FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Kikuchi, K., Nakamura, A., Arata, M., Shi, D., Nakagawa, M., Tanaka, T., Uemura, T., Fujimori, T., Kikuchi, A., Uezu, A., Sakamoto, Y., Nakanishi, H. (2018). Map7/7D1 and Dvl form a feedback loop that facilitates microtubule remodeling and Wnt5a signaling.  EMBO Rep. 19(7): e45471.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
The Wnt signaling pathway can be grouped into two classes, the β-catenin-dependent and β-catenin-independent pathways. Wnt5a signaling through a β-catenin-independent pathway promotes microtubule (MT) remodeling during cell-substrate adhesion, cell migration, and planar cell polarity formation. Although Wnt5a signaling and MT remodeling are known to form an interdependent regulatory loop, the underlying mechanism remains unknown. Here we show that in HeLa cells, the paralogous MT-associated proteins Map7 and Map7D1 (Map7/7D1) form an interdependent regulatory loop with Disheveled, the critical signal transducer in Wnt signaling. Map7/7D1 bind to Disheveled, direct its cortical localization, and facilitate the cortical targeting of MT plus-ends in response to Wnt5a signaling. Wnt5a signaling also promotes Map7/7D1 movement toward MT plus-ends, and depletion of the Kinesin-1 member Kif5b abolishes the Map7/7D1 dynamics and Disheveled localization. Furthermore, Disheveled stabilizes Map7/7D1. Intriguingly, Map7/7D1 and its Drosophila ortholog, Ensconsin show planar-polarized distribution in both mouse and fly epithelia, and Ensconsin influences proper localization of Drosophila Disheveled in pupal wing cells. These results suggest that the role of Map7/7D1/Ensconsin in Disheveled localization is evolutionarily conserved.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC6030700 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
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    Publication Type
    EMBO Rep.
    EMBO Reports
    Publication Year
    1469-221X 1469-3178
    Data From Reference
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