FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Mishra-Gorur, K., Li, D., Ma, X., Yarman, Y., Xue, L., Xu, T. (2019). Spz/Toll-6 signal guides organotropic metastasis in Drosophila.  Dis. Model Mech. 12(10): dmm039727.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
Targeted cell migration plays important roles in developmental biology and disease processes, including in metastasis. Drosophila tumors exhibit traits characteristic of human cancers, providing a powerful model to study developmental and cancer biology. We now find that cells derived from Drosophila eye-disc tumors also display organ-specific metastasis, invading receptive organs but not wing disc. Toll receptors are known to affect innate immunity and the tumor inflammatory microenvironment by modulating the NF-κB pathway. Our RNA interference (RNAi) screen and genetic analyses show that Toll-6 is required for migration and invasion of the tumor cells. Further, receptive organs express Toll ligands [Spätzle (Spz) family molecules], and ectopic Spz expression renders the wing disc receptive to metastasis. Finally, Toll-6 promotes metastasis by activating JNK signaling, a key regulator of cell migration. Hence, we report Toll-6 and Spz as a new pair of guidance molecules mediating organ-specific metastatic behavior and highlight a novel signaling mechanism for Toll-family receptors.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC6826028 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Dis. Model Mech.
    Disease models & mechanisms
    1754-8403 1754-8411
    Data From Reference