FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\comm5
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
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Carried in Construct
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Genomic Maps

Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

900bp deletion of 5' untranslated and transcription start site.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes

900bp deletion of the region upstream of and including the comm transcription start site. Isolated during mobilization of P-elements from a Birm2 ammo chromosome.

Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

comm5 mutant embryos exhibit a commissureless phenotype.

Mitotically recombined neuronal clones homozygous for comm5 cross the ventral midline in 58% of cases, compared to 85% of wild-type instances.

When single comm+ neurectoderm cells are transplanted into dorsocentral positions within the thoracic or abdominal neurectoderm of a comm5 host, 40% of these clones include neurons with contralateral projections, which contrasts with comm5 embryos in which only all such neurons project ipsilaterally. However when comm+ cells are transplanted into comm+ embryos 83% of these neurons project contralaterally. When single comm5 neurectoderm cells are transplanted into dorsocentral positions within the thoracic or abdominal neurectoderm of a comm+ host, contralateral projections are lacking in 69% of clones, compared to just 17% in controls. When the NB3-1 and NB5-6 are examined specifically, only ipsilateral projections ae seen, which contrasts with wild-type where contralateral projections are generated.

Homozygous embryos lack commissural axons.

comm5 embryos (in which the neuromuscular synaptogenesis defects have been specifically rescued, independent of the CNS midline defects, by expression of commScer\UAS.cWa under the control of Scer\GAL4005) do not have commissural tracts. However, several axons can cross the midline. Cells near the midline are laterally dislocated. Cell bodies of the RP3, RP2 and aCC neurons are present in all half-segments examined and are laterally displaced. Axon terminals are present on muscles 6 and 7 in 90% of half-segments, on muscle 12 in 89% of half-segments, muscle 2 in 100% of half-segments and muscle 1 in 95% of half-segments. In 75% of cases in comm5 embryos (in which the neuromuscular synaptogenesis defects have been specifically rescued, independent of the CNS midline defects, by expression of commScer\UAS.cWa under the control of Scer\GAL4005) the RP3 axon innervating muscles 6 and 7 is ipsilateral (has not crossed the midline), in contrast to wild type where the RP3 axon innervating muscles 6 and 7 has always crossed the midline. In the remaining 25% of cases, the RP3 axon innervating muscles 6 and 7 is contralateral (has crossed the midline). Regardless of its midline decision, in all cases the subsequent axon pathways of the RP3 neuron remain the same as in wild-type embryos. 47% of V motorneurons cross the midline in comm5 embryos (in which the neuromuscular synaptogenesis defects have been specifically rescued, independent of the CNS midline defects, by expression of commScer\UAS.cWa under the control of Scer\GAL4005), in contrast to wild-type embryos where they always cross the midline. In all cases, subsequent growth cone guidance accuracy of the V motorneuron is normal. The axon pathway of the aCC neurons is normal in comm5 embryos (in which the neuromuscular synaptogenesis defects have been specifically rescued, independent of the CNS midline defects, by expression of commScer\UAS.cWa under the control of Scer\GAL4005), and no aCC neurons cross the midline, as in wild type.

Muscles appear morphologically normal in homozygous embryos. The axon pathways of the aCC and RP2 motoneurons remain normal both within the central nervous system and periphery until the axons reach near the normal target muscles. The RP3 and RP5 motoneuron axon pathways extend ipsilaterally instead of crossing the midline as in wild-type embryos, however their subsequent pathways both in the central nervous system and periphery are normal until the axons reach near the normal target muscles. The motoneuron growth cones fail to initiate synaptogenesis on contacting their target muscles in homozygous or comm1/comm5 embryos. The axons either stall just short of synaptic targets or they extend beyond the normal stopping points without apparently settling on alternative targets. These phenotypes are seen in the five motoneuron nerve groups (the ISN, SNa, SNb, SNc and SNd).

Both pairs of commissures are missing in all thoracic and abdominal segments. Many commissural growth cones initially extend toward the midline; however they soon retract and join longitudinal pathways without crossing the midline.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by
Enhancer of

comm5/comm[+] is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of elav5

Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by
Suppressed by
Enhancer of

comm5/comm[+] is an enhancer of symmetrical commissure phenotype of elav5

comm5/comm[+] is an enhancer of connective phenotype of elav5

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

elav5 mutants that are heterozygous for comm5 exhibit a comm-like phenotype, whereas comm5/+ embryos display no abnormalities. In elav5; comm5/+ embryos commissures are missing entirely in more than 80% of the neuromeres, indicating that most commissural axons fail to cross the midline in these embryos. The longitudinal tracts frequently adopt a more lateral position (i.e. higher distance from the midline) relative to elav5 embryos.

Commissures are formed in Ptp10D1; comm5 Ptp69D1/comm5 Ptp69D8ex25 triple mutant embryos (in 37% of segments), and in some cases they are as thick as in wild-type embryos.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Partially rescued by

The neuromuscular synaptogenesis defects of comm5 embryos are rescued by expression of commScer\UAS.cWa under the control of Scer\GAL4005.

Images (0)
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Notes on Origin

Isolated during mobilization of P-elements from a Birm2 ammo chromosome.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (2)
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    References (9)