FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\robo2x135
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General Information
D. melanogaster
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    Deletions of 1-2 kb that removes the first exon of lea, which includes the translation site and the signal sequence.

    Mutations Mapped to the Genome
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    Additional Notes
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    Associated Sequence Data
    DNA sequence
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    Expression Data
    Reporter Expression
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    Reflects expression of
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    Human Disease Associations
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    Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Disease-implicated variant(s)
    Phenotypic Data
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    Phenotype Manifest In
    Detailed Description

    robo2X123/robo2x135 embryos have a mildly disorganised acon scaffold in the central nervous system, but do not show defects in crossing of the midline by EW neurons.

    Mutant embryos do not show transformation of the thoracic dch3 chordotonal organs to a morphology resembling that of abdominal lch5 chordotonal organs.

    The lch5 axons are stalled, most frequently before turning point TP1 but sometimes between turning points TP1 and TP2, in 3% of hemisegments in mutant embryos. Stalling is also seen in dorsal cluster axons in about 1% of thoracic and abdominal hemisegments, but the most common defect in the dorsal cluster axons is projection in aberrant directions in 5-7% of hemisegments. The abnormally projecting axons can project anteriorly, posteriorly or dorsally. The anteriorly or posteriorly projecting axons sometimes rejoin the intersegmental nerve further ventrally. The abnormal trajectories start from the level of the neuron cell bodies, suggesting that the trajectory defects arise from early stages of axon outgrowth. In some cases the entire dorsal cluster fascicle projects in an abnormal direction, while in other cases only a subset of axons is affected. The morphology of the dorsal trunk, transverse connective and dorsal branches is usually normal. The morphology of the tracheal system is normal in hemisegments in which abnormal dorsal axon morphologies occur.

    The ch neuron projections in embryos are generally unaffected. The dbd neuron projection is unchanged.

    Fas2 staining axons in the central nervous system (CNS) exhibit clear mutant phenotypes. Some axons ectopically cross the midline. There is also disorganisation of the longitudinal tracts. This appears as "braiding". Instead of maintaining their parallel alignment the three Fas2 bundles on each side of the CNS cross over and intermittently join with each other on their own side. Segments that show misrouting of axons between bundles on the same side are more common that those that show axons crossing the midline. Con staining axons are often fused into a single group of axons. The overexpression of leaScer\UAS.cSa in all neurons in a leax135 background causes much more severe disruptions in axon pathfinding than in leax135 embryos alone. CNS axons are observed leaving the CNS; some of them return into the CNS several segments later. Motor axons in the periphery cross over segment boreders and ectopically fasciculate, sometimes with axons from several segments away. The medial, intermediate, and lateral Fas2 longitudinal pathways fasciculate together and travel back and forth across the midline repeatedly. This genotype results in a more disorganised axon scaffold than does leaScer\UAS.cSa overexpression in a wild-type background.

    External Data
    Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
    Phenotypic Class
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    Phenotype Manifest In
    Additional Comments
    Genetic Interactions

    35.9% of thoracic segments show transformation of the dch3 chordotonal organs to a morphology resembling that of abdominal lch5 chordotonal organs in robo1 leax135 double mutant embryos. 11.2% of thoracic segments show transformation of the dch3 chordotonal organs to a morphology resembling that of abdominal lch5 chordotonal organs in robo7 leax135 double mutant embryos that are expressing leaScer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155. 16% of thoracic segments show transformation of the dch3 chordotonal organs to a morphology resembling that of abdominal lch5 chordotonal organs in robo7 leax135 double mutant embryos that are expressing leaScer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC under the control of Scer\GAL448Y.

    Embryos homozygous mutant for robounspecified and leax135 show a compressed midline where all the axons approach the midline and cannot leave. The addition of commΔe39 does not effect this phenotype. Embryos heterozygous for leax135/+ and homozygous robounspecified, show ectopic crossing of the medial Fas2 pathway but the medial pathway collapses entirely onto the midline. Embryos heterozygous for robounspecified/+ and homozygous leax135 much more ectopic crossing is seen than in leax135 homozygotes.

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