FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\EcRV559fs
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
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Genomic Maps

Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

37bp deletion starting a nucleotide 2743, resulting in a frameshift within the ligand-binding domain.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes

37 bp deletion starting in codon M559 (with respect to PB).

Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

EcRV559fs/+ flies have reduced amounts of daytime sleep compared to controls. The reduction is greater in females compared to males. Nighttime sleep is increased in both male and female EcRV559fs/+ flies.

Trained heterozygous EcRV559fs mutant males display normal courtship short-term memory in behavioural assays, but are defective in long-term memory. Defects in long-term memory are rescued by feeding heterozygous males the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) during the training period.?

EcRV559fs heterozygous adults live longer and present increased average life-span, as compared to controls; depending on the genetic background, EcRV559fs heterozygous adults also present increased fecundity and fertility, as compared to controls. Developmental time and weight of heterozygous adults is equivalent to control flies, Heterozygous adults show increased resistance to oxidative stress, heat or dry starvation compared to controls. Heterozygous adults are more active than controls (as measured by their performance in a fast phototaxis assay). Age-specific fecundity and fertility are greater in heterozygous adults than in controls.

EcRM554fs/EcRV559fs larvae rescued through the moult to the third instar by repeated heat shocks (resulting in expression of EcRB2.hs) show normal anterior progression of retinal differentiation in the eye discs. Discs are seen in which the furrow has traversed the entire eye field, reaching the antennal boundary (this represents a late stage of eye disc development that is normally only reached following pupariation).

EcRA483T/EcRV559fs animals survive at 22oC, but not at 25oC. EcRA483T/EcRV559fs females raised at 22o and then shifted to 29oC and mated to wild-type males for 2 days show a nearly 100% decrease in fecundity compared to control siblings. EcRA483T/EcRV559fs females raised at 22o and then shifted to 29oC show an excess of mature stage 14 egg chambers and a decrease in the number of vitellogenic egg chambers between stages 7 and 14 relative to control siblings. Ovarioles containing more than one stage 14 egg chambers in the most posterior portions of the ovariole are seen. Defective egg chambers are also seen. Some defective egg chambers contain very few follicle cells, while others have defects that are limited to nurse cell nuclei. Two types of nurse cell defect are seen; an apparent breakdown of the nuclei of stage 8 and 9 egg chambers and nurse cell nuclei that are dramatically smaller than normal (this defect is seen in both previtellogenic and early vitellogenic egg chambers). Ovaries from EcRA483T/EcRV559fs females have severely reduced numbers of mid- (stage 10) and late (stages 11-13) vitellogenic egg chambers compared to controls. Actin rings are disorganised or absent in most mutant EcRA483T/EcRV559fs egg chambers.

Only 2% of EcRM554fs/EcRV559fs animals survive to the first instar stage, and these survivors die as early first instar larvae.

EcRM554fs/EcRV559fs animals which have been rescued to the first larval instar stage by expression of EcRB2.hs during embryogenesis have normal appearance and movement until the end of the first instar stage. If no further heat pulses are given, they arrest as first instar larvae. The arrested larvae survive for 1-2 days. Most rescued larvae arrest with both first and second instar mouth parts and posterior spiracles. Arrested larvae also appear to retain the first instar cuticle as well as the newly formed second instar cuticle.

EcRM554fs/EcRV559fs animals which have been rescued to the second larval instar stage by expression of EcRB2.hs during embryogenesis and the first larval instar stage have normal appearance and movement until the end of the second instar stage. If no further heat pulses are given, they arrest as second instar larvae. Most rescued larvae arrest with duplicated larval cuticle and both second and third instar mouth hooks and posterior spiracles. The arrested larvae survive for 1-2 days.

EcRM554fs/EcRV559fs animals which have been rescued to the third larval instar stage by expression of EcRB2.hs during embryogenesis, first and second larval instar stages appear normal at the beginning of the third instar stage. Progression through the third instar stage is significantly delayed. The mutant larvae generally stop feeding and begin wandering 48-72 hours following the second to third instar moult (wild-type larvae stop feeding and begin wandering 24-36 hours after the previous moult). Most mutant wandering larvae are able to clear their gut of food (as occurs in wild type). Most mutant larvae become stationary within 24-36 hours after beginning wandering (this occurs 12-24 hours after initiation of wandering in wild-type larvae) but retain their larval morphology without outward signs of pupariation. The mutant larvae can initially resume crawling and mouthpart movements if stimulated with a needle ("stage 1b"). Subsequent phenotypes are not seen in wild-type larvae. The larvae become incapable of resuming mouthpart movement or locomotion when stimulated with a needle ("stage 2"). This stage can be divided into three parts. In "stage 2a" the mutant larvae wriggle the posterior portion of the body, although the anterior tip of the larva appears to be fixed to the side of the culture vial. In "stage 2b" the mutant larvae have ceased wriggling but will resume wriggling if stimulated by a needle. At this stage, brown spots that may indicate necrosis begin to appear on the cuticle of some larvae. "Stage 2c" mutant larvae do not resume posterior wriggling when stimulated by a needle. Most stage 2c larvae have brown areas present on the cuticle. Throughout stage 2, mutant larvae continue to show dorsal medial abdominal contraction (ie. heart pumping), which is no longer detectable in wild-type larvae between 1-7 hours after pupariation. "Stage 3" mutants lack any response to stimulation and have ceased dorsal medial abdominal contraction. Necrotic patches of tissue continue to accumulate and the larvae ultimately deteriorate. Imaginal discs from mid-third instar EcRM554fs/EcRV559fs animals which have been rescued to the third larval instar stage by expression of EcRB2.hs during embryogenesis, first and second larval instar stages are indistinguishable from wild type. Leg discs initiate elongation in the mutant larvae but arrest shortly afterwards. The gastric caeca from mid-third instar mutant larvae appears normal and shortening of the gastric caeca is initiated. However, gastric caeca shortening is not completed, and appears to arrest at a stage comparable to 2 hours after pupariation in wild type. The larval salivary glands persist in mutants. The midgut imaginal cells appear normal in mid-third instar mutant larvae, but do not proliferate.

EcRV559fs/EcRM554fs embryos do not hatch.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhancer of
Suppressor of

EcRV559fs/EcR[+] is a suppressor of short lived phenotype of mir-14Δ1

EcRV559fs/EcR[+] is a suppressor of partially lethal phenotype of mir-14Δ1

Phenotype Manifest In
Enhancer of
Suppressor of
Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

EcRV559fs enhances the eye defects caused by co-expression of burScer\UAS.cLa and Usp7Scer\UAS.cKa under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF.

The reduced survival to adulthood and shorter than normal life span of mir-14Δ1 flies is suppressed by one copy of EcRV559fs. The defects in anterior spiracle eversion seen in mir-14Δ1 pupae are almost completely suppressed by one copy of EcRV559fs.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Partially rescued by
Images (0)
Stocks (2)
Notes on Origin
External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (2)
References (15)