of the midgut with 91% of embryos affected.

Embryos from Jafrac1KG05372, shg373 trans-heterozygous mothers display a significantly enhanced primordial germline cell adherence defect compared to single shg373 mutants. These mothers produce embryos with an average of 5.4 primordial germline cells left outside of the midgut with 93% of embryos affected.

Embryos from Jafrac1KG05372, shg2 trans-heterozygous mothers display a statistically insignificant enhancement of the primordial germline cell adherence defect compared to single shg2 mutants. These mothers produce embryos with an average of 0.9 primordial germline cells left outside of the midgut with 26% of embryos affected.

The presence of shgnos.PS in a Jafrac1KG05372 mutant background rescues the Jafrac1KG05372 primordial germline cell adhesion defect to an average of 0.5 primordial germline cells left outside of the midgut with 21% of embryos affected. This result is statistically similar to heterozygous mutant controls with an average of 0.3 primordial germline cells left outside of the midgut with 2% of embryos affected and indicates that shg acts downstream of Jafrac1 in primordial germline cells to regulate their adhesion during gastrulation.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Partially rescued by

Expression of Jafrac1Scer\UAS.cDa in Jafrac1KG05372 mutants under the control of Scer\GAL4nos.PG reduces the penetrance of the primordial germline cell adhesion defect phenotype in Jafrac1KG05372 mutants from 73% of embryos to 8% of embryos, and a reduction in the average number of primordial germline cells left outside the midgut from 6 to 0.4.

Somatic expression of Jafrac1Scer\UAS.cDa under the control of Scer\GAL4nullo.PG does not significantly alter the Jafrac1KG05372 mutant phenotype, with an average of 7.2 PGCs left out of the midgut.

Ubiquitous expression of Jafrac1Scer\UAS.P\T.cDa under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI rescues the paraquat sensitivity found in Jafrac1KG05372 mutants.

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